It’s May. Down South, that means football season is just around the corner. This cartoon from 15 years ago is the sort of thing that earned me a reputation, which I say is greatly exaggerated. I have been doing a lot of things lately that interfere with my normal routine. On the whole, this has been good for me, but it hasn’t been good for this Web site. I want to give you a date when I will return more or less routinely, but I don’t think I can do that just yet. Perhaps by the middle of next week or the beginning of the following week, I will be able to return with the promise that I will try to do better. How’s that? It’s the best you’re going to get right now. Whether we like it or not, the Web is going to be very important to cartoonists in the future. I haven’t put years into this site to just let it die, not intentionally anyway. I will be back more regularly and soon. Hopefully, the oft-touted new design will be out someday, but that’s not entirely in my hands. I’m not sure where we are on that one. Be that as it may, thank you all for coming in the past, and please continue to check in. I will try not to disappoint you.

And now there’s “no huddle”
By Jimmy Johnson
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52 responses to “And now there’s “no huddle””
Welcome home, Jimmy. We missed you, but we did survive. It’s just that we worry about you!
Yay, Jimmy’s back! I imagine Janis in the last panel above is using her “1940’s silver screen vamp” voice. And the grin in today’s real-time that Arlo gives Janis is a classic!
“hunch women’s conversation is much more interesting.” Wife reported on such from kaffee*-klatches back when she was a youngish faculty wife [age 30s-40s]. The things other women revealed were outrageous; she managed to keep the conversation out of our bedroom. I know, for instance, why one found she could not use “the pill.” And other things I cannot divulge here.
Actually, the guys [dept. was mostly male then] alluded to various things I wouldn’t think of revealing, in part because I rarely had the problem. Their major complaint was headaches. Wife rarely had them.
Peace, emb
LIKE and SHARE buttons. Looks good!
Not many have yet discovered we’re back yet. For every day that we’re down we probably lose someone for at least a week, maybe permanently. We welcome some new visitors though. Come on in and sit a spell. Debbe, we have been worried and we hope that you are ok. When I’m having a tough time, which is more often than you know, I say “Don’t let the b——s win!” and, in the long run, they won’t.
There were originally 6 of these ——, but speelczech didn’t want that many I guess.
Jimmy we do worry when you don’t show up regularly.
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder” – but ” out of sight out of mind”
Can you get the comments time extended when you don’t post so we can talk behind your back?
Don’t let us hang – we want to know you are OK.
I agree with OB, above. Time extension would tend to keep us from straying.
Good idea, OB and cx-p!
So glad the site is working again! I miss it so much when I can’t get to it. Have been worrying about Debbe, with this awful avian flu; hoping she is doing okay at the henhouse, and at home too. Glad to see Jerry, emb, Galliglo (saw you on Facebook), c ex-p, Denise, and Old Bear.
Enjoying Lilacs here in NH, wildflowers in our lawn. Bumblebees foraging in the Ajuga (Bugleweed — spikes of little bright blue blossoms.) They cover large patches of the lawn — it’s a groundcover.
I too (via email) asked Jimmy to consider extending the period of time (currently one week) that Comments remain open, as the blog is effectively shut down when he goes more than a week without a new post. Perhaps he will have seen that request by now, as well as the similar comments above.
I can’t speak for others, but I checked in every day so that I’d know when it came back up.
Tuesday morning, I went down to the VA for a laser capsulotomy. That means that the capsule behind my implants (from cataract surgery several years ago) was starting to fog, and they needed to cut off the scar tissue with a laser. Right now, my right eye has black floaters, but that’s normal and they generally go away within a few months. In a few weeks, I’m going down again to look into the laser with my remaining eye.
I cite the above cartoon for two reasons:
1) We share Janis’ concern as expressed in the 3rd panel. My Dear Old Dad was fond of saying, “You could have been dead in a ditch!” if I was overdue. (Naturally, I used it ironically on my own children and it has become a family proverb.)
2) This is yet another example of Our Humble Author’s ability to write convincing female dialogue, even though he is not female. A gem.
