A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Comic Relief

By Jimmy Johnson

Where do ideas come from? The answer can be surprising, such as from the corner of my long-deceased grandmother’s living room. In that corner hung a curio cabinet, one of those small delicate affairs, once-common relics of Victorian furnishing. Among the knick knacks on Mama Johnson’s shelf was a four-inch tall replica of the Mannequin Pis, cast from metal and satisfyingly hefty for its size. Truly a quality objet d’art! Mannequin Pis, of course, is a famous statue from a fountain in Brussels, Belgium. I’ve never seen the original, but Arlo’s reproduction is about full size. My grandmother’s much smaller version was an incongruous souvenir of World War II, brought home by one of her returning sons, either my father or my uncle. I don’t know which. It inevitably piqued my childish curiosity, and I would fondle it (OK, what word would you use!?) and wonder what the heck it was. However, I never asked about it. Perhaps I took a clue from the fact my grandmother always turned the little fellow toward wall.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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125 responses to “Comic Relief”

  1. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Beautiful sunny day here. Birds chirping outside and peaceful. Had breakfast and Dickens ate the leftovers he likes.

    Time to do something significant like haul laundry out. But not reopening Chinese laundry for a few more days, better ways to spend time I enjoy.

  2. Ghost Avatar

    Sorry it’s been so long since I commented. I’ve been tied up. Again. Damned gypsy women.

    My immediate comment on Gene’s comment today: “Huh?”

    Followed immediately by “Oh.”

  3. Smigz Avatar

    Ghost is loose! 😉

    Gene and Arlo need boots? The plot thickens…errr, deepens.

  4. Morphy Avatar

    To proclaim the planet we call Earth is grossly overpopulated, implies there is some portion of that population you feel should not exist. Rather than be so gross as to request a description of that extraneous portion or where one would find them living their lives, I simply ask: Do you count yourself, and your progeny, among them? Or are you and your offspring somehow more deserving of a place here?

    Despite my habit of addressing matters directly, I will not name you. This is to match your habit of talking past people to the ether at large; and to honor your explicit request.

    I am less offended by Gary’s humor than that statement. I believe Jesus is a big enough man to take a joke. [present tense intentional] I’m not sure how strong those lesser peoples are, and will stand firm on their (or is it also my?) behalf. It is strange to me what is acceptable discourse, and what is not.

    And I wonder, to the world at large and no one in particular: should I now expect more personally derisive postings, some sputtering of ‘not what I meant’, or silence? I would prefer reasoned discussion, but silence on the matter is acceptable.

  5. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Pictures of our visiting owls – https://flic.kr/s/aHskV3Kjbn

  6. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Thanks, Ruth Anne. Nice photos. Looks like they are cooperating with the photographer!

  7. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    My bird book claims barred owls are “easily spooked” and do “not generally tolerate close approach” but this one is, as you say, most cooperative.

  8. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Since Jimmy has never ever put up a list of verboten subjects or posts, I do not know who has done so.

    I was once the moderator for six very popular Yahoo forums with rules against profanity, politics and religion, as well as not trashing anyone, no derogatory comments, especially sexual ones against women or races.

    Since Jimmy has never done so I feel someone has overstepped their position here by making up rules. I for one think we should be able to discuss anything. Jimmy does in comic strip.

  9. Morphy Avatar

    Jackie, this is where naming the person you intend is useful. If ‘someone’ is meant to be Morphy, I reiterate my preference for reasoned discourse. Silence is only preferred over personal derision. If you did not mean me, I apologize for my poor reading. My own recent use of silence was in response to personal derision received. I believe you know the feeling.

    It is the contrast of what is ‘protested’, ‘inappropriate’, or allowed to go without comment that surprises me. I did not dictate silence. And have no position other than frequent reader, and now spotty contributor. If deleting the last seven words of my previous post would make that more clear, consider it done.

    I have in the past spoken in support of discussing anything, and reminded that we all have and do. I have not been one of the handful of voices that have suggested topical rules over the last year or so. And following each suggestion, eventually others have posted in each of the suggested categories. I do have the right to ask more from anyone, on any subject they have broached. And then to return my own opinion. And wait for a question in return. But you did not question the subject or my view of it, you judged. Is that an overstep?

