My grandmother, who lived with us when I was growing up, actually would ask me this. Of course, it sounded idiotic and embarrassing to me then, but now that I think back it was a more interesting and probably more accurate term than “dating.”

What’s In a Name?
By Jimmy Johnson
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264 responses to “What’s In a Name?”
Reposted from earlier this morn.
Every time I’ve looked at this MDNR site lately, there’s been a bird hunkered down on the nest. Egg[s] already? Peace, emb
MDNR friend informs me an egg was laid Mon. 25 Jan. / posts on her site.
No egg yet at Decorah, , nor at the Baltimore peregrine site. Peace, emb
“You can’t start a fire without a spark.”
“Dancing in the Dark” – Bruce Springsteen
Curses on the poster of the MN eagle site. I’m hooked and suffering anxiety attacks whenever the egg is left alone for more than five minutes. Hatch day should be 29 Feb if emb correct about when it was laid. Eggs are laid about three days apart so may have another one soon.
OF fog city. Can’t even see the geyser. Peace, emb
Sparking? Haven’t heard that for a while, just try putting an accurate definition to that. Today’s A&J certainly generated a lot of responses to where to set a thermostat, didn’t see any votes for a programmable thermostat yet, that is what I use. Need to reprogram it, haven’t reset it since it was installed 8 years ago.
An added thought, maybe more sparking will let you turn the thermostat lower.
I had to look up “Sparking”. Urban Dictionary says this:
Having relations which constitute an extra-marital affair, which may hold consequences such as a “really uncomfortable news conference”.
Doesn’t really sound like “date” to me. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Well, you don’t want to ask Urban Dictionary unless you want the more vulgar usages. Near the bottom of’s entry is the use Granny would have had in mind, though maybe with more “spooning” than “woo” conjures up in the modern mind (but less than Urban Dictionary would probably think of if they were talking about spooning).
my fifteen seconds of fame. – I was at a Houston Museum of Natural Science volunteer opportunity fair, where each of us volunteers find out about all the other happenings we may not be aware of. I got shanghaied into a mission to Mars. I wanted to have more coffee and cookies but I’m glad I went. at :54 I’m in the back middle, at 1:44 I’m standing up in the middle and on the monitor at 2:27 I’m in the top right, near the beetles and gecko while we had an emergency air leak and four minutes of air left.
aah, dating, been with several woman, I always have to find out slowly if they’re more NPR & NYTimes (we can still be friends ) or American Spectator & Limbaugh (where do you want to go next week?)
The online “free dictionary” seems to be more complete in its offerings of definitions of “spark” and includes the one I always heard, which was “to court”.
That is the first time I have heard of sparking equated with an extra marital affair, usually is was indeed understood as courting or wooing. It might escalate to hugging and kissing, but that was the most it ever got to, and even that could be frowned on. At least by the grannies.
10 min. ago there was 1 egg and no incubator, but now an eagle is back, just settled in on the egg. During incubation, typically, extra blood is shunted into a bare patch on the chest, which gets hot and itchy, stimulating the adult to get that patch against the smooth, cooler egg, thus comforting the itch. Though birds commonly look uniformly covered with feathers, most of the contour feathers come in tracts with bare spaces between. Penguins and other water birds may differ. Peace, emb
John,RTX: on dating, lesson well learned no matter which side. If you find a person rounded enough to discuss why NYT and AmSpec are both wrong at times and here’s why — while listening to NPR music programming over a glass of wine (or whiskey), DO NOT let her have six days to think about how nerdy you are, and fall for that athletic type that’s not as shy. Nail down a date for tomorrow night. I hadn’t figured this out before 24 years old, and missed out.
Ursen said it too, but: I think ‘sparking’ is just parking with electricity. So the age of the person saying it is young enough that teenagers could take the car, but old enough that the hippies weren’t calling it ‘chemistry’ yet. Reading in any thing more graphic says more about the listener than the speaker.
Saying the alphabet is hard for any toddler… wait for the “W”!
Two eggs now and a half-eaten fish.
Here’s an embarrassing admission but I once looked up something on Urban Dictionary which I.had never heard of before arriving in the Village. I looked up Ghost Rider 6 and got such a shock I never looked again. I did however still speak your our zghost.
For me, “sparking” when I was growing up was related to Wintergreen LifeSavers. If it is really dark, it is possible to see them spark when they are crushed between someone’s teeth. Of course, it had to be REALLY dark, and you had to be very close to the person with the LifeSaver (who incidentally, had really fresh breath). What happened after that is left to conjecture. However, sparking frequently occurred down at the lake shore, while observing the summertime submarine races…
There is actual science behind the effect…
Oh David, you just confirmed for me again how I did not understand just how big a nerd I was. I was taught the piezo (?) effect, and thought it was really cool. That’s awesome, I can’t wait to share this with friends. But… it never occurred to me to use it as a prelude to a kiss.
I’m really glad eventually things worked out. It’s just now and then, it dawns on me, another lost opportunity. How was I so dense?
It never occurred to me to use “science” to get girls interested in me. I was too busy with my labs, symphonic/marching band, choir, etc., to worry about girls as a high schooler. And a good male friend and I decided with just lie to our pushy moms about having dates and just go bowling. That changed my senior year when a certain gal from another school set her sights on me. I never felt any guilt over “dumping” Stan for Merrie!
Trucker: As you know, that happened to me at Cornell U. Actually, we’d each set our sights on the other, but I didn’t know until well into our marriage. Best thing that ever happened.
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Peace, emb
Re “sparking” in the Urban Dictionary: One must remember that UD is “crowd-sourced” and that many in that “crowd” are as bad as the worst of those to be found on TDS…and some of them are even worse than that.
Jackie, I’m not sure I followed your comment (HAL seemed to employ some interesting sentence structure for you), but as far as I know there is no definition for “Ghost Rider 6” at UD. Which, I suppose, means I could enter one.
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Ghost, any relation between this craft and your handle?
Ghost I typed in Ghost Rider without being on site two seconds ago and it came up on Urban Dictionary but it seemed like same definition. It was about sex. I didn’t read it this time but try it. It’s a miracle I didn’t stop right there two years ago.
I am exhausted. Had to drive long round trip to primary physician appointment, do same thing tomorrow for another. Autoimmune battalion attacking anything it can find. Makes me wish I had a son. Lady at zhobby Lobby suggested my grandson come stay with me.. I said he was 3.5 years old and just out of diapers.