Now that I have your attention, take a look at this old comic strip from 1985, less than six weeks after the debut of Arlo & Janis. Don’t the characters look weird? But that’s not why I’m showing you this particular strip. I’m showing you this strip, because it is the only A&J strip ever changed or rejected by syndicate editors because of risqué content. United Media editors in New York struck the words “without a bra.” Apparently, other cartoonists have groaning file drawers filled with material rejected by an editor for salaciousness, and the annoyed cartoonists take their revenge by publishing this forbidden material on their own Web sites, to the delight of readers. If you believe my reputation, you would think that I would have the groaningest file drawers of all. I am sorry to disappoint you. I am at a loss to explain this.

Arlo & Janis, Uncensored!
By Jimmy Johnson
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266 responses to “Arlo & Janis, Uncensored!”
The average age of a WWII vet is 92
We are losing them at the rate of 492 per day by one reckoning ==3 per Minuit.
I looked up info when I asked MPR “Friday Favorites” to play the theme from
“The Longest Day”
HI Jackie
emb = that was me when he talked about a detour running over a detour.
I’ve learned…. That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the
ones you miss. AR
Jackie reporting in that I am only 3 lbs. from the amount orthopedist deemed necessary to replace first knee. However, my caretaker has several national/major boat shows he is keynote presenter for and several boat building schools to teach and a mystery trip involving a movie crew for a real life adventure expedition sailing movie and I am not allowed to ask where the heck they are going until the big unveil next month, so I haven’t. I said those viking women just waited to see what plunder they returned with and kept their mouths shut. I am trying to employ that technique but you know me and my “smart and profane” mouth.
Anyway, first knee surgery is in April 2016 probably between boat shows and adventures and I am to call and tell scheduler what date to put down. And keep losing weight and exercising. So, we are on for new knees to hike, trek and sail boats. And travel.
In meantime, I travel with bad knees and steroid shots to try to keep them working (badly) But I still get to travel. Spending July in Port Townsend, WA as house guest of another Scamp builder, female, her boat is named Scarlet Woman. She is a marine biologist but just made it to finals of fiction writing for Pacific Northwest competition. Actually specializes in children’s books normally. Entire family are volcanologists, specializing in under sea volcanoes.
How cool is that? And they own a miniature horse farm, lots of dogs and cats and gardens. I am going to another heavenly abode!
Love, Jackie Monies
Don’t off knees too long.
MIL did that and knee collapsed and she broke hip.
Eventually had 2 knees done (+hip)
Good morning Villagers….
Went to yesterday’s comments on TDS……you tell ’em Gal 🙂
GR 😉 . great music back then. I hadn’t heard “This Magic Moment” in ages…thanks. I had the 45 way back then…played it, and played it. I wonder whatever happened to all those 45’s we had back then.
(I can hear Jerry saying “Mommy, what’s a 45?) 🙂
Mark, I tried telemarketing once, I lasted 4 hours, and never went back.
Jackie, I’m like Old Bear….don’t put that knee replacement too far off. I’m so happy for you and your life style changes….you deserve it.
gotta go
Ya’ll have a blessed day
check out the markings on these cats….
Jerry, Breaking Cat News is reruns right now, she is on maternity leave and will be back on June 15th, her strips only come out on Mondays and Thursdays…..oh, and click on the camera to the right and you can see instagram pics of her real cats….Lupin, Puck, and Elvis!
and GR, she’s a redhead too.
I guess I am a hoarder. I have a collection of, not only 45’s, but a box full of 78’s. I’m sure a bunch of you are asking, “What are 78’s”? I don’t know what I’ll ever do with them but I do have a record player that will convert them to MP3’s, IF I’ll only spend the time doing it. One of these days! Off to the health club now.
Blessings on everyone.
Old Bear, I often note your “I’ve learned…” selections with pleasure. Are you “AR”?
Jimmy has certainly accumulated an eclectic bunch of folks in this spot. Each day I come here, I am informed, amused, enlightened, and uplifted. (I am also frequently humbled, occasionally annoyed, and often made to consider other points of view and lifestyles, all of which are good for my sense of perspective.) Thanks from me to each and every one of this group. I wonder, if by allowing us to share Arlo’s and Janis’ lives and his own blog, Jimmy ever thought we would be sharing so many other lives?
