A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Work in Progress

By Jimmy Johnson

This A&J strip from 2015 is about as close as I come to office humor these days. Actually, I did a lot of office humor starting out, when the dysfunctions and inanities of the communal workplace still were fresh to me and those around me. I was doing office humor when Scott Adams worked for the phone company. I will admit, though, many of the experiences upon which I drew have been exorcised by time, and today I feel neither inclined nor qualified to comment on “the office.” Besides, working or not, I think most of us the age of Arlo and Janis find our lives centering more around relationships and home and less around career. Remember careers? When I started in 1985, there were no “jobs,” only “careers,” and I think it’s safe to say Arlo and Janis both considered themselves on a career track. Well, that little fad went off the rails long ago, and many of us count ourselves lucky to have any kind of “job.” So, do Arlo and Janis still have jobs? Are they retired? To be continued.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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186 responses to “Work in Progress”

  1. Debbe Avatar

    Dad decided to lay back down…

    ….you’re gonna love this: https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9031663872/hDED25147/

  2. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    Hi Debbe our comments crossed. All things good your way. That’s great.I’ll be getting ready for church soon.vely Sunday.

  3. Debbe Avatar

    ……thank you Laura

    then there is this one too 🙂 https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9031851776/hBBD08896/

  4. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    Debbe, I just love those cat chzbgrs . This one was excellent.

  5. Debbe Avatar

    Say a prayer for me Laura 🙂 Taking Dad on a long curise, think I hit the highway that goes into French Lick….Yes, there really is a town in SIN named French Lick…they have a casino there, never been there, no intention of going either the casino that is.

  6. emb Avatar

    S 170506, 1929 hrs, laptop. Power went out about 1845. Laptop battery is good for a while, but no internet access, which tells us that much of the NW part of town is affected.
    Gratitude, 1-3: It’s warm enough, 60°F or so, that the pipes won’t freeze, and cool enough that food is good in the fridge and freezers for some hrs/days. Also, microwave had only 8 sec. to go reheating a scrumptious freezer-soup that I made several pts. of 2 wks. ago. Finally, music on MPR on Prius radio suggests that it is not because WWIII has started. Since, however, one never knows, I’m enjoying a humongous cup of Dean’s Extreme Moose Tracks.
    Listening to MPR in car, watching distant neighbor’s garage in rearview mirror. He’s on O2, uses a cane. Drove home from somewhere but obviously found his power out, and is now residing in his SUV in open garage. Hospital is only 2 min. away, and he likely has a cell, so should be all right. Was our banker at one of the 3 local banks when we first came here in ’58, run by humans for humans. It is now a WF bank; ’nuff said. It is becoming obvious that emb is not the best touch typist that passed Ms. Casserly’s [sp?] typing class at JHS 3 in the ’40s, but I can edit as I go while the laptop battery holds. Couldn’t stand her, but shouldn’t belittle the class; may have meant the only income for some of my peers. .
    Car radio, Dvo?ák’s ‘Dumky’ trio w/b on in 5 min. Quick pit stop, missed only first few measures.
    Gratitude again: In the dark except for dashboard, no other input except the delicious music of a piano, violin, and ‘cello. Gorgeous, peaceful time. Announcer listed all 3 players and said it was a live performance at festival of some sort in Schleswig-Holstein, former Danish territories we learned about in H.S. history class, which Prussians ‘took back’ when they got strong enough to get away w/ it. Lauma Skride, piano, is the only performer listed on MPR’s website. Power actually returned at 2023, but I wisely shut my eyes and stayed put, immersed in Antonín Dvo?ák. It was MPR’s weekly Euroclassic, recorded live and played once only. Next Saturday, 8 o’clock hr., performance from NZ. Think I have a topic for the June column. ‘Night, [Posted ? morning.]

  7. emb Avatar

    Won’t take the accented r in Dvorák or the Sigma for Sunday. Provincial speelczech!

