I’m sorry I missed posting yesterday. If I had been here, I would have told you that the Kickstarter “surveys” are going out this weekend, which will be your opportunity to tell me where to send your reward and to list particulars in your case. It only goes out once! That’s Kickstarter doing, not mine. So, take care filling it out, and in the case of book inscriptions, etc., be sure and tell me exactly what you’d like. Here we go!

A Matter of Perspective
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
114 responses to “A Matter of Perspective”
I think most of us who gather here possess a good amount of “healthy skepticism” – and probably share my wish that all of our friends and family did the same. If I were still working, I’d be tempted to make a poster of this and hang it in my library –
(Wouldn’t hurt for AARP to run a version of it, frequently!)
Ruth Anne – Sure, if someone wants to join in the fun, let me know.
Ghost – As a matter of fact, we DO have several strip clubs around here. One is world famous. Guaranteed $10 lap dances forever. Posted right next to the door. Not sure what precipitated the rush on singles. Bank was caught off guard too.
PS *execute {sigh}
Ghost is using a euphemism for the bat ________crazy I have heard all my life.
I do not know how being bat crazy originated, have heard it forever.
Internet says comes from bats in belfry and having so many bats in one’s belfry they roasted there, filling ones belfry with guano.
Outstanding, R.A. And not surprisingly, I believe I have seen examples of everyone of those. I am always very skeptical of the ones purporting to use “polls” and “statistics”. And the ones that stick out like sore thumbs are those featuring subjects about which I already have some amount of knowledge.
Many of these sites make money from advertisers based on how many people look at the site. That’s why they use “click-bait” photos, videos and headlines. Don’t waste your time to enrich them.
c ex-p, “bat guano crazy” is a slightly bowdlerized version of “bat $#!+ crazy”. “Bats” is long-used slang for someone who is considered crazy or nuts, and that apparently developed into “bat $#!+ crazy” for someone that is really nutty.
Possibly somewhat related to the expression, “She’s nuttier than a bag full of squirrel $#!+.”
Lady Mindy, I wonder if that means guaranteed lap dances literally forever, or just each time one visits their club. And if the former, do they issue you an ID card or something? 🙂 Not something I’d want found in my wallet if I were in an accident, I don’t think.
The only thing I know about lap dances was what was portrayed in the movie “Show Girls”. There they took something that sounds at least marginally erotic and made it look sleazy and disgusting. Come to think of it though, that’s kind of like Hollywood’s business model, isn’t it?
I still have a true strip club story I need to tell sometime. Not a first person story, I hasten to add.
Ruth Anne, thanks for the link. I posted it to my FB page. My ex is one of the world’s worst for posting that kind of news link constantly. I have thought of unfriending her just to get a break from all that nonsense. It doesn’t hurt to check Snopes either.
Does anyone know when the Olympic Curling begins? I can’t find a listing for it.
Ghost – Sorry, getting a lap dance will cost you $10. They will never raise the price.
Mark – Unfollow her. You will still be friends, but you won’t see her posts (unless you go look). Much, much better. I’ve done that with several “acquaint-friends.”
When I started my job, there was a “strip club” down the street that was locally as legendary as the world-known one – for all the wrong reasons. Bottom-of-the-barrel and desperate don’t even touch just how bad it was. It might have been the only strip joint ever where the “talent” accepted our store’s in-house coupons as payment. I only wish I was kidding.
Mark: Unfollowing does work but then you’ll see nothing, including personal or family info you might still find interesting. Another option, which I’ve used with some success, is to tell FB to hide posts from the original source that is being shared. Obviously this is more effective if the annoying person’s posts are frequently from the same source. However, after doing this to a few different sources, I think FB’s algorithm may have picked up on my pattern as I see noticeably fewer such posts – and I’m fairly certain the parties in question haven’t changed.
Strip clubs and lap dancers, do we need to relocate the orphans?
Ruth Anne, unfortunately she does not stick to one source. She falls for everything and reposts whatever she agrees with unthinkingly.
By the way, while on the subject of blocking annoying messages, my mom still has a home phone. Used to be on the big one, now on Vonage for half the cost. But, in spite of being on the Do Not Call register, all sorts of junk calls kept coming anyway. Her phone would ring 10 or more times a day with anonymous, private number or calls from entities we had never heard of. I had read of a service that was created to screen and block such calls for free if you were on some kind of internet phone service. I signed up for it and also used Vonage’s own anonymous number block and the annoyances have virtually stopped. Look up Nomorobo and read about it. I do not work for or receive anything from them, I just really appreciate the peace and quiet, and that mom isn’t getting all these dubious calls that might talk her into anything.
sand, in two years? By which time, anyone running for President will be halfway through their (hopefully) one and only term in office.
This gentleman was a senior when I was in seventh? grade. He was also a lifeguard at the local pool and an all around nice guy. He now teaches music and just released his first album. If you enjoy the trumpet, please give him a listen.
Mark, I am suffering from robo calls originating in India. They use a large number of leased US lines and the internet to dial into them. Since they are offshore, and continually bouncing numbers, they are hard to trace.
sand, one of the nice things about the nomorobo service is they have their own database of reported illegal calls. They scan the incoming number on the first ring, and if it’s in their database they cut the call off then. If they don’t have the number as being a bad call, they let it go on ringing and then you can answer.
sandcastle™, I do believe you’re in for a long wait for the Olympic curling events… That’s a sport played on ice during the Winter Olympics!
Mark, this group is constantly leasing short-term lines under various corporate identities. Short-term line leases are used by many organizations for fund raisers, polling, and telemarketing. This is one downside of the no call lists, it’s easy to trace a line, but harder to locate the caller.
Mark and others: You may find this article about robocalls interesting. It also points out the call centers have a practically unlimited number of phone numbers to use, which I’d think makes call blocking somewhat problematic.
GR6, thanks. The best advice in the article is if you don’t recognize the number don’t answer. Over the last month I’ve blocked 20 numbers.
Does no one here own a tee shirt that says “Don’t Make Me Roll My Eyes”?
Just finished cleaning kitchen and back to reading. I apparently sprayed my ice with kitchen cleaner and drank some. Yuck!
What is the two years comment about? Reference presidential election?
Regarding those posts Ruth Anne mentioned, my newsreel said Facebook was eliminating or diminishing them.
Starting to get robocalls on my cell phone now, of course. If the number is not in my call list, I let voice mail take it. If they leave no message, I assume the call is unimportant to me.
Jackie, two years = when the curling events sand asked about will take place.
At this time, there are four 92% naked (you know how I know that) young women on my TV screen. They do not appear to be curling.
No t-shirt, but “Don’t Make Me Roll My Eyes” is tattooed on my upper left arm. j/k
No, the four young ladies are not on The Booby Channel, they are playing beach volleyball as part of the Olympic coverage..or, perhaps more accurately, “uncoverage”.