A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!


By Jimmy Johnson

April 1, 2002

Illness and weirdness are nothing new around here. This is a series that began on April Fool’s Day, in case you might otherwise miss that. There were no “comments” to speak of when this first appeared, thank goodness. I must shuffle off prematurely today and draw something. Wish me luck.

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47 responses to “Arlogator”

  1. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I’m glad that there was dialogue. I might not have noticed that it wasn’t Arlo. I would have thought it was some role playing that they were doing from the night before.

    Good luck with the drawing. There is a lot of funny stuff out there and we need to hear it!

  2. Neal H Sanders Avatar

    I wondered how I missed this series – being a UF alumnus and all that. But then I got to the ‘playing computer games’ and realized my wife and I were on vacation abroad (though not in Greece…)

  3. Jim in TN Avatar

    We are still cleaning up from the party on the Facebook page last night. If you missed it, stop on by. ?

    1. Jim Young Avatar

      I guess I’m still hungover from the party… So try this link for the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ArloandJanisFans/

      I think they changed it on me!

  4. Cozmik Cowboy Avatar
    Cozmik Cowboy

    Having been born 4/1/56, I tired of “April Fool’s” many decades ago – but I liked that one! (Just wish the gator had been Albert……)

    1. Blinky the Wonder Wombat Avatar
      Blinky the Wonder Wombat

      My MIL not only was born on April 1st, but it was also an Easter Sunday.

      1. Cozmik Cowboy Avatar
        Cozmik Cowboy

        So, she turned 64 this month (as did I)..

  5. Otis Avatar

    It’s a good thing Gatorade was invented at UF. At FSU they world have called it…..

    Seminole Fluid.

    I’ll see myself out now.

  6. emb Avatar

    Some [all?] geese are just stubborn.
    Yesterday, about there will be more goose eggs. Am hardly worried about [italics, please] Branta canadensis. Its recovery = wildlife mgt’s greatest success story. They have become a pest species. See my next column in [italics, please] The Bemidji Pioneer [unless they decide not to print it.]

  7. TruckerRon Avatar

    I didn’t drive northeast into New England often past our NJ terminal in Sayreville. Our “local” drivers out of that terminal handled that when possible… especially for stops in NYC. So I was also startled to see my new Telrad finder left Montague NJ with its first stop in Nashua NH. And it took 2 days past the “label creation” for it to be picked up for a 2-day delivery. USPS certainly isn’t the fastest at picking up shipments! But with it being picked up yesterday, that means it’s gotta be on a plane soon if it’s to arrive by tomorrow evening. Right? Or does USPS use a different calendar?

    1. joe d Avatar
      joe d

      I found that sometimes companies create the label but don’t have item ready for shipment for 1-2 days. But I cant figure out why it went from NJ to NH unless you are in New England?

      1. TruckerRon Avatar

        I’m in Utah. And with the asinine restrictions on travel, we’ll be spending our 40th anniversary at home and not at the resort we wanted.

  8. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Don’t bet on it Trucker. I ordered something from Ebay on 3/22. The in-between service announced they picked it up on 3/29, a week later. Then they hung onto it for 4 days before giving it to the USPS to actually deliver. And it arrived yesterday, the day after I had complained to the seller that although I had taken economy shipping, I didn’t know they meant by wagon train.

    1. Jerry in Fl Avatar
      Jerry in Fl

      When I get something really late my feedback says that it arrived although the horse was really tired.

  9. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Ghost & JJ
    The plural of Virus could be Virus like Sheep & Moose
    (the plural of Moose is not Meese as you might have heard. Like Goose & Geese)
    Isn’t English wonderful?
    Singular (1) Plural (2+)
    aircraft aircraft
    deer deer
    fish fish
    moose moose
    offspring offspring
    sheep sheep
    species species
    salmon salmon
    trout trout
    And maybe other fish

    1. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
      Ruth Anne in Winter Park

      Reminds me of a long ago cartoon; can’t remember the name of the strip but stereotypical, not very bright cowboys and Indians were involved. Anyway, one character was trying to warn the others that multiple moose were approaching. After “Run for your lives” and a couple of false starts, his solution was “Here comes a moose and there’s another one with him!”

      1. Sideburns Avatar

        That sounds like Tumbleweeds.

        1. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
          Ruth Anne in Winter Park

          That’s it!

  10. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    We’ve lost another good one. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/09/arts/mort-drucker-dead.html?fbclid=IwAR0Mb1htiI1W0bvF29UCXk5BlL-ATFI_RTyeP8xCkNfT8hsl3m97JOPfJfo Anybody that read Mad magazine knows the work, if not the artist.

    1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
      Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

      I need to read more closely before I post.

      I didn’t see that you had already given the news.

  11. emb Avatar

    This baboon in this tree is pretty constant, sometimes w/ co.
    This morning, there was a goose w/ 2 eggs in charlo. URL above. Now empty. Prob MDNR did it. We had a fresh inch of snow this morning, & it was still snowing at 0900. Gone now, except maybe on N side of berm. If you listen to MPR’s Friday Favorites [3-7 pm, KCRB, 88.5 FM here, other data available / MPR Classical online], you may hear a Gustov Holst item in honor of a newborn named Hayden [her parents had no idea of what Hayden connotes to geezers from NYC, especially those who grew up in the AMNH. Admission to the Hayden Planetarium was then a quarter; I think $20 now gets you in to both the museum and the new planetarium.]

