A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

…and whole milk!

By Jimmy Johnson

Last week’s eclipse with associated travel and general disruption played havoc with my summer schedule here, abbreviated as it is. However, I’ll try to get back on track today. Longtime visitors know major hurricanes usually are noted here ever since Katrina. Now, we have Harvey, and I don’t have anything to add. It is truly awful. I can’t imagine what metropolitan Houston will be like going forward. We probably will talk more about this, but I stand by my statement: I don’t have much to add. It’s overwhelming.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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150 responses to “…and whole milk!”

  1. Debbe Avatar

    Oh boy…Dad’s getting a new A/C and Heating unit. Yet we need it, but I’ve got to stop watching the heartbreaking news, 24 hours a day on the tragedy in Texas.

    My prayers and thoughts and empathy and sympathy and $ are being sent to those poor souls who have lost everything…but they still have a life to rebuild from….and their faith and love for one another will deliver, not overnight but in years…let’s not forget them.

    Stop and think why everyone wants to come to America….we are one nation and we will become one nation…again…

    God bless America, and God bless the United States of America.

  2. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Ditto Debbe. It’s now raining very hard and we’re having frequent thunder. I don’t expect it to get worse than this. There has been no wind to speak of here. If anything does happen Elvis will survive because at the slightest sound of thunder or heavy rain he goes to my closet. It only takes him a second to open the door and he’s in there now.

  3. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Reading back, I realize that I don’t always use subject, verb and object, We don’t grade for grammar here, but I’ve made peace, at least in my mind, with the citizens of the village. You post about whatever and however you like and I will do the same.

  4. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Dear Jerry in Fl — You have the right attitude and I agree with you. Let’s all relax and not criticize each other. We come to the Village to be friendly.

    Dear emb, you go ahead and be a copy-editor all you want; you are being helpful and we are learning things.

    Darn it, I meant to look at the Old Faithful site today but I got distracted. Now I probably won’t be able to find the link. I can’t seem to find a list of Favorites either on this Edge browser (Windows 10 on desktop computer) or on my Apple iPad — either Safari or Google, or both. The darned iPad was entertaining at first but now it’s just frustrating most of the time.

  5. emb Avatar


    Do that all the time. Good conversational English, learned from Dad, whose 10th gr. education [ca. 1884-95] stood him in good stead re grammar, vocabulary, and geography. They didn’t push the Oxford comma back then.


  6. Debbe Avatar

    once upon a time…….


    Jerry….how is Tippy doing? Hiding with Elvis?

    Good night and God Bless us all….

  7. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Debbe, nice story. Thanks for sharing it.

  8. emb Avatar

    TIP blogspot: Restrained, but some will enjoy it anyway. Vive la difference!


  9. emb Avatar

    Think I first heard this in JHS 3, when we were actually taught what the Phoenicians did of note.


  10. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    EMB, I think windows without “Phoenician” blinds look really bare. I don’t know how those people in northeast Italy got away with copying the idea! No doubt the migration from the Mediterranean shore to Persia occurred when Cyrus conquered them in 539 B.C. 😉


  11. Ghost Avatar

    Still livin’ on Tulsa time today…stayed over last night to see if a stat test could be scheduled for today; looking less like that’s going to happen as noon approaches. We did meet with the surgeon’s NP yesterday and the oncologist Tuesday, and it appears Jackie’s surgery is a “go” for 9-25-17. Lots of consults and medical releases needed from other docs in the meantime, so it’s not like we will just be loafing.

    We will try to work a little fun into it, starting with volunteering as check-in staff at the Arkansas River race in Tulsa on Labor Day. Jackie assures me there will be lots of damp bikini babe racers needing to be checked in, and since alcohol is inevitably involved, many of them will likely be having trouble keeping their suits adjusted. Sounds like fun to me. 😉

  12. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    I don’t know who the Pedant is, but then I’ve missed a couple of days in the Village because I have been visiting with my lovely granddaughter. Whoever they are, I hope they don’t let the door hit them on their way out of the Village.

    I don’t argue about people’s grammar here because mine isn’t that perfect, and I’m just happy that Villagers use words instead of the way young people text these days. B4 is a Bingo call, not a word!

    We might be getting our share of Harvey, and if so it ain’t much. And I’m not going to whine because we need the rain. Still, I am sorry for the people in and around Houston, and I will find a place to donate to.

  13. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Ghost, there is video on YouTube of last year’s event. You can watch it and get an idea what you’re in for. Looked like fun when I saw it. But I’m working my normal 9 hour Monday that day. Time and a half, here I come!


    Ghost and I try really hard to provide a touch of jocularity to an often dour blog here. It is often depressingly somber.

    How can a blog dedicated to humor be so unfunny? We are letting Jimmy down.


    Here’s my contribution, when scheduling surgery my mastectomy they asked if I wanted to have reconstruction? I said definitely and I wanted a matched pair.

    She looked at me and said we will have to reconstruct the good one too, they don’t make replacements large enough to match your natural ones. We all laughed at that one.

    Ghost is looking forward to meeting with the plastic surgeon, picking out what he likes. He said Rich Widow Lady let him pick lingerie but picking out his favorite breasts is a new experience.

    I want permanent pokies sewn in to replace the ones I am losing.

  16. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Well, he will get to pick new colorful lingerie for you, to match your newly remodeled frontage.

  17. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Speaking of humor, where’s Mindy and the bamboo wars when we need her?!

  18. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Uh-oh. Here comes Irma. Who let the dogs out? Tippy is still growing. He weighs less than Elvis, but looks at least as big because of all the hair. Ragamuffins can get up to30 lbs without being obese. Tippy and Spunky chase each other around the house . He’s still young and she, being so small, is a kitty at heart.

  19. John Nielsen Avatar
    John Nielsen

    I’m trying, in vain, to get an answer to my questions about the Kickstarter campaign. I pledged for a book, an original strip, and two drawings, and have received nothing. Please contact me.

  20. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    John N.: Have you tried a direct email? JJ’s address is at the top of this page, right under the car.