We are coming up on THIRTY YEARS of Arlo and Janis. Let’s keep ’em coming, ya hear?
I’m just glad to know that you’re OK. I believe I do remember one extended absence that ended with you letting us know you’d had a heart attack. 🙂
Hey Sideburns – I see you are posting under your real name! At least, I suppose it is your real name… unless you are in the Witness Protection Program… No – that’s sandcastler*! LOL
Gal, I think sand claims an expunged record, so perhaps he got that instead of WPP. 🙂
Verizon has purchased AOL for $4.4 billion. That is flat-out amazing. I mean, who knew AOL was still a thing?
Actually, the truly amazing thing is that 2.1 million subscribers still use AOL dial-up for InterWebNet access. Holy moly…with all the crap that many web sites include on their home pages today, how long would it take to download one of them?
Two tweets from Marko Kloos:
“In its heyday, AOL was the country’s leading provider of busy signals.”
“(Kids, ask your parents about “busy signals”.)”
I was at the point f checking the national obits. All I found was that we lost BB King. That is a big loss on its own.
Well, I for one am glad Jimmy is OK and some of the rest of you as well. I have been checking on everyone here and saw Ghost and Gal and a few others I knew, usual suspects on TDS.
Four more days until I start my bigger adventures, spent several days at my lawyers and today signing a sheaf of paperwork. Since wills, DNR, trust funds and powers of attorney, guardianship, etc. are no fun on any day I made sure to wear mint colored jeans, a lavender tee, hot pink clogs and a bright multi-floral designer jacket. At least I was sunny. My lawyer looks like Legally Blonde but aged a bit. Ghost would like her.
I would put a link to my cruising vessel on here but I would be suspected, even though it is on an international blog and website! So, it is 40 feet long, Ghost would not approve, multi-story.
Will try to check in sometime after first week in June is yacht doesn’t sink or the BBC doesn’t report two dead bodies on a blood splattered yacht adrift.
By the way, I did donate entire body to science and use of any parts they want. Still say we should all do same but I know not everyone here agrees.
Love, Jackie
It sounds, Charlotte, as if your spring is at about the same place as mine is right now. I picked up tomato and pepper plants today along with a few perennials. They will get hardened off a bit, then into the ground they go.
Joe, I didn’t realize that could happen with lens implants. Good to know!
Thinking about you, Debbe, and hoping all is well.
I exchanged photos with my four-years-younger-than-me cousin in San Francisco. (He was ten when I last saw him.) Holy moly (again)…there may be something to this “family resemblance” thing.
Your outfit sounded interesting, Jackie. Were batteries included? 🙂 A forty-foot, multistory yacht? Sounds adequate for two people. If you don’t want to post a link, what’s the boat’s name? I might be able to find it on the InterWebNet.
Just catching up. Currently in Glenn Mills, PA.
I know you are going to ridicule me Ghost and not say nice things but I will link for you.
Actually not the sailboat, don’t have it until July. There is a photo of it in my column last week, however. Much smaller only 24 feet, with sails and motor.
Outfit came with sunglasses for anyone out in the drizzle.
Lawyer had on polka dot navy silk dress and pearls. No question who looked classy, her or Brittany Spears here.
Love Jackie
Just wanted to check in and let everyone know I’m OK, also. Been checking daily and I was a bit worried about out leader. Glad to hear he’s OK too. Rain here. Plants are beginning to make tomatoes. I have a small garden in three large barrels. Only grow tomatoes and cucuzza, Italian squash. They grow long vines on anything they can reach. My daddy used to grow them in tall oak trees. They are similar to zuccini and can be cooked with most anything. I prefer them with a red spaghetti gravy. Grass can almost be seen growing with the rain and Louisiana heat. I agree with everyone on JJ’s letting the blog stay open, if it’s not too much trouble. I and everyone else seem to look forward to the comments even if we don’t join in often.
Blessings and prayers for everyone.
Should have been “our” leader. (I have fat fingers!)
Good to see our citizens wandering back to the Village! Hope Debbe checks in during the early morning hours…