It’s May. Down South, that means football season is just around the corner. This cartoon from 15 years ago is the sort of thing that earned me a reputation, which I say is greatly exaggerated. I have been doing a lot of things lately that interfere with my normal routine. On the whole, this has been good for me, but it hasn’t been good for this Web site. I want to give you a date when I will return more or less routinely, but I don’t think I can do that just yet. Perhaps by the middle of next week or the beginning of the following week, I will be able to return with the promise that I will try to do better. How’s that? It’s the best you’re going to get right now. Whether we like it or not, the Web is going to be very important to cartoonists in the future. I haven’t put years into this site to just let it die, not intentionally anyway. I will be back more regularly and soon. Hopefully, the oft-touted new design will be out someday, but that’s not entirely in my hands. I’m not sure where we are on that one. Be that as it may, thank you all for coming in the past, and please continue to check in. I will try not to disappoint you.

And now there’s “no huddle”
By Jimmy Johnson
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52 responses to “And now there’s “no huddle””
As usual, my link is faulty. is correct. The sailboat “Magic” is in my last week’s or this weeks’s column, along with Cowboy Cookies and the recipe for the cookies.
Yeah, I kept checking in and lurking around. I worry about everyone, especially when depression if brought up, as it was. I am very happy, despite just donating my body and all my assets and money to something.
Love, Jackie
Blogspot should be all one word, not – nice boat!
Today I wore khaki shorts with brown shoes and a green flowered shirt. I drove the Accord to get a massage today because it gets better gas mileage than my Cadillac. Afterwards we felt like getting bar-b-que so we went to Sonnys and then stopped by Bed Bath and Beyond before heading home. But then, nobody cares about the details of my day and I don’t need to comment because I am ” some people” and get mentioned whether I post or not. Not that it bothers me, but aren’t we getting kind of silly re Lilliblack’s last comment?
Thanks Jimmy. Missed the “new” retro strips. Thanks for updating and giving us the chance to talk again. I’ve been checking every day.
Jackie, why not a picture of your lawyer? I’m sure Ghost isn’t the only one who would appreciate it. π
Re Debbe’s comments on depression, and the responses, this is a very good depiction, set to music:
Something a little lighter, appropriate for the season:
Well, if we are going to discuss outfits, ditched the work clothes for a strapless, “tulip-skirt” dress (Dollar store find, woohoo!), and strappy sndals. Tulip skirts are rather revealing if not careful. Do not recommend wearing if dining at a booth table. Steak, medium-rare, and salad.
Jerry – Hawaiian or Panama Jack?
LOVED Arlo in today’s real time. Ha! However, I miss Luddie. Than again, I’ve leveled up my “crazy cat lady” status, so no surprise there.
Hope our missing members check in for roll call soon. We are going to have to come up with a zip code soon at the rate we are going.
I tried to post yesterday but found that comments were closed on the video game.
When the mouse is away, the cat will play.
(Sure would have been better on the correct page.)
Jerry darling, you brain/mind must be rather crowded, your life is too exciting. I am off not to return for as long as possible. I do miss many here. You are not among them. I doubt that you are real or else multi-bodied? One for each side? You left out church references.
Goodbye, I am taking JJ’s book with me to BC because my friend being English is a worse or equally bad punster. He is a fan of Jimmy’s because I send him the cartoons. In fact, boat plans drawing are called “cartoons” if they are sketchy pencil or pen and inks and not drafted totally to scale. But that isn’t why he names some boats for cartoon characters, he is huge fan, especially of Walt Kelly and Pogo.
You don’t have to call me darling, darling.
Mindy, Island Shores brand silk, similar to Tommy Bahama one color in two shades.
Awww… We are not only the Village, but also family… Spats and all! Perhaps we are a tribe?
Even tho we spat, I love you all!
Mowed lawn again today – after less than a week of drizzly rain – I have baled shorter
Hale Hale the gangs all here
I guess that should be
Hail Hail –
Though I hope we are all hale
Either it rained tonight or I was spat upon. It’s getting hard to tell the difference. Good call Ghost. I think that Billy Shakespeare said something about a loud breaking of wind in a crowded elevator, “Thou does protest overly much” or something like that.
When I posted earlier, I had to re-enter the info, and didn’t notice that I’d gotten the name wrong. Not that it matters because you can always find my name from my website.
I’ve been meaning to ask you, hasn’t everyone played frizzbee with a cd?
Oh, look; I’ve learned a new word…”non-sequitur”.
‘Nite, all.
Latin for “doesn’t follow”, you don’t, but he will.
Found a new (to me) word in a crossword puzzle recently: tussore.
I looked it up and found a few other spellings, but none rang a bell. Anyone hear of it before?
‘Mornin Debbe.
Looks French and maybe related to the original French word for bundle, referring to a bundle of grapes, eventually becoming the bundle that a bride takes into her marrage.
I was kind of close. It’s a type of coarse silk. Made from a sow’s ear maybe.
Good morning Villagers….and back at you too Jerry π
BB King died! Now the thrill is really gone. Loved him and Lucille. Actually saw him perform twice. Will dig for my cassette that he and Clapton taped. Can’t think of the name of it.
Ian really pulled a ‘boner’ yesterday….thought he was changing my oil, only to find out he drained the transmission fluid. Had to drain the oil, as it was overfilled. Then had to have it towed as my Isuzu has a ‘closed’ transmission…not even a dipstick to check it. One day if you hear a loud pop from S IN, it will be my son’s head coming out of his a$$!
Really missed all of you this week, this place is very therapeutic. Still struggling, but better. Thank you all for sharing and caring.
The hen house is fine, egg shells are thin, therefore making a mess. My Miss Prissies are a year old now. The Corp and The Boss have really ‘beefed’ up the bio-security since they have discovered a backyard flock in Northern Indiana had the avian virus. What is puzzling is the strain is from the Pacific flyway. Seventy-seven birds (ducks, chickens and geese I think) had to be culled. Everyone is concerned.
GR π you’re keeping early hours…saw your comment this morn on TDS π
AND…Andrew came over and apologized to all of us…we’re family my husband said…Ian accepted his apology and all is good, Andrew is back at work and even picking me up for work since I don’t have wheels.
ya’ll have a blessed day