I ran across this old A&J comic in the archives and couldn’t help but be amused at how far off the mark the colorist was. This wasn’t the issue with me then that it would be now, because most newspaper comics 15 years ago were still black and white, and—in my mind—digital comics weren’t real comics. Yes, a lot has changed. It wasn’t all on the colorist; there was no communication between that anonymous toiler and myself, and this concerned me not. (See reasons stated above.) Still, it often was obvious the colorists did not actually read the strip they were coloring. I need not go into what went wrong. I have remastered the strip above, and you easily can see for yourself. And, no, it was not intended to be dirty in the least.

Colorful Explanation
By Jimmy Johnson
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201 responses to “Colorful Explanation”
I’m glad that I read your comments! I thought maybe you were running a “Name 3 things different from each strip!
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Ala Gloria & Meathead! (But the years have been much kinder to our beloved Janis than they have to Sally!)
I cannot help but believe you’re right, Jimmy; how could anybody who’d read the strip color it in such a way as to remove the entire premise? In the words of the immortal Mr. B. Bunny, “Wadda maroon!”
I always assumed that the reviled colorists hired by the syndicate were from non-English reading countries. I thought they did this because labor rates were cheaper in these countries, but then again, how much were they paying in the first place- $50 a strip, maybe? I’m sure they could have found a struggling art major glad to color a strip for coffee money and experience. The maroons seem to be ensconced in the syndicate offices.
Always thought Bugs was saying “What a moron” with his accent.
Glad that was cleared up. The cartoon mentioned has bugged me ever since I first saw it and noticed she was wearing his PJ top and also his PJ bottom…but only the top got Arlo’s attention. Inconsistent.
.PS: eMb, how are you doing? We haven’t heard from you for a while.
I thought it odd when I looked at the “originally” inked comic – they’re matching? It’s an interesting look at 2D art.
Very interesting that coloring difference makes!
These were the “costumes” for the old Broadway musical “The Pajama Game” – at the end [spoiler alert] when the management guy and union gal finally got together…
Jimmy, I believe you followed up on this “oldie” in recent years with a strip about whose *turn* it was to wear the top and whose turn to wear the bottom. That one also was not at all suggestive.
8/15/2019. Janis was too tired to let Arlo wear the top.
My random button brought up a VERY similar pajama top cartoon recently but it was not this one. I am too tired too look for it right now. We went to Tulsa to see gastroenterologist and I walked EVERYWHERE.
You know I am exactly one month post surgery, not long, but I feel I am fallen behind for some reason.
Gastro physicians assistant thinks my stomach is part of depression and needs a shrinking.
If you walked EVERYWHERE one month out, you are NOT behind, Jackie!!
I used a walker. I own four now, one no wheels, two wheels and slides. One fancy purple with seat, basket and cute. I am ready to break it out!
Tomorrow I am going to nail salon. Today I went to hair salon. Trying to feel better.
Jackie — If you look good you feel good.
Momma Bear’s Doc said to get out and walk. He also said
she would get addicted to it – Nah! But we do walk around the barn
once a day.
Was it here discussed that many at home workers figured out that
they were more productive and felt better if they followed a routine
getting up and dressing (even if casual). Rather than slouching in PJs
or underwear.
Jackie, so glad to see you posting again!
It’s years [even before COVID-19] since I’ve posted one of these.
c x-p: Went right to the end to post the above, so missed your inquiry. On the advice of my retired clergy son, his frau, & a beloved friend, I moved last Sept. from Elaine’s & my home of the previous 15 years [5 w/ Elaine] to a nearby assisted living apt. Can no longer drive [daughter drives my second Prius], no longer have to cook, am adjusting to not being the oldest person in the mess hall. Am one of the physically less compromised folks here; I use a cane to go easier on my scoliosis; most of us still have most of our marbles. My major handicap = degenerative tears in shoulder tendons. At least 3 former BSU staff here, one who came w/ a wife since deceased, & the latest a history prof who still has his delightful wife. Many of the widows/ widowers here came as married couples. Overall a friendly bunch, but we have our share of conspiracy theorists & xenophobes. My personal rumor has it that somebody in Wuhan sent the virus here to make life harder for unipolar depressives. Time to get ready for breakfast; I’ve gained 15#.
Six years ago I landed in cardiac intensive care in the then-local hospital (I had tachycardia over 300 bpm caused by AFib when brought in.) I was the youngest patient in the unit by at least 20 years. Then, last March, a stroke deposited me in hospital again. Not because I was having one, but because I had had one.) Hint for general consumption. Do not be in a hospital when a general pandemic breaks out. All of the medical professionals will be VERY distracted.
Totally unrelated but Symply had to post his Fargone thingy I read today, could not think of a more appropriate place to put it:
Not a virus but Cajun cooking funny….
I agree! Thanks for sharing it.
I saw that on Face Book,, Symply – and it IS funny!
NYT? Didn’t they print a recipe a few years ago that called for putting green peas in guacamole?
That could explain a lot.
Yes– the recipe source IS a lot like that Pace Picante commercial, “New York City?!” 🙂
In so much pain in BOTH legs I slept all day and just woke up, nauseated all day from really bad bun Vietnamese food from a pho shop we never eat at. I can see why and not trying again!
Do have on cute polka dot night gown and hot pink espadrilles, cheerful Janis style clothing. Ghost fed me vegetables for dinner thank goodness. I love squash but never get any. Another Janis thing.
EMB must have good cooks at his assisted living to gain weight! The food was not tasty at my mother in law’s facility and she ate pounds of candy, cookies, cakes she filled her apartment with!
Glad to hear emb is doing well. Of course some ladies can still cook if they are furnished kitchens and those ladies all cooked for the single men and brought home made and bakery treats to their apartments.
https://www.gocomics.com/arloandjanis/2013/04/24?fbclid=IwAR1uD4tu3WrihkP9e3rAQ4_NbeAnrifTHWkMRJ8XgevR0_TOskzP398orlc This one is getting lots of likes over on FB.
I’d “Like” it here if I could.
And so is this one. https://www.gocomics.com/arloandjanis/2013/04/21?fbclid=IwAR3-YTWtNTBOJyQi9IyodKJy50Ahm991xodiA4ibkSXR30ZG_tdKGIS21Gw
Both really good!
Well, we all agree that Janis is Bewitching…
I stumbled over a two week arc last night where Arlo loses his dinghy sailboat in the back yard. The storm and flood Jimmy drew were so accurate, as well as how his boat is destroyed. Having been around hundreds of little boats like that I give him A+ on everything.
If anyone can post that here, it ran two weeks.
https://arloandjanis.com/lost-at-sea Not what you’re after, but I think you’ll like it.
I am assuming that “M” is Mark from T-Town!
It’s easier than retyping my tag each time.
Does 007 report to you now? Does Ms Moneypenny guard your door and manage your schedule?
For some odd reason, if I click on the name box, my computer will come up with different choices that I have used for names.
Mark the dinghy in the storm arc begins on May 12 2003 and ends May 24, 2003. A long but VERY well done arc and how Arlo lost his first little sailboat without ever sailing it. I thought Jimmy might sink the schooner too. I would hate that.