Now that I have your attention, take a look at this old comic strip from 1985, less than six weeks after the debut of Arlo & Janis. Don’t the characters look weird? But that’s not why I’m showing you this particular strip. I’m showing you this strip, because it is the only A&J strip ever changed or rejected by syndicate editors because of risqué content. United Media editors in New York struck the words “without a bra.” Apparently, other cartoonists have groaning file drawers filled with material rejected by an editor for salaciousness, and the annoyed cartoonists take their revenge by publishing this forbidden material on their own Web sites, to the delight of readers. If you believe my reputation, you would think that I would have the groaningest file drawers of all. I am sorry to disappoint you. I am at a loss to explain this.

Arlo & Janis, Uncensored!
By Jimmy Johnson
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266 responses to “Arlo & Janis, Uncensored!”
Daddy, What’s a phone book?
Yes, I still have a landline, because I’ve got some cool cordless phones, and why not, since it barely costs me anything above what I pay for DSL. (Plus, my smart phone does everything exceedingly well…except for providing good quality audio on phone calls.) A few years ago, I called the telephone company and told them I couldn’t justify what I was paying for voice service. They dropped the price drastically, and I kept it. Every six months, they increase the cost; I call and tell them I can’t keep it if I have to pay that; and they drop the cost again.
I call it the Telco Two-Step.
Good for you but you’re biting into my pension every time you reduce your phone bill. Ummmm… Never mind. AT&T did that for you.
GR6 calls it the Telco Two-Step. I would call it the Semi-Annual Time Waster.
Sand, I did corporate IT work related to Sarbanes-Oxley implementation some years ago. It seems a real stretch to make Section 802 applicable to ANY/ALL destruction. Title VIII, short titled “Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability Act of 2002” was directed (originally) as exclusively-related to financial crimes. Seems very much like over-reaching to potentially make any destruction chargeable. What happened to right against self-incrimination? Destroying my non-verbal speech should be permissible just as much as refusing to verbally testify against myself. Lying to investigators “might” be considered obstruction, but simply not speaking (or eliminating previous speech to which there is no witness available) only seems prudent. If there is a witness to testify, then use it. Otherwise, leave me alone!
In otherwords, if there is evidence that I committed a crime then convict me. If not, you shouldn’t be able to convict me because I didn’t tell you what I did or didn’t do.
David, many a federal prosecutor will go to lengths to get a conviction. Until the Supreme Court hears a case, section 802 makes it criminal act to destroy evidence in a case; either intentional, or not; with or without knowledge of an investigation. The American justice system, guilty until found guilty or submit to coercive force by pleading guilty.
@Debbe 5:04PM 06/05 I realized a 500 mile trip with a man she’s only met a few times was a bit over the top, she hadn’t fully realized the extent of it and readily agreed to a movie, walk around a little downtown square or something similar. Upon leaving our last hike, she told me to email, I did and included my phone #, she emailed back with her phone # just as prominent and see you soon with some anticipatory exclamation points and she loves my email address (humorous play on my last name) I GOT IT BAD, I’ve lost five pounds, can’t think, do anything or concentrate. It hurts. Monday evening is another hike with our group
sandcastler ™ I read the article you linked and one thing stood out to me, both people charged were involved in the commission of crimes. They were not “innocent bystanders” who just happened to be picked randomly for investigation. It says the friend of one of the Boston Marathon bombers deleted information and cleared his browser after the murders were committed. Quite likely he had something to hide and was attempting to cover it up. In the other case, the person had committed a computer crime, posted the results on the internet, and then tried to cover up his connection to it. So the lesson to be learned here is not to plan or commit illegal activities on your computer.
“I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog–no good in a bed, but fine against a wall.”–Eleanor Roosevelt
Mark in TTowm, I have been using a CPAP for the past 17 years. I find it difficult to sleep without it. I switched to nasal pillows because a nose mask wouldn’t seal very well with the beard/mustache.
I am so happy that Jackie has dropped in to the Village, if only for a quick peek. Her adventures sound perfectly marvellous — swimming in water like that, rowing and sailing — I could swoon.
To all those suffering from sleep apnea and/or insomnia … I feel so bad for you; it’s such an awful burden to bear. I have been going to bed at a late hour, but only due to laziness and procrastination; once I lie down, I go to sleep right away and sleep wonderfully. Sometimes bedtime is after 1 am … so shocking! Like Jerry in FL, I’m actually addicted to the computer and keep finding the most interesting things to read, or pictures to see (flowers, and paintings, often.) And don’t get up until after 8, or even 9, o’clock. Sigh.
