Now that I have your attention, take a look at this old comic strip from 1985, less than six weeks after the debut of Arlo & Janis. Don’t the characters look weird? But that’s not why I’m showing you this particular strip. I’m showing you this strip, because it is the only A&J strip ever changed or rejected by syndicate editors because of risqué content. United Media editors in New York struck the words “without a bra.” Apparently, other cartoonists have groaning file drawers filled with material rejected by an editor for salaciousness, and the annoyed cartoonists take their revenge by publishing this forbidden material on their own Web sites, to the delight of readers. If you believe my reputation, you would think that I would have the groaningest file drawers of all. I am sorry to disappoint you. I am at a loss to explain this.

Arlo & Janis, Uncensored!
By Jimmy Johnson
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266 responses to “Arlo & Janis, Uncensored!”
Yay, American Pharaoh!!
This sounds like fun for birdwatchers:
Nancy, I lost 200 lbs of ugly fat in 1992. Divorce can be a good thing.
Darn it all, I forgot to watch the horse race, but am glad to hear from the Villagers that the popular horse won it. Has made lots of people happy, I’m sure.
Nancy Kirk in AZ, wonderful to hear such good news from Jackie! I am so delighted. Not having written down the Web site of the magazine that publishes her columns, can anyone help me out? Please?
Charlotte in NH and interested parties, here is the story:
The most recent post is at the top so scroll down for the earlier parts.
Thank you a whole lot, Mark in TTown. You are a one-man encyclopedia! I will look tomorrow — it’s bedtime here in NH.
Charlotte, I’ve been having trouble getting to sleep for the best part of a year, and for most of it, waiting for the VA to schedule a follow-up at the appropriate clinic. It’s not as bad as it was, but it’s still not better. However, after a few well-placed complaints, I’m now seeing a sleep specialist and she’s had some interesting suggestions. She gave me a sleep diary to fill out every morning and told me not to go to bed until I’m ready for sleep, and that there should be only two reasons to be in bed, and the other one is sleep. She also doesn’t want me going to bed until at least 1:45 AM and to try to get up at about 9:30 AM. This gives me less time in bed, but I should be getting about 7.5 hours of sleep every night and spending very little time in bed awake.
Sideburns, good luck to you with the sleep study. I reached a point where I would nod off whenever I was sitting quietly and my ex noticed that I would stop breathing at night. Turned out I had severe obstructive sleep apnea and stopped breathing 60-70 times in an hour. This caused me to wake enough to move and open my airway but the constant interruptions kept me from getting the restful sleep I needed. When the sleep lab tried me on a CPAP I slept the rest of the night through without problems.
Hey Ghost, your favorite won!
No, it’s not sleep apnea, it’s just that I find it hard to fall asleep, and if I wake up at night, it’s hard getting back to sleep. At one point, I was taking over an hour to get to sleep and waking up after about 45 minutes several times a night. It didn’t matter when I went to bed, I wouldn’t get more than an hour’s sleep at a time until about 5 AM when I’d finally start sleeping properly and getting up at about 11 or so. It’s not that bad any more, but I have to train myself to fall asleep in a more reasonable time and not need to spend all morning asleep.
Yeah, Mark, do I have good taste in women, or what? 🙂
Thanks, Nancy. If you have the opportunity, please tell Jackie that I am extraordinarily proud of her accomplishment. Often, life-style changes turn out to be the most important part of weight loss, and I suspect that may be true in her case. Also, tell her to come see us sometime.
Gloria, why am I not surprised to find that you were rocking miniskirts back in the 70’s and 80’s? 🙂 And I don’t even have to wonder about Debbe. 😉 And probably a couple of others here I could name. 🙂
One of my all-female staff (the one who showed me the pictures of herself in the college dance team uniform that made the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders look like they are wearing Mother Hubbard’s) told me that when she was in high school (early 1970’s) the dress code stated her skirts had to be long enough to reach the point at which her fingers curled under the hem with her hands at her side. That’s still pretty high above the knee. (How do I know? I used a tape measure to measure that point on her legs.) (Don’t ask.) And she still thought that wasn’t short enough for her at the time.
*Sigh* I miss those days.
Debbe;) Slow dance time, hon. Ummm.
Jimmy……. 🙂 Excellent!
Good morning Villagers….
American Pharaoh, not since ’78 to win the triple crown……I remember when and where I was in ’78 when Affirmed won the triple crown…..been a long time coming.
Ahhh…mini-skirts, yup, and Gal is right, you had to watch your posture and bend at the knees to pick anything up off the floor. I attended 10 years of Catholic grade school and high school. We required to wear uniforms. The skirt length was such that when you knelt down, the hem of the skirt had to be even with the floor. Silly nuns, we would roll the skirts up at the waist to make them shorter. Never got sent home though 🙂
Remember sheath dresses too, they had side slits up the thighs, sometimes just one slit, or both sides had slits….ya had to watch how you sat in those dresses too.
I’m praying for a quiet day, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen. Husband has just about lost his mind working on his car, then he discovered that the water pipe leading into the house is cracked. That pipe is three feet down, someone ran over the saturated ground and cracked it. You can see where the truck pressed down in the grass and over the pipe. We have ground water and the pump is 200 feet down. If he doesn’t start calming down, he’s gonna be knockin’ on heaven’s door before the day is over.
Nancy, thanks for sharing the good news about Jackie…tell her hello from me, and like GR said, drop by sometime.
this will make you want to go back to bed….cuddle a kitten day
Warning, you may have broken the federal law.
Mark & GR6,
Thanks for the great Auburn news. WAR EAGLE ! Blessings on every one.
The CPAP machine takes a little getting used to, but it does work. When we moved about 18 months ago I packed it away and haven’t used it again. My secret is out. I don’t do a lot of things that I should, like going to bed by 11 pm. Stephen King should write a story about the seductive call of the computer.
Ummm. Sheath dresses, with side slits up the thighs, and sometimes in the front or the back. I miss those days, too.
I remember once as we were sitting in a bar waiting for our table, there was a young lady across from us who kept tugging down the hem of her exceedingly short skirt. I told my companion, “She needs to either pull it up or pull it down, I don’t care which; it’s the suspense that’s killing me.”
Speaking of legs, it must be summer, regardless of what the calendar says…when I went to see my pneumatic and pulchritudinous hair stylist last week, she was wearing shorts. And by “shorts”, I mean real shorts, not those atrocious baggy and below-the-knee things they call shorts these days.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act? Thank God no prospective candidates for President need worry about that. 🙂 Of course, perhaps it applies only to clearing your browser history and not your entire server.
Well, here I am guys. You are right of course, guys. Senior citizens can have fun too. And Ghost is right, as always, about life changes. I lost 13 more lbs. On cruise, learned to row a dinghy and steer the 40 foot yacht. And swam in crystal clear waters melted from glaciers that poured down in waterfalls from the mountains. Swam in waters 900 feet deep and still so warm you couldn’t believe it was real.
And got a great tan with no tan lines my friends. Went days at a time without another boat or person in sight.
And honestly, the adventures included a lot of things I would never have ever even dared hope to do. Later and missed the Village.
Love, Jackie
As Tam pointed out on her blog, “View From The Porch”, “An 18-year-old who waded through the bloody surf at Omaha Beach in 1944 is now 89 years old.”
One reason why you may not know many or any living WWII vets.
Welcome back, Jackie.
Jackie, welcome back, nice to less of you. 😉
Was only a matter of time before this happened.