Obviously, I’m limping along in June, but I appreciate you checking back. I know you did, or you wouldn’t be reading this. We haven’t had an old cat cartoon in a while, have we? I hear from a lot of Ludwig lovers that he is the most realistic cat in the funnies. I take pride in that. However, we all know he’s really a cartoon character and is allowed to stray. I think Ludwig earned his reputation, because the cat humor in the strip usually isn’t. Cat humor, I mean. He primarily serves as a foil for the humans; the best cat humor—in my opinion—is about how the humans perceive and relate to their feline pet, and that seems very real, because we all behave similarly.

Two Cats Walk in a Bar…
By Jimmy Johnson
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101 responses to “Two Cats Walk in a Bar…”
Debbe 😉
made costume…
blog topic…
Good morning Villagers……
I love all the cat stories above and in the strips…like I’ve said, I’ll put my money on a T-shirt with an A&J logo with a pic of Ludwig. The fact that the colorists decided to color him purple interest me….any ideas guys, why purple?
I too have had cats open cabinet doors, and if I left a loaf of bread on the counter top, one of my females would chew through the plastic and eat the bread. When I fix lunches, my big, black and white tom (Buddee) circles around me ‘meowing’ until I throw him a sliver of what I’m sandwiching. (Hey, spell check didn’t underline sandwiching! And I thought I had a new word.)
Jean, I like those New Year’s Eve strips too.
Going in early….gets too hot by one o’clock….and the cooler room’s refrigerator is broke. So I googled the storage recomendations….seems if you do not wash eggs, you can keep them on the counter for days. There is a thin layer that is secreted by the hen as she lays the egg, I’ve seen them ‘wet’ with this secretion. It is called a bloom, and puts a barrier between the pores of the egg, and the “outside” world of bacteria and all. I never wash the eggs I bring home because I knew of this layer, but I did not know that they could stay at room temperature for days…..
GR 😉 I never understood the logic of Schrödinger’s cat…and I’ve googled it. Gosh, so many synapses not firing….Jackie, I envy your memory.
Ya’ll have a blessed day
A cat’s courage:
This is a better link and shows the cat’s expressions:
Such eyes…..
Too much cat this am (6/18) Retro and daily A&J
Never enough cat:
this is way too funny to not click on:
Schrödinger joke – best one! Wish I’d thought of it.
Call me blonde, but I still don’t get it:
Debbe 😉 You’re a blonde. 🙂
Whatever you do, hon, do not google “string theory”.
BTW, “both dead and alive” also describes the state of many people every morning at the moment when their alarm clock goes off.
OMG, no string theory this early in the day. Barely able to function in 2.5 dimensions before coffee.
Loon is dead most mornings until the spirit enters, that is me making like a DI. She can go back to sleep so easily. Plus the one cat is an enabler, he just curls up with her.
I listened to a friend explain string theory once and understood it for about a minute, then it was gone. I also sort of get the theory of Schrödinger’s cat unless I try to think about it.
Just because I may be up and moving around of a morning do not make the mistake of thinking I am alive and functioning at full capacity. There must be ingestion of caffeine before that happens. 😉
Debbe – Interesting info about keeping eggs at room temperature. Did your source happen to mention what is considered “room temperature”? Disagreements on what that should be go beyond the stereotypical “thermostat wars”. For example, we’ve always been told that red wines should be served at room temp but that turns out to be the temps that would be found in the French chateaux where they originated – considerably cooler than my usual room in Florida and the reason I prefer reds slightly chilled.
I’ve also heard eggs keep longer if left in their cartons when refrigerated, rather than putting them in an open tray or door holder or some such. Have no idea if that is true, but if that helps protect the bloom that protects the egg, perhaps so.
And yes, Ruth Anne, I’ve been told that “room temperature” for wines is 55 degrees F. I’ve also noticed that 55 degrees is the highest thermostat setting for many home wine coolers.
Dearest Virgin, do you have updated stats for us? They must have changed greatly since daylight today. 🙂
Virgin stats = raw data;-)
When people go on long ocean cruises they pack the eggs in the bottom of boat where it is cool to make them last longer. Along with 40 heads of cabbage in the bilge and a lot of dried beans. I will explain that one later when I have more time!
On way to funeral, so far so good. Got flowers ordered and clean clothes for all. Mike’s kidney stint is this morning and he insisted we go to funeral, he loved my aunt. We must have traveled at least 100,000 miles together.
Mike once drove her and my mom 800 miles out of way on “detour” because they had told everyone they were going to see Niagara Falls and we were over in Calgary, no where near the Canadian falls! Their geography was weak!
Love, Jackie Monies
Jimmy appears to be running late again today. I’ve seen blogs that grind to a halt when the proprietor doesn’t show up to set the daily agenda. That seems to seldom happen here. (So, shouldn’t the “l” in “seldom” be silent, too?)
Jackie, did you go on to Banff and see the falls up that way? Beautiful. And there’s another …something about a horse….. aaaagh, the cousins would know. But they’re there rather than here…..
And how would “Selman” be pronounced?
Jackie: You have probably said, but I cannot remember… Where IS your Oklahoma Boating Festival?
GR6: Your picture shows four guys with guns, a helicopter, and a flat board with holes in it. Nothing on http://www.acronymfinder.com/PJ.html seems to apply here.
#28 and #29 down the list, Ed…”ParaJumper/Pararescueman” or “Pararescue Jumper”.