A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

…and whole milk!

By Jimmy Johnson

Last week’s eclipse with associated travel and general disruption played havoc with my summer schedule here, abbreviated as it is. However, I’ll try to get back on track today. Longtime visitors know major hurricanes usually are noted here ever since Katrina. Now, we have Harvey, and I don’t have anything to add. It is truly awful. I can’t imagine what metropolitan Houston will be like going forward. We probably will talk more about this, but I stand by my statement: I don’t have much to add. It’s overwhelming.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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150 responses to “…and whole milk!”

  1. Debbe Avatar

    Good afternoon Villagers…..

    We’re debating on more leftovers for supper (beef and noodles/mushroom soup or veggies’ soup with fresh ‘maters) or just a lovely, loaded pizza 🙂 I picked two more red ‘maters off my two plants this morn.

    decision made….it’s pizza, half cheese and the other half fully loaded……hmmmmm

    later gaters….

  2. Debbe Avatar

    Sandman and Loon…so good to see you posting…and safe, Amen

  3. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Even though we’re retired, there’s just something about a Friday that calls for a “moment of Zen”. This week certainly deserves one. Here’s my contribution from our trip through the Nantahala Gorge last week – https://flic.kr/p/YbMz6r

  4. Debbe Avatar

    ok….I’ll admit it….been there, done that ;_


  5. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Great pictures, RA! Makes one want to dip the toes right in.

    Debbe (3:49) What kind of cat it that? It’s nose seems really pushed in, as in some dogs. I suppose I could look it up, but you seem to have cat knowledge to spare, so….

  6. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    c x-p: Thanks – I’m so glad that getting decent video and the sound of the water is possible with even simple, relatively inexpensive cameras these days. Now if we could just have smell-o-vision!

    I’d say that cat is a Persian. It’s possible it wouldn’t meet some of the standards of better breeders, since I’ve read that they try to avoid such extremely squished noses and the inherent health problems.

  7. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I’ve seen the Rockettes and Rockefeller Center and enjoyed both. I’ve really enjoyed my visits to NYC, certainly more than New Orleans or Atlanta although they have their good points.

  8. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    I’m enjoying the many cross-currents of thoughts and stories today! Good news that Sand and Loon are safe and dry — wow, they must have some stories to tell. Right in the thick of things. Wishing good things for Jackie and Ghost.

    I hear that Old Bear and his wife are safely back in Minnesota from their exciting New England trip. It was lovely meeting them and they are nice interesting folks.

    In my early teens (1940’s) I saw the Radio City Music Hall show and the Rockettes. I was tremendously impressed with the space, the decoration, the whole experience. Cannot remember what the movie was! Maybe it will come back to my memory somehow.

  9. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Thankful that you and Loon are safe, Sand!

  10. John Nielsen Avatar
    John Nielsen

    Ruth Anne – I have sent multiple messages to that e-mail, as well as on Kickstarter. At this point I can only assume he simply walked away with my $250.00. What a scam where a well-known creator can simply ignore his promises to people who fund him in good faith.

  11. The formerly dry person known as sandcastler Avatar
    The formerly dry person known as sandcastler

    Hey everybody, we are survivors.
    Our Sunday started with a rubber raft doorside pickup. Transported to a dry ground consolidation point for boat delivery to trucks on a flooded roadway. Transfer to uber tall pickups for delivery to a staging point, where we were transferred to a flatbed trailer for delivery and in processing at a local high school. Then marshalled on to city buses for transportation to the George R Brown convention center.

    We signed in at a police checkpoint, frisked for weapons. Then processed into one of four large exhibit halls based on: children age, pets, etc. Bottled water and EMR’s were distributed. First night we had no cots. Second night we took turns sleeping on a single cot. Life improved after that, plenty of cots and real meals in styro boxes.
    Escaped on Thursday with aid of a friends son and Loons brother. Now, homeless, fugitive refugees.
    Word today, it will be approximately two weeks before water drops and we can get inside our house.

