Now that I have your attention, take a look at this old comic strip from 1985, less than six weeks after the debut of Arlo & Janis. Don’t the characters look weird? But that’s not why I’m showing you this particular strip. I’m showing you this strip, because it is the only A&J strip ever changed or rejected by syndicate editors because of risqué content. United Media editors in New York struck the words “without a bra.” Apparently, other cartoonists have groaning file drawers filled with material rejected by an editor for salaciousness, and the annoyed cartoonists take their revenge by publishing this forbidden material on their own Web sites, to the delight of readers. If you believe my reputation, you would think that I would have the groaningest file drawers of all. I am sorry to disappoint you. I am at a loss to explain this.

Arlo & Janis, Uncensored!
By Jimmy Johnson
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266 responses to “Arlo & Janis, Uncensored!”
Sand, this is a treasure Spot of anarchy. We do not need elections, taxes and more rules!
“Sons of Anarchy”? Nope; already taken.
The first rule, if we have any, would have to be “No Rules”.
Not unlike this…
As I was cleaning out my office over the last few weeks, I got to the point of just throwing stuff in a box to be sorted later. A lot of that was folders of things I had kept to use on bulletin boards or laughs to share. I plan to share some of the better quotes here and post scans of some of the cartoons for the Facebook crowd. No surprise, my collection leans heavily to A&J and Funky Winkerbean.
Here’s an odd bit that I cut out of an unknown newsletter – I wonder if/how much this has changed.
“September 7, 1985 – An article by Giuliano Ferrieri in the Milan-based newsmagazine ‘Europeo’ reports that each year 300,000 Italians fall ill and 4,000 die from ’causes traceable to lack of hygiene.’
The same article reveals that 18 percent of French citizens bathe less than once a week and that German men change their underwear on an average of once every seven days.”
Ruth Anne, does the article mention Slavic women and their under garment proclivities? 😉
Fans of The Twilight Zone will know why I favor Willoughby. I am also possibly the only resident to have met Rod Serling.
Ghost, that picture’s from the opening of Petticoat Junction:
Jerry in Fl, Willoughby would be good, for the reasons the star of that episode wanted to move there. Was the meeting with Mr. Serling an interesting one?
Not really. I tried to engage him in conversation, but he was eating and so was I, so he mostly grunted. I can’t say he was overly friendly, but I understand that I was annoying him.
I know, Sideburns, but the three young ladies were skinny dipping in a 20-foot deep water tank? Consider the logistics of getting out of and climbing down that ladder from the tank (while presumably naked, or at most wearing a petticoat) and then getting dressed. Bet that would make the train run late.
(Remember when it made sense for a network to announce that a show was being broadcast in color?)
And yeah, the gals in the water tank scene is about the only thing I remember about the show. So sue me. 🙂
The Petticoat Junction water tank is very isolated. They are in danger of being seen only when a train is around, and they can hear it coming a mile away.
The three daughters are somewhat tomboyish, as you might expect with names like Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo.
In the first episode, their mother expressed her disapproval of their habit. “One day the train is going to come and take all the water, leaving you high and dry and bare!”
Ghost..… I always thought that the Petticoat Junction girls had just taken a cooling dip in the water reservoir.
Oops! Should have read the rest of the comments before I posted! You are all ahead of me.
So Mama in effect said that the girls (Betty Jo, Billie Jo and Bobbi Jo, as I recall, although I don’t recall them being particularly boyish, tom or otherwise) were skinny dipping in the tank. Good enough evidence for me. 😉
Try to keep up, Gal. 🙂
And which of the women hauled Benji up into the tank with them? That is the same dog which was in the first Benji movie. One man was training all the animals used on The Beverly Hillbillies and Petticoat Junction and Green Acres. Remember Arnold Ziffel?
Those three shows are deeply engrained in my unconscious, given how often I dream that I’m wondering through an episode. Mayberry also pops up on occasion.
I try, Ghoast, but some of you guys are just too much for me!! LOL
See, I can’t even spell Ghost! WHERE is that edit button?
Wonder if a ghoast is a ghost that spent too much time in the sun.
No comments needed:
Like it or not, the powers that be will insist that we all end up in self-driving cars. Who will suffer? Well, if you’re at all susceptible to motion sickness…
Airbus has basically been building self-flying airliners as a way of removing human error from the equation, making the air crew more nearly passengers than they are pilots. As part of that approach, the crew cannot overrule the aircraft’s computer, which has led to some spectacular fails and is why I would never ride on an Airbus.
Thought for the Day: I have noticed that it was much easier to get older than it was to get wiser.
Debbe 😉 More Hippie Chick music, hon. 🙂