A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Work in Progress

By Jimmy Johnson

This A&J strip from 2015 is about as close as I come to office humor these days. Actually, I did a lot of office humor starting out, when the dysfunctions and inanities of the communal workplace still were fresh to me and those around me. I was doing office humor when Scott Adams worked for the phone company. I will admit, though, many of the experiences upon which I drew have been exorcised by time, and today I feel neither inclined nor qualified to comment on “the office.” Besides, working or not, I think most of us the age of Arlo and Janis find our lives centering more around relationships and home and less around career. Remember careers? When I started in 1985, there were no “jobs,” only “careers,” and I think it’s safe to say Arlo and Janis both considered themselves on a career track. Well, that little fad went off the rails long ago, and many of us count ourselves lucky to have any kind of “job.” So, do Arlo and Janis still have jobs? Are they retired? To be continued.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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186 responses to “Work in Progress”

  1. Ghost Avatar

    Seems as though May 5th would have been the perfect day to stage an MMA match between Diego Sanchez and Cheick Kongo, to see if the Mexican guy could beat up the French guy.

  2. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Symply, I also breathed a sigh of relief when the peace treaty was signed and our part in the conflict of the day ended. I was born in 1955 and 1973 was my graduation year. Then I went ahead and enlisted in the Navy after high school anyway!

    I was in 2 elementary schools, 3 junior highs, and 2 high schools due to my family moving around. So I never truly fit in either. When senior class activities started before graduation I went to the senior dinner but skipped the prom as I had no one I could ask.

    Went to one class reunion, 20th I think it was. I was recognized by most folks I had known, but rarely knew anyone myself on sight.

  3. emb Avatar

    I am worried that a different French guy, who has just been hacked, may get beaten. Peace,

  4. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone:

    Thanks for the correction about the last of the draft?

    See what I mean about not remembering things as they actually were?

  5. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    Call me a nativist, but I don’t believe in celebrating another country’s minor holiday.

    You’re right – it’s a manufactured holiday.

    Yeah, I’m a curmudgeon and proud of it.

  6. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    Perhaps my memory is wrong again, but I thought that the college deferment was gone for us.

    Do you think that the technician might have deliberately fudged the results so that you would have no chance of going to Nam?

    Back then, I heard rumors of such things happening.

  7. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear


    I agree Ellis Island is worth the trip. Fathers parents came through –
    more than once. Dad did too though he was born here ( came with my grandmother)

    Went to 25th HS reunion got pictures of 50th – Class has a website so can see old people
    OR the pictures of how I remember them.

    Have not gone to any College Home Comings – Every Memorial Day weekend 6 college friend
    couples get together as we have for 40+ years. First it was picnics with the kids – then when they were too old to put up with that it was restaurants, now it is cookouts. Not really a reunion
    because we get together for wedding, funerals, and just because.

    I was in Army for Berlin Wall & “Cuber”

    May 5th is Poppy Day.

    GM Debbe


    Rock it is NOT a Mexican holiday.

    It is an AMERICAN gringo advertising promotion.

    They do not celebrate it in.Mexico!.

  9. TruckerRon Avatar

    Rick, you may be right about the deferment being dropped… but I don’t remember anyone being drafted away from my college.

    As for the technician, he was really angry about my hearing test (“No one can hear every sound on that tape!). If anything, he’d have wanted me in the war and not spending the next 2 years in ROTC.

  10. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…..

    Good grief, it’s raining again…Dad will not be happy. Should end by noon, then I’ll take him around town, maybe drive to Montgomery and go to the new $ General store ๐Ÿ™‚ Need cat food.

    It took all day Wednesday to deep clean this laptop. She’s running good, got my bookmarks back and checked my email.

    Checking the odds at Derby….my long shot is back up to 30 to 1. Tapwrit is 20-1 and is a gray horse…I always bet on gray horses ๐Ÿ™‚

    My sister sent this pic of my niece’s Derby hat….it is so cute:


    Hear Dad stirring….

