Now that I have your attention, take a look at this old comic strip from 1985, less than six weeks after the debut of Arlo & Janis. Don’t the characters look weird? But that’s not why I’m showing you this particular strip. I’m showing you this strip, because it is the only A&J strip ever changed or rejected by syndicate editors because of risqué content. United Media editors in New York struck the words “without a bra.” Apparently, other cartoonists have groaning file drawers filled with material rejected by an editor for salaciousness, and the annoyed cartoonists take their revenge by publishing this forbidden material on their own Web sites, to the delight of readers. If you believe my reputation, you would think that I would have the groaningest file drawers of all. I am sorry to disappoint you. I am at a loss to explain this.

Arlo & Janis, Uncensored!
By Jimmy Johnson
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266 responses to “Arlo & Janis, Uncensored!”
How about Jimtown?
Though “The Village” suites me to a T.
That puts it anywhere and everywhere.
Get thee to the Library — sorry “Multi Media Center”
You may be Anonymous but you would be Our Anonymous.
I also like “Village.” It is short, not too many syllables, and all-inclusive.
Even though I’ve been off the juice over 40 years, I’d happily envision this place as a bar & grill called “JJ’s Place.”
Remember the old joke of the recorded voice of the pilot-This airplane is operated by computer. Nothing can go wr…. Nothing can go wr… Nothing can go wr…
I don’t see motion sickness as more of a problem in self-driving cars than just being a passenger in a car or any other mode of transportation. I am reminded that it was scientifically proven that the human body could not survive travel any faster than 45 mph.
Jerry, my sister-in-law cannot abide being a passenger in any vehicle — she must drive or she becomes very nauseated. Her husband talked her into flying to their honeymoon spot… and had to cash in their return tickets to rent a car for her to drive them back home.
My wife has bitter memories about little sis ruining family vacations with her motion sickness.
Good Morning Villagers…..
I like Village, my fingers just roll over the keys so easily 🙂
I’m like Janis, there are some clothes you wore a long time ago that you just don’t want to get rid of. Like my hippie black tunic, heavily embroidered in bright yellow, red and green wild looking patterns, it was a Janis Joplin thing I loved….suited me just fine in the 70’s….ahhh, the 70’s
GR 😉 one of my favorites….from the seventies. Did you ever see the movie “Lord of War”? The song was used in that movie.
Indy Mindy, you doing ok today?
Well, ya’ll have a blessed day……
I didn’t know yesterday was National Hug Your Cat Day…..
Oh, and I also learned something else today, from the Breaking Cat New comments….did you know there is a children’s book called “Everybody Poops”? Seriously, I even googled it….I’m going to suggest the book to Rachael, she is trying to potty train Kyler……
Good morning Debbe and thanks for letting me know about that strip. I think that I will pass on the book though, in a manner of speaking.
Hug your cat day? Today’s National Donut Day with free donuts at some places. Here’s the article from the Birmingham News:
Morning Village! Of late y’all appear to have moved into an alternate time zone; The Village day is my night.
Today’s real-time strip highlights a major difference between cats and dogs. Dogs are too busy dancing around in joy at the thought that you are putting something into their food dish to hunker down over it. You could be putting in rocks, but they don’t care! Very few critters can be more joyful than a dog.
Debbe, children’s bookstores or book departments are a blast to wander through! I began my bookseller life in the children’s department, and in retrospect (isn’t that how it always works?) never had more fun. I used to wonder how I wound up in the kids department, then one day it hit me that I looked like everybody’s kindergarten or first grade teacher. I just looked like I could put kids and books together.
Debbe mentioned embroidered clothing. I used to embroider my jeans, and even sneakers (THAT was a tough one…only ever did one pair). I haven’t done that in years. Hmmm, maybe when I finish knitting this pair of socks…
Denies, is there a book for helping this little girl?
Hey Mark in TTown;
W.B.H. and I knew today was Nat’l Donut Day……….We had ’em for breakfast.
Mother Nature wired their brains so that feral canines eat like they don’t know where their next meal will come from, which, in the wild, is true. Domesticated ones, not so much, although some of that behavior is still evident. I have no idea who or what wired feline brains.
sand, oh my!
Trucker, your SIL is why Dramamine was invented. 🙂
Denise, I, too, embroidered my clothes. Never tried sneakers, just jeans and those blue work shirts. I still decorate my jeans, though now I tend towards butterfly or peace symbol appliques.
I’d agree to naming our little hamlet Willoughby if it needs more of a name than The Village, and I’m envious of Jerry that he got to meet Rod Serling, even under such circumstances. (My claim to fame is that Harlan Ellison flirted with me for a few minutes as I was getting his autograph)
Maybe Ghost’s Town? 😉
You know the difference between nauseated & nauseous!
“I am nauseated because you are nauseous.”
Trapper Jean: Dramamine is ok for occasional use… but imagine having to take it every time you get into a self-driving car… and there are no longer other options?
Old Bear: I had an unusual English teach my senior year of HS. She had applied to fight in WWII, had been frustrated that no Allied army would let her into combat. Thirty years later, she was taking her frustrations out on us!
Everyone please look at the comments today on the site, someone put the wife’s serenity prayer in there, it’s perfect. Today’s is why Jimmy Johnson is such an artiste, Janis is a real person and we know what she is feeling and thinking
Bonine works great and has none of dramamine’s side effects. Loon swears by bonine, she can get sick watching an Imax film.
Hi, Jean dear! Bet I could have out-flirted Harlan Ellison. 😉
When Arlo and Janis were dining out recently, someone on TDS mentioned that “Janis looks good in spaghetti straps.” (No, it was not Ghost.) Today’s “Fashion Statement from the Local Gaol” shows a younger-than-Janis female wearing some kind of top with black spaghetti straps, stylishly accented by the straps of her yellow bra.
Needless to say, Janis looked much classier.
From eMb:
After reading comments pro and con re a name for the Village, emb thinks we should leave it. Of course, he grew up [at least part way] in “the Village”, which lies between Houston [HOW-stun] St. on the south, 14th St. on the north, Broadway on the east, and the Hudson R. on the west. Peace, emb
(I tried posting this a few hours ago, but it didn’t seem to work.)
Went fishing on Lake Erie many years ago with our office. I knew that I was prone to seasickness so I took a Dramamine. They were a bunch of drinkers, so I drank a beer. I could barely keep my eyes open.