  12. emb Avatar

    Good morning. Today’s birthday boy quote, extracted from The Writer’s Almanac:

    Roth, Joseph (Brody, Ukraine 2 Sep. 1894-1939), Austrian nov., jour. Last novel had been published / Netherlands; Nazis destroyed the entire first printing of the book just after it had come off the presses. “We all overestimated the world.” Wr.A.170902

    Yesterday, of course = anniv. of the invasion of Poland by Germany and the USSR. Peace?

  13. Llee Avatar

    That’s very odd, John. The book has taken longer than expected but the other rewards went out in good time. JJ isn’t a scammer. Hope you two are able to clear up the mess soon.

    Ruth Ann, those are great photos in your flickr stash. I snooped past the water falls to the crocheted dinosaurs- Cute!

  14. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Sorry to say that “formerly dry” Sandcastler’s experience is replicated by tens of thousands of people in Houston AND other areas of southeast and coastal Texas. My daughter, the nurse, is in Houston this weekend working on recovery efforts. I can’t imagine what she’ll encounter.

    Hope all the Village residents have a peaceful and restorative weekend.

  15. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villager……

    Watched your video Ruth….very soothing for a bedtime tune…they have sounds like that on clock radio.

    Sand and Loon, glad you’re save…how’s your fur babies?

    Cxp,,,Ruth Ann wins…I do believe it is a Persian….never into Persian though…it’s the face!

    and this is one for all…..

    http://i.imgur.com/VGQQ2PI.mp4 🙂

  16. John in Houston Texas Avatar
    John in Houston Texas

    @ Sandcastler. Oh no, raft at the door, so your place is really ruined? Did you get stuff up above the flood? My brother and wife and two dachshunds can’t get home, they live near Gessner and Briar Forest, but luckily able to stay with friends. he was able to boat in and get more clothes, etc, but house still dry. I have an apt near West U, behind ch13. I’m on a top floor and have half my ceiling ripped out from massive pounding rain leaks, but go out and around, you wouldn’t know there’d been a storm, except everything closes early with the curfew and Kroger has rows of empty shelves. My five acres in Wharton is under water but cabin up on pier and beam still dry, my neighbor on a slab, last I heard, had water just about to get in. A friend who also is flooded out, near Kirkwood and the Bayou, is a pediatric ICU nurse in the med center, they put her and son and four guinea pigs up for a month in The Whitehall downtown.


    When I lived in Nassau Bay we had three hundred year floods in about a year’s time. Homes went under water to roofs, cars under water, businesses flooded. That was in 1980s.

    Of course the oil industry had crashed and the shuttle blew up next but devastating floods had already ruined homes and economy. The extent of this current flooding is my experience magnified a million times. I so grieve for Texas.

  18. Ghost Avatar

    Tfdpka sandcastler™, I’m sorry to hear of your awful experience from the flood, but happy, of course, that you and Loon and the animals survived. And it’s also awful that, as DiA pointed out, your story times tens of thousands if not millions is now Houston’s and coastal Texas’s story.

    I hope you were able to move the VP9 and other items to high enough an area in your house to have stayed dry. 🙁

  19. emb Avatar

    Bull bison close up. You can browse back and forth along the red line at bottom for views prior to present. His mantle [?] is literally [not figuratively] crawling w/ ectoparasites, and maybe a few plain flies. Peace,


  20. emb Avatar

    Actually, you will have to go back about 2h55m ago, but it’s easy. Peace,

  21. Ghost Avatar

    We were a little late posting today due to electrical issues at Jackie’s house. When I turned on the hallway light last night we’ve been using as a nightlight the bulb (or perhaps the entire fixture) blew rather spectacularly, tripping a breaker that took out most of the light fixtures and wall outlets in the house, including the one powering the wireless modem and the AC thermostat. Since, as Jackie has told me, the wiring here was apparently done by Rube, Goldberg & Murphy Electrical Service, the fact the breaker box is located in the refrigerator alcove (BEHIND THE HUGE FREAKIN’ REFRIGERATOR) was not really a surprise.

    Anyway, Ray Our Handy-Dandy Man has now restored full power to the house, and in much less time than it will take for countless people in the Houston area. As I’ve always observed, if anyone thinks they have it bad, they should simply look around…it won’t be difficult to find someone who has it worse.