My grandmother, who lived with us when I was growing up, actually would ask me this. Of course, it sounded idiotic and embarrassing to me then, but now that I think back it was a more interesting and probably more accurate term than “dating.”

What’s In a Name?
By Jimmy Johnson
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264 responses to “What’s In a Name?”
We’re a lot tougher than we sound and our feelings will survive so you don’t have to leave on our account, Heck, I’ve been known to skip over much longer posts than yours. I’m one of the reasons why the longtime clerk of the circuit court in Escambia county is now collecting a pension so I have a reason for saying I don’t need legal advice but thanks anyway. If a legal confrontation with my brother becomes unavoidable then so be it, but I think that I have the bases covered for now. Who is on first and I don’t know is catching naturally.
We welcomed Lukas Harrison into the world at 3:42 PM yesterday. He was 7 lbs 1 oz and 20 ½ inches long. My son said that they would call him Luke.
So now I can say, in my greatest James Earl Jones voice, Luuuke, I am your Grandfaaaather!
Mother, Father and son are all doing well. Exhausted, but well!
Steve from Royal Oak, MI, that is great news. Congratulations to all of you.
Debbe, hang in there, hon. We love you!
emb: Regarding the painting… I do believe the lad is being punished by having to drag/carry that stone with him for the rest of the school day. He’s weeping and the teacher is holding a cane with which the lad may already have been spanked.
Debbe I cannot imagine doing once what you do every day. You are a brave, courageous woman and those two words are not the same.
Steve congratulations.
Kids have gone to pick up two more altered cats, males I think. We have two more caught and I am waiting on call from back up vet. We have overwhelmed my normal vet.
There is also a TV commercial for a gym that is for “normal people.” In a prospective client’s memory, the key to the bathroom/locker room at a body-building gym is a giant millstone on a rope. The point of the ad is, “we aren’t a typical gym.”
Steve – Congratulations to your family.
PSA: About to be very sad and weepy here, so skip now if you wish. I’ll be brief.
Tomorrow marks two years since mom’s passing. It could have been an hour ago. I still am surprised how often I flash back to her final moments. She always made me so crazy, and so angry. And yet…
Even though the nurse said she was gone, and she was no longer hooked up to any machines, some residual reflex kept her gasping for air. I had no idea the body would keep fighting for so long after it was given the word to stop. A tiny voice somewhere around my heart kept screaming, “Stop! I take it back!,” but I remained silent. I watched her slow, like a music box winding down, until she stopped. I owed her that much. I also stood alone and watched them close and lock the casket. I owed her that too. I am so much my mother’s daughter.
Sleep will be long in coming tonight.
Mindy darling, if you need to talk to someone tonight you can write me on messenger on Facebook. Last year was my trial by fire, like I hadn’t had enough? I will listen, you can cry, I’ll listen. Love.
Best view i have ever seen !
Best view i have ever seen !
Best view i have ever seen !
Best view i have ever seen !
Best view i have ever seen !