Who but Denise could put perspective into perspective so well?
Off to see De Tooth Mon.
P.S. I hope I’m not one of the annoying ones.
Nah, not you, Ghost! Never!
it seems it wasn’t that long ago I used a CD recorder and put all my loose 45’s and albums on CD’s, now they’re yesterday’s technology. I did go ahead and buy important stuff on CD, like Beatles, Blondie, Kate Bush, Cars, Aaron Copland. Having them all on a couple CD’s is not as fun as grabbing a 45 one at a time. … ..personal soap opera update, last night at the hike, she put her arm around me first, she wants to meet just one on one Friday, not around all our group friends. Here it comes – we haven’t discussed politics yet or I don’t know enough man stuff like sports or car engines. and no you do not look like my late wife and no you are not the first woman to smile at me since my wife died. BUT we’ve only met five times and each time we’ve parted has only been better, and meeting this way (hiking, endurance training, etc) we see each other at our sweatiest most unkempt selves, so no anxiety about appearances.
you can find places online where you can send records to have them recorded, even 78’s
Well, John, at least you didn’t have to face skinny dipping on first date.
Has anyone seen the extended play record albums that were made for radio stations in the 40’s? They were about twice the size of a normal record album as we know it and because of the size they could not be played on any turntable that I’ve ever seen. I haven’t seen one of those records since the 60’s, even in junk and antique shops.
Denise, I second what Ghost said. You are one of the two best people with words I have ever known. The other is a friend here in Arizona—and I have you thanks to the Village!
Jackie, have you talked to orthopedist about synthetic joint fluid injections? They don’t work for everyone, but they gave me more than two good years after the steroid shots quit working….
Jackie, look up Synvisc, that’s one brand of the stuff Nancy is talking about. I don’t know anything but the name, since I’ve seen it mentioned at times.
Yep. Synvisc is maybe the most common. I think I had Suparz (sp), which is pretty much the same. I think there may be another that is somewhat different. Made from rooster combs (sorry, Debbe!), therefore sometimes called by us orthopedic patients and docs “chicken juice.”
Been doing Synvisc since it was released, which is what keeps me on my feet, literally. I call them chicken shots or rooster shots and yes, I thought about that with Debbe and the pet roosters but didn’t want to mention what happens to the rooster combs and beaks?
There have been times I would have shot the knees myself if I had the needles! I will tell you later why I didn’t go thru with the three times my knee surgeries have been scheduled but I am rushing off to Texas right now.
One rheumatologist who no longer practices was doing both knees on same day, missed the space between she was supposed to hit, went into tissue and muscles and I had left the next day for a six week trip to west coast and Canada. My lordy, lordy that was pain! I went to my original bone and joint hospital on my arrival back to Oklahoma in a wheel chair and she stopped practicing, lots of law suits apparently but not mine.
Love yall, Jackie
Late afternoon dental cleaning yesterday => Discovery of loose crown => Early morning repair work this morning => Electro-surgery of gum => Rebuild of tooth base => Implantation of new posts => Replacement of loose crown => All freakin’ morning in the dentist’s chair
As Roseanne Roseannadanna once told me, “Ghost, one time I had to have a wisdom tooth pulled through my nose. I thought I was gonna die!”
Jerry in Fl:
Thank you, Ghost and Nancy! Your comments are appreciated!
Jerry, I’d never even heard of the extended play radio station albums till now. What a cool idea!
Ghost, you’re not one of them; and even those who are, aren’t always.
The joint stuff is hyaluronic acid, if memory serves. I got shots for several years before having the knees replaced. Expensive stuff..and not a lot of fun getting the needles.
Thanks, Denise. And that reminds me…time to renew my Compliments Fishing License. 🙂
Thanks for the great audio site. I may need their help, someday. Blessings on everyone.
This is somewhere between hysterically funny and cruel…
I didn’t know cats would react that way to a sound.