A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

A Matter of Perspective

By Jimmy Johnson

I’m sorry I missed posting yesterday. If I had been here, I would have told you that the Kickstarter “surveys” are going out this weekend, which will be your opportunity to tell me where to send your reward and to list particulars in your case. It only goes out once! That’s Kickstarter doing, not mine. So, take care filling it out, and in the case of book inscriptions, etc., be sure and tell me exactly what you’d like. Here we go!
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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114 responses to “A Matter of Perspective”

  1. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Ghost do you REALLY have a tattoo? Asking for a friend.

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I have begun putting anyone I would want to talk to including businesses and doctors into my phone. I have a caller ID on my phone that says certain numbers are reported as spam or robocalls. Rest can like Ghost says leave a message.

    Those of you I have met have gone into phone and email list so I pick up my friends. Unless I leave phone somewhere!

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Hint: j/k = just kidding

    No tatts. No piercings. No shaved head. No ritual scarification.

    I did dress up like a Mad Max biker once, at a previous job which had a little looser culture than the current one. I had an all-female staff there, too, and they decided one year to wear costumes for Halloween. One young lady (the owner’s son’s GF, but a good worker) borrowed a HS cheerleader outfit. She was plenty slender enough to wear it, but she must have been about six inches taller than the real cheerleader, which made her already short skirt even shorter. I think it was about four PM before she realized how much showed when she bent over to pull something out of the file cabinets.

  4. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Since I have never had a needle in my body except sucking blood like vampires for testing, I have given up on idea of tattooing my butt at my age. Never pierced anything but ears and I was seven years old so probably not age of reason.

    Have to get back to my book, Rick Bragg has just fallen in a canal full of alligators covering an alligator hunt. I know they didn’t eat him but it’s really dramatically written.

    Relieved you have no tattoos Ghost. I am sworn off men with tattoos.

  5. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Got most of my teeth, too! 🙂

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 Angelic…and Ghostly.


  7. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Just keep looking. I’m positive that file is in there somewhere. Try the bottom drawer again.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Good times.

  9. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jimmy must have heard us talking about ear worms.

  10. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Alison Krauss, just say the word. I’m yours.

  11. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Everyone must be out campaigning for their favorite millionaire, or sleeping in after staying up late with your eyes glued to the faux news network. Speaking of that, I killed a 4 foot diamondback rattlesnake in the street in front of my house yesterday afternoon. We’ve been here for 14 months and that’s the first one that I’ve seen, but I will be more careful about walking in the woods.


  12. Smigz Avatar

    sand, curling is the only part of the Olympics I ever watch. I’m somewhat sports-impaired, but I do like curling and baseball. (Thank you, Japan, for bringing baseball back to the Olympics in 2020.)

  13. emb Avatar

    Are we close to Talk like a Pirate Day, or is it just him?



  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “… the forecast calls for 10-15 inches of rain in locations from Tampa to Pensacola through the next five days with isolated areas receiving over 18 inches.”


  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Will that get Mississippi also? Or just poor Florida?

  16. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Did something stupid which is nothing unusual. Stayed up reading all night until after 5 a.month. Now I can’t get to sleep and feel terrible.

    Tried to sleep and gave up and started reading some more.


  17. TruckerRon Avatar

    There’s a guy in St George UT who designs and builds very unusual cars:


    My Classic Car Season 20 Episode 2 – Ron Berry’s Cartoon Custom Creations

  18. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I want to see Roger Rabbit cars. Cool VW bus.

  19. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    Jerry, what was your snake killing weapon of choice?

  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I have to use a hoe, but have beat them to death with rakes, boat brushes and once a leaf broom. May have just made that one mad.

    Ghost, while you are at library, check out “My Southern Journey” by Rick Bragg. Reading it right now. Lot of it from Southern Living where I read it but I wish they had included all his columns in one place.

    You will like it.

  21. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Late Lewis Grizzled on patios vs. porches, “It is hard to get drunk and fall off a backyard.”

  22. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    Jackie, if you get drunk in our backyard and would stumble, you could take a swim in the bayou. You might float down to the dam and get out. Should you go over the dam your destination is the ship channel. Stay sober when visiting us.

  23. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    More Lewis Grizzard, “There’s no such thing as being too Southern.”

    Rick Bragg’s mama had a dog named Gizzard, named for the writer. World’s ugliest dof according to son. She apparently did not pronounce or spell the other writer’s name with the R.

    I am awash in Southern right about now.

  24. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Trucker, I love those cars. Re the snake I used a shovel to cut off his head. I couldn’t shoot it because he was on the pavement and, as we know, I don’t have a single gun.

  25. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 Because Southern stuff.
