Well, I messed up Big Time. The current A&J comic strip that appeared Sunday, Jan. 1, was a poem, a limerick of which I was rather proud. Today’s strip, Jan. 2, was a limerick about cats, of which I was less proud, but there it is. Now, I can count on comments such as, “Not another limerick.” Or, “These limericks are awful.” Or “I’m bored with this poetry thing.” Actually, the Sunday strip is drawn earlier than the Monday-Saturday strips, and I didn’t realize I was putting two poem strips back to back, or I wouldn’t have done it. Because I know if I do, well… see above. So, to those commenters annoyed by this, I hope this takes some of the sting out. Having said that, I do not intend to lose any sleep over it. And again: Happy New Year!
Not Just a City in Ireland
By Jimmy Johnson
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134 responses to “Not Just a City in Ireland”
Just talked to Debbe. Long report later. I am at Lowes buying amaryllis bulbs.
Good stuff. Thanks.
Around here, we never see loonies or toonies.
In what general area of the country do you live?
Speaking of cereals –
A couple of months ago, I decided to begin heating raisin bran in the microwave.
I figured if it works with oatmeal, then raisin bran might also be good when hot.
I was right. I now rarely eat raisin bran cold.
Am I the only liver lover in group? Pate is my favorite way, on crackers, toast points, in Vietnamese sandwiches, etc.
I make an awesome chicken livers and mushroom pasta sauce, very authentic. Got original recipe from the old Italian restaurant in Gulfport-Biloxi that had all the giant oaks growing through the roof. Camille got it but they built back afterwards. Think Katrina got it too.
Liver, kidneys, sweetbreads, heart: all good when cooked properly. Not as available as they once were. Brains: blah, tripe: not much. Mt. oysters: not tried yet, nor encountered on menus. De gustibus . . ..
Debbe sounds happier and more natural. She watched a marathon of Harry Potter yesterday with her dad who like HP. She had never seen a single one and had trouble understanding dialogue and names to follow plots. Said she needed subtitles.
I told her she should get in a relationship with a citizen of the Commonwealth and a Southern woman. You both speak English but spend a lot of time translating because you don’t speak same language except when written.
Anyway, she does sound better and asked I assure everyone she is OK
Rick, I think Gary *is* a proud Canadian. That’s why he’s more aware of the Loonie’s value than I was. he probably sees a lot more of them too. I’ll have to try that raisin bran hot. Temperatures supposed to drop around here.
Jackie, for my part, food appreciation required learning some things are better prepared than my mom knew how to. She did great bringing me up, but she didn’t know all. With wider horizons, I found many new treats.
If I recall Gary also celebrated Thanksgiving at a more reasonable time of year, too. I don’t know many harvest celebrations delayed for a federal calendar.
Jackie, I’m glad entertainment is part of her care routine. Sounds like a good way to reconnect. Thanks for passing along.
I too love liver, Jackie. Maybe that’s because Mom knew better than to overcook it. I also like liverwurst and braunschweiger, which is similar but with more seasoning.
Me too, both kinds. And the Jewish deli style liver wurst sandwiches. The best in the world.
Ghost bulletin, I am out shopping and found a bra company called Honeydew. Unfortunately sizes are for small melons.
Debbe does have satellite dish at dad’s, no cell.phone, no tablet, no wi fi or Internet. A single land line in kitchen. I think maybe a radio?
She has indeed been doing embroidery, cleaning, playing cards I think and reading. She says she had to.stay busy.
She reports getting her cigarette consumption down to 2 or 3 per day. Her dad doesn’t smoke. She says weather will be too.cold for her to smoke outside on porch.
Immature juvenile melons.
Some years ago, I’d sometimes make runs to a nearby chicken place to pick up lunch for my all-female staff, before we all got serious about eating better and smarter. Three of them invariably wanted fried livers. I always told them that when I placed the order, I’d say, “And three orders of toxic waste.”
I miss Debbe. Seems strange to say that about someone I’ve never met, but I do. I’m happy to hear she seems to be doing well.
Now you know how we all feel about you Mister Ghost when you vanish mysteriously. We have never met you but we miss you and worry about you.
Me, I plan to go meet Debbe in person this month if I ever make it to.frigid north. Take her out to lunch if I can or bring her some, anything she’d eat.
The sass is strong in this one, Obi-Wan.
Speaking of which I am going to start writing sub plots for you and your all female staff, speculation of what you six do for a living. I think you said five?
Since I have no life of my own maybe we could hold a contest for the best writer here that comes up with the best-funniest-most outrageous-printable here scenario?
I’ve been thinking of his profession for months or years. How would we ever know if any guess was even close?
Dislike liver except butter-fried fresh chicken liver, pate, and liverwurst/braunschweiger. I had been told that the difference between the last two was that the latter was also smoked, but cannot prove same and don’t feel any compulsion to research the subject.
Nope, all the people who don’t like it leave more for us. I used to make lots of pate including the gelatin molds around them and the baked ones like foisted Gras and do en croute.
But then I had aspirations to be a younger Julia Child because Martha Stewart had not been invented yet. By the time Martha was invented I had already been her for about twenty years so I was sorely annoyed that I had to watch her become rich being Martha when I had beat her to it.
So I no longer own pudding pots, creme Brule torches, French bread pans or enough crystal, gold plated and antique China to seat twenty four. And as I wrote in an essay, “I Am Not Martha.”
Still like chicken livers, don’t eat them often. Chicken fried chicken livers with cream gravy is OKie style, just as it is in Mississippi.
If I ever know I would never tell. I hold the secrets of more than a few well known people but telling is just not good manners. It never will be, something more people should learn. Think about that, no twittering, no posting, no rumours, no National Enquired and we’d lose the entire British press I suspect.
Hal played havoc with my words back there, even when I spelled correctly and hit check mark, he changed.
I have a friend who writes who yesterday disabled his for same reason. He said it was changing his words and rewriting.
I am not paranoid about Hal. Several friends have mentioned same occurrences.
Good night. Going to bed with Dickens.
Jackie, chicken fried chicken livers with cream gravy sounds wonderful. I can feel my arteries hardening just thinking about it. Another thing that I’d like to try came from a throw-away line on TV once: chicken fried lobster.