A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Not Just a City in Ireland

By Jimmy Johnson

Well, I messed up Big Time. The current A&J comic strip that appeared Sunday, Jan. 1, was a poem, a limerick of which I was rather proud. Today’s strip, Jan. 2, was a limerick about cats, of which I was less proud, but there it is. Now, I can count on comments such as, “Not another limerick.” Or, “These limericks are awful.” Or “I’m bored with this poetry thing.” Actually, the Sunday strip is drawn earlier than the Monday-Saturday strips, and I didn’t realize I was putting two poem strips back to back, or I wouldn’t have done it. Because I know if I do, well… see above. So, to those commenters annoyed by this, I hope this takes some of the sting out. Having said that, I do not intend to lose any sleep over it. And again: Happy New Year!

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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134 responses to “Not Just a City in Ireland”

  1. emb Avatar

    Today’s TIP BlogSpot, with a peek. Melcher is back. Now I gotta look up Anna Kendrick. Peace,


  2. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Good morning, all. Took yesterday off to deal with the minutiae of completing the deal on my car. And by 5pm, money and paperwork had changed hands and Silver was mine. Well, mine and the bank’s. So Hi-Yo Silver, away! And my thought as I was driving away was, now I’m in my Element.

  3. emb Avatar

    Face-wise, William-Adolphe Bouguereau’s model is vapid; Kendrick definitely is not. And what is that ornamental staff Ms. Vapid is holding? Maybe I can find the painting.

    Has anyone read Kendrick’s autobiography?


  4. Smigz Avatar

    Thanks for the Debbe update, Jackie. Down to two or three cigarettes a day sounds wonderful. Congratulations! Jimmy and the whole Village are always in my prayers.

    I could use some input from someone here who knows about android tablets and sd cards. I got my first tablet recently, a Samsung Galaxy Tab A with S Pen. I set it up successfully myself, transferred files and apps from my Samsung Note 5, and used it for several days. All was lovely. Then I installed a new 128 sd card, moved some apps to it, and started having problems about 24 hours later. On starting up the tablet, some of the widgets on the screen would be grayed-out and have an “sd” on them for a minute, then revert to normal. The tablet began rebooting by itself every few minutes. I tried opening it in safe mode and noticed some widgets (both on and not on the sd card) were missing from the screen. I took it back to Best Buy and their Geek Squad told me the problem was likely to be with the tablet, not the sd card, and has ordered in another tablet for me. I still have the original sd card with the apps I moved onto it, but am kind of hesitant to put it in the new tablet when it arrives. Even if I ask them to install the sd card when I go in to pick up the tablet, the reboot loop didn’t start till a day later after the unit had been powered up and down several times. I guess I’m tying the problem to the sd card (in my mind) while Best Buy is tying it to the tablet. I’m wondering if I should get a new sd card or if I’m being excessively cautious. If anyone here has any advice to give me, I’d appreciate hearing it!

  5. emb Avatar

    It may be in here somewhere, but I must get the house ready for my wonderful cleaning lady. Peace,


  6. emb Avatar

    P.S. William-Adolphe Bouguereau sure knew what his patrons wanted, both clergy and lay.

  7. sandcastler™ Avatar

    The daily offering reaffirms the long held window peering theory. 😉

    Smigz, go with your instinct. Buy a new card, cheap experiment. Other option, take it to a Samsung service center. They can do the diagnostic checks, could be buggy firmware which they can reflash.

  8. Ray Avatar

    The second limerick was about cats. You’re forgiven. 😉

  9. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Agree. Ludwig is main character in my opinion. The biped are supporting cast.