Where do ideas come from? The answer can be surprising, such as from the corner of my long-deceased grandmother’s living room. In that corner hung a curio cabinet, one of those small delicate affairs, once-common relics of Victorian furnishing. Among the knick knacks on Mama Johnson’s shelf was a four-inch tall replica of the Mannequin Pis, cast from metal and satisfyingly hefty for its size. Truly a quality objet d’art! Mannequin Pis, of course, is a famous statue from a fountain in Brussels, Belgium. I’ve never seen the original, but Arlo’s reproduction is about full size. My grandmother’s much smaller version was an incongruous souvenir of World War II, brought home by one of her returning sons, either my father or my uncle. I don’t know which. It inevitably piqued my childish curiosity, and I would fondle it (OK, what word would you use!?) and wonder what the heck it was. However, I never asked about it. Perhaps I took a clue from the fact my grandmother always turned the little fellow toward wall.
Comic Relief
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts
Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...
I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...
Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...
What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...
Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...
Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
125 responses to “Comic Relief”
…the laughter in this video is very infection 🙂
infectious, where’s that edit button
good night, and sleep tight.
Old Bear we had an albino bird at the house a few years back, will need the husband to help refresh my memory….
Few ideas that geniuses have appear to be ingenious to them.
Be passionate about stoicism.
I hear a lot about computing in the cloud. Considering how much propaganda is out there, perhaps it should be called the fog.
Ok. Take 2. We are entering the time of year when man and nature have brought about significant tragedies. Think the whacko in Waco, Oklahoma City, floods, tornados, etc. Everyone be careful out there.
Haven’t seen any albino robins. Did see 3 albino alligators at Tulsa Zoo today. Great day to be outside here walking. Sunny and temps in the 80’s. Had a great time.
Glad to hear from you Jackie. I just figured you were busy getting things in order prior to your surgery.
A good Easter morning to all Villagers….
Standing on the back porch this morning around 6ish, listening to the chirping of the birds, looking at the skies and seeing the sun just starting to rise, I thought to my self…it is a good morning for a Sunrise Service being Easter Sunday.
Pray your Easter is celebrated with family and loved ones….we are here.
In writin’ thar ain’t no rule whut cain’t be broke at the rite time for affect.
(The following two were inspired by percussion ensemble’s concert of 02.10.09, during which they played music by John Gage.)
Be still, and know.
Happily ever raptor.
without comment…..
That last could be the motto of the Duluth hawk watchers each fall. The SW slanting shoreline of L. Superior funnels migrating raptors twd. Duluth, which lies on a sidehill facing the lake. Along the top is ‘hawk ridge’, and birders gather there for a couple of weeks each fall. Easterlies flow up ridge, yielding an updraft along which dozens to hundreds of raptors soar. Birders on top are often above many of the hawks.
Been there a couple of times, once w/ Elaine and once w/ her and a BSC student who lived w/ us, and who died in the ’00s of tobacco cancer. Saw my one and only Goshawk there. Congenial folks, many of course long-time friends of ea. other. Some exchange of late summer produce. Dinner some time, once at a UMC downtown. Hotels fill. Over 100 mi. from here, about 150 from the TC.
Some time in late May / early June, bikers do the MN 150 for MS from D to TC. I sponsor some from hospital’s PT and Cardiac T staff. Peace,
‘That last’ refers back to Rich’s comment, & bikers should be cyclists. Peace,
Mindy from Indy shared this on FB and I thought the Village would like it too: https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17903487_10155556269389523_8901874998283319640_n.jpg?oh=5db481b7aa008bf3de2ebdaae030b655&oe=594F7AFD
This is a series of animated cartoons you can watch on YouTube, very funny if you like cats.
Bad oyster dish, too much garlic and butter? Made for a sleepless night and indigestion which led to cancellation of the Easter buffet at LA Villa restaurant at Philbrook Museum and the live musical of Dirty Dancing.
Then it began raining and storming and the rabits got rained out but great weather to stay in bed. It’s been a fun Easter.
Happy Zombie Jesus day to all of you. The eggs have been hard cooked and the smoke has risen. The kids have tried them and deem them to be acceptable although maybe I should have smoked them for 2 hours rather than just one hour.
I was going to get a rabbit and have smoked Easter bunny but I settled for smoking a sirloin tip roast instead. I also have a round of Brie on the smoker and some garlic smoking that will be squeezed on to the Brie when it is ready. Smoked Brie on baguette slices anyone?
Gary, the bread and cheese sound wonderful! Did you really smoke Easter eggs?
I protest Gary’s description of Jesus.
Have you noticed that the GMC Terrain needs only one letter to become the GMC Terrapin?
Have you ever noticed that “today” is extremely similar to “toady”?
Must be a conspiracy.
There are few things more humbling than seeing a candid photograph of yourself.
(The last one was inspired by a joke book that I once read. My joke reminds me of Janis, now that I think about it.)
A man knows that the only thing that a woman hates more than a man who doesn’t listen is one who does – – and remembers what she actually said.
Happy spring holidays, everybody! I hope your day has been sunny and your buds are bursting!
cxp, that also struck me as inappropriate for this site.
Gary may have intended a levity that fell wrong. I do not remember him as disrespectful, and am willing to understand a poorly turned phrase. Forgiveness and all that.
I do really appreciate the restraint shown in the dissenting posts. Though I still find questions yield more information than statements. I prefer the direct approach.
Gary, are you a fan of the popular, possibly waning, zombie genre? And so meant a bit of friendly humor?
Or, as the black and white of printed word without the inflection of face and voice reads, did you intend to make light of a Resurrection that is not part of your worldview?
Either is fine for you, and those you love. But the later can make others turn away.
Last I exchanged with Gary, I feared he took offense somehow when I acknowledged he had reason to know the exchange rate CAD/USD more accurately or currently than I did. I do not recall, and sorry if that is my fault, him posting since.
Good to read you again, Gary. Enjoy your carnivorous approach to food, and usually genial descriptions of life well lived up north. Hope to understand you better.
Yes, I am a fan of the zombie/walker/undead genre. I am a fan of many genres. I understand some folk taking offence while I have had clergy-folk think it is quite humorous. This is more of a Gary Larson sideways look at the world but there are people who take offence at his humour too.
I am not out to diss anyone’s religious beliefs. As long as beliefs do not inflict harm on other people, everything should be tolerated.
Morphy, I didn’t taken offence at your exchange rate exchange.
Charlotte, the cheese and bread came out perfectly. If have done better with the smoke beef roast. It may have been a lesser cut of meat. And yes, I do smoke hard boiled eggs. In theory you can smoke them in the shell but I like to peel them before I smoke them.
Thanks, Gary. Just landed badly, I get it. Glad you took the opportunity to clarify.
Now I need to find something to eat, I’m salivating over thoughts of smoke cured treats.
Welcome back, Morphy.
Thank you, Mark. It has been really good to read of your settling in, by the way.
I am not back, so much as not really been away, only not contributing. Jimmy’s work is too enjoyable to avoid. I simply fell back to the poorly named ‘lurking’ mode of enjoying as I had before. Village commerce has gone well without me; though I did not see many indications of change.
Today, I saw a need to throw a line to a man that should not have needed one. It went well, where it might not have done. That pleases me, and I think it is enough.
Morphy, nothing wrong with “lurking”. I read the comments for a long time before starting to add my own. I still read far more than I add.
While I didn’t care for Gary’s choice of words either, I did find this funny; https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/17796513_1480188508671623_8523805122330752315_n.jpg?oh=dc38e8a7a375a3027a04e6db137d996a&oe=594D3BE2