A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

…and whole milk!

By Jimmy Johnson

Last week’s eclipse with associated travel and general disruption played havoc with my summer schedule here, abbreviated as it is. However, I’ll try to get back on track today. Longtime visitors know major hurricanes usually are noted here ever since Katrina. Now, we have Harvey, and I don’t have anything to add. It is truly awful. I can’t imagine what metropolitan Houston will be like going forward. We probably will talk more about this, but I stand by my statement: I don’t have much to add. It’s overwhelming.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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150 responses to “…and whole milk!”


    Yay, Mindy from Indy! I agree totally.

  2. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    A friend posted this on Facebook – https://humans.media/what-not-to-say-to-a-flood-survivor

    I can only imagine that it would not be the loss of “stuff” so much as the loss of all that is familiar that would be most traumatic. The little things are probably the worst, like realizing your recipe collection is gone at a time when you’re most in need of comfort food.

  3. TruckerRon Avatar

    The best thing to do is ask them what are you feeling, what was your experience, and how can I help you now? And then listen respectfully and keep any and all promises you feel prompted to make. No platitudes or advice are needed at this time, just empathy and acts of service.

  4. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…..

    ….just a little grin to start your day


  5. emb Avatar

    TIP. Kids that will not have to go to school tomorrow.



  6. emb Avatar

    Oct. ‘Sky & Telescope’ came recently. Article about lunar craters had a similar photo [but full], with discussed craters labelled. Large one below ctr. about 6 o’clock = Tycho. Bright one about 1030 = Aristarchus, bright ancient Greek who championed heliocentrism.


  7. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Saw one version of this a couple of days ago and now there’s “the rest of the story” (sorry about the language) – http://mashable.com/2017/09/03/pissed-off-hurricane-harvey-cat-meme.amp

  8. ursen Avatar

    If I made a try at rescuing that kitty I would carefully count all my extremities afterwards. You could lose a few a to a feline that ticked off.

  9. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    ursen, yeah, I’d say use a long stick to push something to float on within his reach.

  10. ursen Avatar

    A very definite insult to a very nice queen, but yes funny.

  11. emb Avatar

    Be nice to her! We waved at each other on her coronation day. Peace,

  12. John Nielsen Avatar
    John Nielsen

    Absolutely no communications! Mr. Johnson, please contact me – John Nielsen backer #112, Kickstarter campaign, $250.00. Word is that all the rewards other than the book have shipped, but I have received nothing. Please provide me with tracking information, send/resend the items, or refund me.

  13. emb Avatar

    If those white water birds have black wing tips, they are likely pelicans. If that’s not the online scene, go back a bit on the red line. Peace,


  14. emb Avatar

    Bison watering hole seems completely dry. Guess is they are not dependent on it, and that there may be others w/ no webcams. Peace,


  15. Steve From Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    I mentioned here in a post long ago that I was visiting a small town in Japan near the headquarters of the company that I represented. During the visit, I was told to wait for a supplier that was also visiting and it turned out to be the ex-boss that had, in my opinion, unfairly let me go 3 years before.

    Today I saw a story online about the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital that overlooked the stadium. My niece’s son had been a patient there. But Iowa reminded me of that ex-boss, so I Googled him and found out that he died 3 years ago. Certainly mixed emotions as while we did not see eye to eye on many things, I refused to hate the man. He may have done me a favor as I ended up with a decent career path. He was also a source of a lot of stories that reminded me of how not to do my job.

  16. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Well I’m baaack.

    Had a great trip in NE – lots of traveling, lots of visiting.

    Had a get together and saw people that we had not seen in years –
    it was just like we saw them last week.

    Really enjoyed meeting Mizz Charlotte & her daughter.

    Long drive back all safe and sound.

    As I might have said before my Grandmother catered at RadioCityMH. We went to a Christmas show (’48?’49?) & we went in the side door bypassing the lines.

    Glad to hear Villagers are safe – If we can spare a prayer for my brother. He found out he has
    stage2 Rectal Cancer. At his last Colonoscopy the Doc said come back in 5 years – my brother
    opined maybe 3, the Doc said 5 so he left it at that. He should have gone back in 3 or at least four. Just be aware YOU are responsible for your health. If you have concerns – insist.

  17. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Posted on Craigslist here: 1 ton wench – $100

    Make up your own jokes. Folks ought to look up words before posting if they aren’t familiar with them.

  18. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    another example: Vintage Green dish bowel glassware – $35

  19. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Old Bear, Marge and I enjoyed being treated to lunch and meeting you and your wife. Glad your trip was lots of fun.

    Steve in R.O. that’s a crying shame about your brother — hope he can overcome this in spite of the rotten advice of the doctor.

    Mark in TTown, that is so funny about the green glass bowl (bowel) !

  20. emb Avatar

    Today’s ‘skinny-dipping spot’ comic reminds me: When our kids were young, Elaine often attended kaffeklatches, most often w/ other young faculty wives. Amazing the intimacies and such that she heard there. At the time, BSC had only one female biologist, and she never joined the men in the ad hoc coffee room [state then would not set aside fac. lounge space in a new bldg.]. I heard re more ‘headaches’ and such than you could shake a stick at. Neither of us did that to each other.

    Once in a while said something sure to embarrass one of our kids in their hearing; still regret those, since I remember them all too well from my own childhood. I forgive my mom; that sin was as common as dirt.


  21. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Charlotte, I’m not sure which post that you were referring to. Could it have been someone else?