    Miss Charlotte, thank you for sharing a treasured memory…made me smile. Stay dry, my friend!

  11. emb Avatar

    I realize some of you do not care for 9CL. If that shoe fits, please do not click on today’s, which I think is hilarious. Background: Amos has been whispering his usual sweet nothings in Edda’s ear, back in 7th gr.



  12. Llee Avatar

    emb, Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d not seen 9CL for a while and I quite enjoyed catching up.

  13. emb Avatar

    Llee: I go through gocomics every day for my fix / 17-20 comics [the extra 3 are Mon., when The Bemidji Pioneer doesn’t publish]. There are bothersome reminders to get rid of my ad blockers [but no way to do it], but those pass, and it goes quickly enough. Have to use a different source for Dustin, one of the better new strips. Peace,

  14. emb Avatar

    P.S. Once there, I scroll down to the A-Z listing, first stop A&J.

  15. Debbe Avatar

    My first stop is A&J, Breaking Cat News, Calvin & Hobbes, Peanuts and BC….then on to here.

  16. Debbe Avatar


  17. Debbe Avatar

    whew…thought I was having ‘stinking’ word press issues again……

  18. Debbe Avatar

    yesterday’s BCN was hysterical…..and when JJ adds Luddie to the daily strip, I get double the pleasure…


  19. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Morning Three:

    Believe in non-contradictory contradictions.

    Ever notice that trapsettests never become Trappists?

    Chili con carne: chili with beans. Chile con carnie: chili with a carnival worker. Chili con carnage: chili with mangled roadkill.

    (Yeah, I know that last one is pretty juvenile. However, I wrote it for a bunch of juveniles. They liked it. Gotta know your audience.)

  20. emb Avatar

    Let’s not disparage selected roadkill. Grad students have to eat, too. Peace,

  21. Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone Avatar
    Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone

    @ Rick and Trucker,

    I had dropped out my 2nd semester freshman year due to some chemical issues(my room mate kept feeding me them at dawn; made studying very difficult) and had lost my deferment, there was a lot of Fargone scrambling to get me Symply re enrolled, I was out of the country when the draft ended(not my doing but some shrewd parents;I had not realized what that box with RAN SEQ NO meant yet….duh!) That was an amazing summer though…..

  22. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    We “celebrated” Cinco de Mayo last night with some very good German food. It’s the last we’ll get for a while as the owners have closed the restaurant for the month to go back to Germany to visit family.

    Today is Nude Gardening Day, and the sun is shining here, but I don’t think I’ll be joining in. For one thing, it is quite windy and thus chilly, and for another I sunburn easily. No nude gardening for me.


    Just got out of bed finally and looking for somewhere that does breakfast all day. The kitchen does but somehow there are remains of Cinco De Mayo in kitchen on counters. We didn’t have nachos.

    Finally got to use that powerful new blender.

  24. Morphy Avatar

    I think a lot of the cultural celebrations depend highly on how inclusive/receptive/prone to sharing the originating culture is to others. My views are always subject to my possibly flawed learning.

    Bavarian people seem to take Oktoberfest very seriously, and are thrilled to have it emulated abroad; despite Germanic people having a humorless, unfriendly reputation. A few generations back, Patrick was a minor saint and even the Irish gave his day barely a nod. But when raising funds for your ongoing rebellion is helped along by a drunken celebration, you get on board. And it didn’t take them long to decide it was good for hosting tourism to the island as well.

    I am less familiar with Asian culture, but observe that Chinese communities, both at home and abroad, will drum up a paper dragon parade with accompanying ‘splodey’ things for any number of reasons. Not the least of which is tourism dollars.

    Individual people can choose to host or participate with a smile or a scowl. I just like the craic. Is burgoo rinsed with juleps considered appropriation? Hope not. Actually, I guess I do not care if it is. I enjoyed it when I had it. And it was served with a smile. Even though I was nowhere near Louisville.