Hi, Jackie! Sounds like you’re in Heaven! It’s wonderful things are going so well!
My husband has a CPAP, too. It has made an incredibly positive impact upon his life, and mine, too. He feels so much better, and we both can sleep as we hadn’t for years.
It was about as close to perfect peace as I have ever been. Most days we never saw another boat and it was unbelievable to cook wonderful meals looking out a window with a new view of such beauty that changed and had sunsets that went on forever. And since both JohnW and I love to cook we took turns cooking and doing dishes, so good thing, not a restaurant for a few hundred miles. Food was incredible and I still lost weight.
Vancouver is one of most sophisticated cities I have been to and water everywhere surrounding the city. People were the sweetest most polite of anywhere I’ve traveled, so gracious. Yes, the many markets and shopping centers with wonderful ethnic foods and clothes actually made places like Texas look truly provincial. And I don’t say bad things about Texas!
Will report on music and flowers and more on people later, all just so memorable. Great memories.
Love Jackie
I read about a study that was done with people that complained it took forever to fall asleep and those who said they fall asleep immediately. The strange part was that on average, both groups took 15-20 minutes to fall asleep.
That doesn’t mean that some people really don’t have a problem falling asleep (my wife being one of them).
And Jackie, it is nice to see you posting in the Village.
Decades ago, there were some studies done of people who agreed to be cut off from all clocks or other ways to know what time it was for several months. One of the things learned was that without any way of telling time, people tended to drift into a 25 hour sleep/waking cycle. (No, that’s not a typo.)
I mentioned this to my sleep counselor and she agreed, saying that we need things to reset our biological clock regularly, every day if possible. She suggested that I try to get outside each day, preferably in the morning because direct sunlight is very good for that.
Jackie, glad you are back. Here’s a song for you:
Oh Mark, I love you! I am still laughing and smiling from ear to ear or is it cheek to cheek? That song just made me so happy and warm inside! Thank you.
Have had a hard day shopping for building supplies at Lowes, two different locations, large quantities for three different big repair projects. Anyone had a happy experience doing that lately? Mine ended happily at last, the first one they sent out two surly loaders who then spotted the big basket of homemade strawberry jams on seat as we rearranged van and I tipped them two jars each, they promised to watch for me next time I showed up there and diligently moved everything in van including eight cases of Dasani water and neatly stowed a pallet of wood and stuff in a van they’d considered hopelessly packed.
Second Lowes my recently divorced head of customer service (woman) greeted me enthusiastically and got my delivery order in with a half price delivery charge. She has my boating event on her calendar to take off from work with promise of hundreds of men and boats in my back yard. So that one went well too and they even sent a loader out for my piles of wood moldings to repair trim in house.
But tired and needing a shower and found your sweet, sweet greeting! I missed you all of course, you’re family my friends and I love you.
You are most welcome Jackie. That was the first song that came to mind when I wanted something nice to say welcome home, so there you go. By now, I’m sure you are worn out and conked out. Goodnight and glad you are back in the Village.
Here’s my favorite song welcoming a lady back:
Dang, I forgot the no two links in a posting limit!
Trucker, I LOVE Louis Armstrong and miss him so much. I actually saw him perform this and he was pretty unforgettable. I am beginning to think I am a little unforgettable too and I thank you for the love. Love you back, Jackie
(I will redo the account of what got me moderated later, I am just too tired!)
Good morning Debbe. I woke up with a headache. Nasacort and Excedrin and I’m going back to bed until Cilla gets me up in an hour or so. I hope that things are going better at work.
Good morning Villagers….
Jerry, hope you get rid of your headache, but doesn’t Excedrin have caffeine in it? And thank you for the well wishes at work.
What a nice surprise to wake up, and log in here and see Jackie posting again,,,welcome back, Jackie.
Good for you John, taking tiny steps is good. Five hundred miles is a long stretch.
Sitting here listening to the storm coming in, radar shows yellow and red.
gotta go…..
ya’ll have a blessed day
GR 😉
Breaking Cat News is right on this morning.
It’s a trade off. The caffeine helps the pain relief faster, I’m pretty good at self-hypnosis if I have trouble getting to sleep.