  8. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin


    Chile is the Spanish form of the spelling and probably the most correct. It is generally used to describe the pepper. The confusing part is that chili con carne is the norm for the prepared dish with meat, peppers, and other ingredients. That is further refined into the name chili as the name for the dish.

    One way I’ve seen the usage defined is that chile is the pepper while chili is the dish. The odd bit is that the Anglicized version of the indigenous word is ‘ch?lli’. The bottom line is that all three spellings, chile, chili, and chilli are recognized as valid spellings.

    Your mileage may vary.

  9. emb Avatar

    Guys: Thanks for the tips. Used Google then gocomics and all went well. Herman


    might appeal [or not] to some Villagers. So might 9CL, but cannot post two URLs. Peace,


    Going out in search of more plants for the girls working on my flower beds.

    And a restaurant serving breakfast all day.

  11. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    I think you’re right. Thanks.

    By the way, is it okay if I give you the nickname of “Captain”?

  12. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    On this day in 1824, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 premiered.

    Here is a great performance of it by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with Riccardo Muti conducting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOjHhS5MtvA

    Speaking personally, I have found that no other composer’s works help me to concentrate better on difficult tasks at work than Beethoven, and his ninth is my favorite while I work on complicated projects.


    In New Mexico chilli is the “abomination ” cooked in Texas with beans and tomatoes.

    They do two kinds of Chile in New Mexico, red and green. It is served with everything all three meals.

    “Would you like red or green with those pancakes?”

  14. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Thanks, David. I am now slightly better informed.

  15. Smigz Avatar

    I love the strips in which Arlo is cooking with enrhusiasm. Both applesauce and turkey in the oven here. Gee, this house sure smells good!

  16. Morphy Avatar

    Mark, after reviewing information on that expansive museum, thought I could recommend to you “lagniappeslair” and “bayourenaissanceman”. Both are active blog writers I stumbled across over the last year while chasing links from Ghost’s favorite recipe writer http://thelawdogfiles.blogspot.com/

    They are both well informed, with strong views, presented in different styles, over a range of topics. You can chase links, or substitute handles in the blogspot address template. They, and within their network of friends are several fiction writers as well. Sorry the tip is not timely. I spend much more time bouncing aimlessly on the net in the Northern winter than the coming season. But thought I should share while thinking of it.

    Belated hat-tip and thanks to Ghost, for the starting point many months ago.

  17. Morphy Avatar

    Smigz, a cook’s joy comes through in the flavor of their food, that’s for certain. I’ve often heard it expressed, ‘the special ingredient is love’. With the jot of a pen, J.J. puts a glint in Arlo’s eye; and you just know his food would be special.

  18. Nancy Kirk Avatar
    Nancy Kirk

    Rick, I happen to be married to James Kirk, although he is James P rather than James T. He taught math for many years at Northern Arizona University and actually had a girl take calculus who didn’t need to, just so she could take a class from “Captain Kirk”! We always thought that was a little over the top. Jim’s standard line on it is “That’s my great grandson.” It’s amusing to see who says anything when they look at his credit card or something. Some people do get pretty excited.

  19. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    That’s great stuff! Thanks for sharing it.

    Also, it sounds as if you have heard “Captain” more than enough. I will refrain.

  20. TruckerRon Avatar

    O Ghost Who Rides: What do you think of the queen depicted in today’s Tarzan?


  21. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    TruckerRon, it would create some interesting suntan patterns.

  22. Ghost Avatar

    TR, Queen Varla appears, like my P&PHS, to be both pneumatic and pulchritudinous. It also appears she has to have a lot of balls to wear that costume.

  23. Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone Avatar
    Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone

    @Rick in Shermantown,

    Symply put there is a box on my draft card(like the one with Fargone 1A in it) that has the heading RAN SEQ NO (to my mind Random Sequence Number) with a three digit number in it, mine was 001….and me without the college deferment any longer, then the draft ended.

  24. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio



    001 – Had the draft not ended, that number would have caused me to many serious thoughts on a variety of topics.