Obviously, I’m limping along in June, but I appreciate you checking back. I know you did, or you wouldn’t be reading this. We haven’t had an old cat cartoon in a while, have we? I hear from a lot of Ludwig lovers that he is the most realistic cat in the funnies. I take pride in that. However, we all know he’s really a cartoon character and is allowed to stray. I think Ludwig earned his reputation, because the cat humor in the strip usually isn’t. Cat humor, I mean. He primarily serves as a foil for the humans; the best cat humor—in my opinion—is about how the humans perceive and relate to their feline pet, and that seems very real, because we all behave similarly.

Two Cats Walk in a Bar…
By Jimmy Johnson
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101 responses to “Two Cats Walk in a Bar…”
Dear Jackie Monies, I worried all weekend, figured you were at the hospital and hoped all was well. You sure had your problems, with the lost car keys on top of Mike’s condition! I am glad you are home okay, also glad you have some help at home. The story about the three cats and the dog and your sleeping helper was funny!
Mindy from Indy, I was very touched by your story of the answering machine message, or greeting. Good that you were able to save it. One of my many regrets is never having recorded my parents’ voices. They died in the mid 1970’s and we didn’t have a tape recorder then … they existed but Chris and I felt they were too expensive. Don’t I wish we had got one anyway … would doubtless have “interviewed” them and would now have their precious voices AND some of the stories and facts about their lives that I’ve now forgotten.
I do have lots of snapshots, well cared for, so that is good. Later on, we did get a tape recorder and I DID interview some dear friends and relatives, so I feel good about that. Dear Villagers, be sure to videotape, or whatever device you use, your dear ones right now, before it is too late!
Dear Jackie, the virgin thing is all part of an elaborate joke, which Ghost can tell you more about. No suggestion of actual religion was intended, I think.
Some people love snarky, others have no use for it.
Nope, this kind of PJ. Kind of like a doctor who makes house calls (anytime, anywhere) and can kick the door in to get to you to provide care if necessary.
I know there has been some supposition that Virgin Mindy is actually a “faux vierge”, but I would never presume to assume a lady is other than what she represents herself to be. Without firsthand knowledge, that is.
Ghost, a lot of our friends are retired military. One seems to have flown with Air Force special forces because they got people out but also seemed to have put them down too. They don’t talk much.
Another was Army helicopter trainer and also flew NATO assignments a lot. I guess that is instructor for pilots!
We have friends ex-Seals, ex-Coasties, ex-submariners, most are retired after a LONG service. People who were rescue swimmers, Black Op guys. There is something about the kind of boating we do that attracts these kind of guys. We aren’t yacht club socialites!
Although one of my favorites is the retired chaplain who taught the Air Force chaplains at the AF Academy. He is a wonderful man and has had a fascinating life.
Love, Jackie Monies
Meanwhile, there are two cats in a bar. Suspense is killing. What is their tail?
Just got caught up on yesterday’s comments.
Jackie — Many prayers for you, Mike and the rest of the family. It seems that you have a strong support system, and that is so important. And, of course, we in the Village support you also. Long-distance hugs…
Loon, it is just a title. No joke.
Came across this article in The Guardian on source of everyday words. Know some in the Village might enjoy a perusal.
Old cat cartoon?
I was unaware that Luddie is in his dotage.
Jackie, I know a retired full bird AF JAG who taught Aerospace Law at the Academy. Wouldn’t be surprised if he and the chaplain knew each other. And a light colonel who was a Jolly Green pilot in Nam who flew PJs in for rescue missions. Shot down but survived to fly another day.
Two cats walk into a bar. Third cat says, “Wow, man, that must have like hurt.”
I like this one, too.
Remember recently when Ludwig is having trouble climbing onto the sofa? And Arlo says he and Janis aren’t only ones getting up in years? And Janis hugs Luddie and starts crying?
I do NOT think JJ should even consider aging Luddie in real time!
Wish I could think up a clever line for those two cats!
Love, Jackie Monies
Here’s a virtuoso:
Here’s a one cat joke…
Schrödinger’s cat walks into a bar. And doesn’t walk into a bar.
Heisenberg’s cat, Entanglement, is either in the room or asleep. But she is never asleep in the room.
English cannot hold a candle to the German language when it comes to “portmanteau words”. Anytime the Germans need a new word they stick together two, three or four existing words.
Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän” for “Danube steamship company captain” comes to mind.
Physik von Katzen
I rather like the New Year’s Eve strips wherein Loody talks to Arlo.
Also, cats can’t change light bulbs because they don’t have opposable thumbs, something I’m quite thankful for on occasion. If they did I’m positive several of my cats would have taken over the world by now.
Ghost, my youngest uncle, who is several years older than me, learned to fly fixed wing aircraft while he was in high school. After college he joined the Army and learned to fly helicopters (“we’re gonna help you unlearn all your bad habits”) and flew Hueys in Viet Nam. He retired several years ago as a full Colonel.
Virgin Mindy, with all due respect, Sweetie, blow it out your barracks bag!
Trapper Jean, we had a huge mackerel tabby named Alf that could open doors, used his paws like hands. We saw him do it so we knew it was him. We “cat sat” him while daughter’s friend was living in Hawaii I think, fell in love with him and never gave him back. Custody of Alf with daughter was issue, we all adored him. His ashes are on her mantel and she will probably bury him with me.
We have a gray long hair Ashes right now that is not as good as Alf but is pretty good at opening plantation shutters, any kind of cabinet, doors. He is the one my New Zealand friend dubbed “Ashes the World Famous Boat Building Cat” and has been in magazine articles, websites, etc. Mainly because he is so fastidiously neat and never gets in glue or epoxy.
Love, Jackie Monies
Yep, there’s some of that military influence, Jean. 🙂
Jackie, I believe I saw a picture of Ashes on one of your boaty blogs. Like me, a handsome animal. 🙂
Ghost, it was such a disappointment to all my boaty friends when they found out the Playboy Bunny had gotten old. One of my friends who is my editor (one) knew and he told another one, you know how hard it is to keep a secret!
So my good friend in NZ sent me a photo of a boater out there who had been a centerfold and she didn’t look any better. He said she had a great sense of humor about it. I said I still looked at least like a cougar until the steroids and Oklahoma got me!
Ashes looks way better than me.
Love, Jackie Monies
I still bet you’re a more interesting person now, Jackie. Not that you were ever dull, of course.
What I’d really like to hear, sometime when you’re in the mood, are the details of “the photo shoot”. 😉