  12. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Went on several class trips to the Hayden in 50s.
    Another good one is at the Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury VT – had a show for 4 people
    when we were there.

  13. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Speaking of comments on the GoComics site –

    I have noticed that all of the strips from just a few years ago and back no longer have the comments.

    Does GoComics automatically delete the comments after a period of time?

  14. Galliglo of Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo of Ohio

    The April Fool arc was a laugh-out-loud! Somehow, I had never seen it before. Thanks, JJ!

  15. DJJG Avatar

    “Arlogater”! Sheesh! Do I detect some Chuck Jones influence? Art and timing . .

  16. Ghost Avatar

    This morning I was advised my package had suddenly and inexplicably arrived in OKC (a 2-hour drive from here). But the projected arrival date is now 4-19-20.
    Sill much better than my estimate (based on its progress through Kansas) of around the first of June. ?

  17. Ghost Avatar

    This morning I was advised my package had suddenly and inexplicably arrived in OKC (a 2-hour drive from here). But the projected arrival date is now 4-19-20.
    Sill much better than my estimate (based on its progress through Kansas) of around the first of June. ?

    1. Ghost Avatar

      Now how did that happen?

  18. DJJG Avatar

    One thing is how severely her eyes are so vertical in panel two–wow, for Janis–and how horizontal they are in the next panel, along with her tall standing and short sitting. Man, is this funny.

  19. DJJG Avatar

    I meant:
    Gotta type three hyphens to get a dash here—

  20. Ghost Avatar

    The 21st Century is not turning out as I had expected…
    CNN Headline: “Czech nudists told to wear face masks by police”

    1. Ghost Avatar

      If they refuse, I suppose that they will be stamped “bad Czech”…somewhere.

      1. Ghost Avatar

        Or, if you prefer, “NSF”…for “Nudes Showing Faces.”

  21. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Or if they are ordered to leave the area, “bounced Czech”.

  22. Ghost Avatar

    I just read that the Gubbermint “stimulus checks” will be rolling out “soon”, both electronically and by snail-mail. Hopefully, mine will be sent via the former rather than the latter, since I also read that the US Postal Service says it is about to run out of money, and I would dearly hate it if they subbed delivery of my check to FedEx (see previous posts), and I didn’t receive it until Christmas.

    On a semi-serious note, I was wondering if any of you have made plans for what you will be doing with those sweet, sweet greenbacks the Gubbermint is so magnanimously sending you.

    “Wait a minute; where did the Gubbermint get those greenbacks it’s sending us?”
    “Shut up.”

    Remember, people, the idea is to get out there and spent those bucks to stimulate our economy, along with, presumably, the economies of China, Taiwan, India, South Korea, Mexico, Canada, and, don’t forget, Elbonia. (With election season nearing, we’ll probably be needing the mud.) Those economies apparently won’t get stimulated if you do something responsible with the money, like save it for a rainy (rainier?) day. Plus, that would be dull. I haven’t decided how I’m going to be a good citizen and spend mine, so I would like to have some suggestions from all of you.

    (Pro tip: $1200 wouldn’t buy you love, but it will rent a fair portion of it.)

    1. Sideburns Avatar

      I’m planning on putting it into my savings account so it’s available when the next rainy day rolls around. That way I’ll have it when (not if) I need it, and until then, it won’t be contributing to inflation.

  23. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I will donate mine to the DNC. Don, I need more please, please. What is the plural or possessive of Jones? I prefer for possessive Jones’ and for plural Jones and definitely not Joneses.

    1. Ghost Avatar

      I thought “Jones’s” was the possessive, although “Jones’ ” may also be correct. And for plural I’d probably try to get away with “the Jones family”. 🙂 “Joneses” does look weird.
      Then there’s “Jonesing”, but that’s an entirely different matter. 😀

      1. DJJG Avatar

        Now this is something I teach for a living. Associated Press style says: Joneses for plural and Jones’ for singular possessive. This is unlike American Psychological Association, Strunk and White, or others that want Jones’s for singular possessive and Joneses’ for plural possessive. Nothing wrong with your

        “the Jones family”.

        for a neat plural, except that, all over America, the comma goes inside the quotation mark. No exceptions, not in AP, not in APA. One never sees it here.

        I just know that Jimmy studied Chuck Jones’s cartooning!

  24. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Ghost: At least part of it will go to our favorite servers at the neighborhood restaurants that we frequent and at Bob’s afternoon hangout bar. We’ve been keeping track of the tips we haven’t been able to leave; they’ll get that and more.

    1. Ghost Avatar

      Very good choice, Ruth Anne. We’ve missed seeing our favorite servers at various places, although we have been leaving full tips on those occasions when we’ve picked up carryout orders.

      1. TruckerRon Avatar

        Same here; it’s not their fault we can’t come in for normal full service and the decor. Our favorite smokehouse has on its wall, “Vegetarian: Native American term for lousy hunter.”

        Another wise thing to do with the “free” money is to save it for the inevitably higher prices that expanding the money supply causes.

        1. Ghost Avatar

          Jackie loved the sign, TR. As much as she used to travel, I’d of thought she’d seen that, but she hadn’t.

          The Blow Fly Inn in Gulfport MS has a sign on the front door that reads…
          WE’RE OPEN!