Today’s oldie A&J isn’t so moldy; it’s from 2014. I recently turned in a week of Arlo & Janis that included only one cartoon with more than a few words. I really didn’t notice this until I’d almost finished the batch of six. You’ll know that week when you see it. Most of the strips were like the one above, with only one panel of dialog, if any. I do this more often the longer I’m at this game. I take a bit of pride, because it’s an old saw in the biz that a cartoon which can be understood without words is a “pure” cartoon, while a cartoon which can be understood without the drawing isn’t really a cartoon at all. Perhaps that is a bit extreme. If it literally were true, “Henry” and “The Little King” would be the greatest comic strips ever. However, I get it, but as usual there’s a happy medium. That is one thing that sets a comic strip apart from other forms of cartooning. It is a happy marriage of image and word, a little play within which the two components reinforce one another. I must remember that.

Think “Disco”
By Jimmy Johnson
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220 responses to “Think “Disco””
My cement was just fine, didn’t notice bitterness at all. I was so happy to get my caps done with no anesthesia I think I’d have noticed. My dental assistants are asking me for advice on weight loss and life changes.
What am I going to do with this “feral” cat that races up and drapes himself under my chin and around neck? I feel like a live fur model.
Good night all, he tries to type too. Oh goodness, he has plopped his butt up on the Adventure Dog!
Having made three trips to Walmart today, I must ask. Why do people, especially women forgo any effort at dressing even well enough to visit the city dump? And why are so many so rude, loud, obnoxious and just unpleasant? I can see why employees are nice to me and know me by name, I thank them, am appreciative, treat them politely and care about how they are doing.
When did that stop being how we treated people?
Perhaps when that stopped being taught in the schools. We have a national obesity problem, and what do they do? Drop PE in many schools. We have problems with horrible drivers, and the schools’ answer, drop Driver’s Ed. They teach computer use, but not human relations as it applies to coworkers and the people they meet. I recall in high school and junior high having Civics class, which taught us how our government and society was supposed to work. There were some business classes, to teach you the basics you needed to find and apply for a job. Parents fail to teach manners too, except for the “If you say/do that again, you’re going to get it.”. Of course, they never get it, then or ever, unless someone else manages to teach it to them.
‘When did that stop being how we treated people?’ I expect most Villagers still treat others decently. It often surprises folks, but you then begin to get + responses.
Was the last to lv. the continental bfst. area at the Mpls. H.I.Expr. Sunday morning, and gave a loud ‘Thank you’ to the kitchen help as I left. May have made their day, and cost me nothing. Peace,
If memory serves, whatever remains of the USSR is all run on Moscow time, and that includes 9 time zones! Saw that in a semi-documentary dealing with RRs in the far north of that country.
I’d guess that serves for official stuff spanning distances; perhaps, locally, a more reasonable accommodation is made.
“A dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot.” – Robert A. Heinlein, “Friday”
Unfortunately, I can’t argue that point with Mr. Heinlein.
Mark – it ends up the court system that tries to teach them and that not very well.
The way people come into the store and talk and swear they would not tolerate in
their own home or business.
Read a little book by Eric Sloane:
The Do’s and Don’ts of Yesteryear: A treasury of Early American Folk Wisdom”
It is a compilation of 2 of his earlier works.
Do’s has many hints to do things easier, better or cheaper.
Don’ts has admonitions on how to interact with people – “Manners”. How to be the person
you should be. Some things are a little dated (like do not carry your umbrella horizontally
in a crowd) but most are timeless.
GR6 you may not be able to argue the point – But I can agree with him.
Debbe 😉 You OK, hon?
Jackie may like this one.
Love that song. Should be my theme song. I am the Queen of impossible loves. My late husband was not Richard Gere nor Tom Cruise but he wasn’t that far behind as a real person. He was an extremely attractive man. I still get mail saying so. I loved him anyway.
We won’t even think of today, I am working on being self directed.
On self esteem, I believe caring about your appearance is part of caring about others. If you don’t bother with your appearance you are saying to others you mean so little to me that I won’t even bother with basic cleanliness or covering my body parts, much less being attractive.
Doing my exercises in bed in basic black harem pants and a ivory sleeveless tank. Had I worn it to WM today I would still have been well dressed. I care enough about myself to look good even for me. That is esteem and I think that’s lacking.
Speaking of lacking something…
Good morning Villagers….
Jackie….you are truely an inspiring person. And so right about esteem. There was a time I wouldn’t even think of going out of the house with no makeup on; now, it’s “I don’t care, I’m getting older and tough petunias to anyone who does not like it”. Copping an attitude at 62 🙂
GR 😉 no, I’ve been under the weather for awhile, pollen…..and allergies. Started sneezing when I just read about all the trees above….and I work at a hen house, I could smell it from the road yesterday morning. And I hate this DST switching.
TR…I don’t know, I thought some of the analogies were rather inventive.
Ya’ll have a blessed day…..
Good morning all. Mark called and got me up. It is past 7:30 and still dark out there. The Weather Channel lied to me! Duh. The snakes could be a foot deep out there.
I totally agree with all the comments about personal appearance. I have a real problem with those that don’t care how they look and act. Having been taught by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart at Catholic High, we were not allowed to wear blue jeans and were told that young men do things in blue jeans that they don’t do in dress pants, like khakis. As a result, I have only one pair of blue jeans and rarely wear them. I much prefer dress pants and cargo pants for casual times. Jackie’s idea of being nice to the help at stores is a good one that I try to practice, even when things go wrong. A little kindness goes a long way. If you want to know how a person acts watch how they treat waiters and the like. That observation may save some unfortunate marriages. Blessings and prayers to all who need them or don’t need them.
God bless us every one.
Jackie, more wildlife heading north. Rains down here has the creeks and the Bayou all running high. Possum , racoon, armadillo, and snakes all moving to higher grounds. Seeing fresh road kill every morning. I am sure, some will be crossing the Red River very soon.
Family note: I am back to health. Last night Loon awoke with the GI bug. In some twist of logic, it’s my fault she is sick.
On the daily offering: invite Gene and family for a visit.
Critter migration update: Texas -Louisiana border closed at I10, Sabine River is flooding. Thinking Jackie will need leather hip waders.
Debbe 😉 Good to hear from you, hon.
Ah, yes, #@&%!^* pollen. One of yesterday’s trials and tribulations I failed to mention was that from the evidence covering my car, the area pine trees had begun having sex sometime the previous night.
Must be dentist week, my appointment was this morning. Good check up. No more mention of possible fracture of my bone graft. Yay!
Had to track down a ride as after just dumping $625 on Herbie, he goes terminal in the engine. (Probable cause: thrown rod, full autopsy pending.) *#¥@°¤*!!!!
To all of the allergy sufferers out there, I clutch my tissue box in solidarity with you.
Jerry, Been thinking of you and your mother. Many hugs.
Mark: About the things that schools have dropped, my short response is that you probably shouldn’t blame the schools. I’d say more, and may later, but we’re off to vote.
Doumaican I noticed long, long ago that people from old families and old money treated everyone equallly, politely, graciously and with kindness. It made an impression on me as to what constituted class.
Those with new money or worse yet, NO money, seem to feel that treating others badly elevates them in some way. Not.
Sand, I know they found an alligator in South Oklahoma that crawled from Texas, he had a tag. We may have to close the borders. Poor Deweyville. I used to have a place there I loved to eat.