    A question was posed. It may be answered or considered rhetorical. How, or if it is answered, is not in my control. Never has been, do not want it to be.

    This has already gotten messy, so I will again withdraw. I intend to respond if addressed. Please, remember that writing concerning a person as if the person cannot possibly be aware, is not kind.

  10. Llee Avatar

    Great photos, Ruth Anne! Thanks for sharing 🙂


    Morphy it is not you darling. I was writing to support being able to discuss ANYTHING NOT TO SUPPORT RESTRICTIONS.

    FRANKLY my real feelings are that political or societal correctness has emasculated the commentary here in the Village. I have found most of our discussions lately to be rather inane and boring.

    Furthermore the ones I spoke of hardly would recognize themselves as a culprit. They believe we wait for the very words like hungry chicks. Think I will take a vacation as well except to sign in as alive once in awhile.

  12. The Man Formerly Known as sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar
    The Man Formerly Known as sandcastlerâ„¢

    Had to explain the daily offering to Loon. She lacks the higher cultural awareness of 1970’s R&R. 😉

  13. Morphy Avatar

    Jackie, sorry I mistook your point, I apologize.

    Regret I have lost track of your progress on knees, or postponement status. Just know I wish you well.

  14. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    I, too, don’t see anything wrong with most of the conversation here. I did object when the political discourse got too strident. But, polite commentary and polite questions should always be welcome.

    And Morphy, since you said you enjoyed my comments on settling in, I have a couple more. I have found only two things problematical in this apartment and both relate to the bathroom. The shower head is mounted about the level of my mid-chest, requiring me to bend near double to wash my hair. And the toilet is one of these very small ones, similar to an RV-sized version. I told the leasing agent I felt like I was using a 5-gallon bucket when I had to sit. Wish I could get them to install a larger one with the elongated seat, but I can live with it.

  15. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    I don’t know what kind of birds are nesting outside my window, but they seem to be involved in a feud with their neighbors. Quite noisy, more than my human neighbors have been.

  16. Morphy Avatar

    Mark, a reply went to non-existent moderation. No links, no keywords, no special characters. Just the curse of the verbose: too long.

    All you’ve posted suggests found again freedom and contentment. I commiserated over commode size. Then advised on after market shower-head available at most grocery stores, or replacing the short stub out of wall with a goose-neck sized for your space and needs, measurements become important here. But must have droned on too long for the submission bot. Then wrapped by noting I think you read as pleased despite the ‘features that give a place character’.

    On birds, a post-divorce rental some years ago had me living near some feathered friend which learned to mimic my annoying alarm clock. A feature that assured immunity to power failure. but no end to grief otherwise.

  17. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Late Evening Three:

    We go through life, scattering bits and pieces of ourselves here and there and into others until nothing is left of ourselves but all of others.

    Perhaps it is true that all things come to those who wait, but, by the time that they arrive, we are usually too old to enjoy them.

    In the middle of the black night, we lie still, listening to the beating of our own hearts, hoping that the Great Dark does not engulf us yet always longing for it.

  18. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Morphy, I have bought one of those shower heads on a hose and intend to put it on. Over the years I have done several of these.

    As for the bird imitations, I got out of my car in a parking lot and kept hearing what I thought was some kind of gas powered tool. Once I pinpointed the sound I found out it was a bird sitting under a car making the noise. It looked like a starling. I have also read of someone who visited Arlington Cemetery on a Sunday and was startled to hear a weedeater going. After looking for the source, they learned it was a mockingbird who lived there and had learned to imitate the equipment the maintenance crew used.

  19. Morphy Avatar

    Mark, glad you will not abide the aggravation. Sorry if it seemed simplistic, sometimes it is hard to tell from a distance if a chief surgeon or other accomplished person has the skill or desire to change a tire. And then to gauge my post succinctly.

    More bird: My next residence while rebuilding life was a 2-bedroom duplex, the kids were still quite young so sharing a room was still appropriate, and Dad didn’t sleep on the couch. I’m sure the house was older than the local cardinal, so I have no idea why he was convinced he should be able to fly up the small rise in the backyard and hurl himself against the small basement window, then scold it for stopping him. Many more times than just once, or I would not still remember it.

  20. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Mark from TTown, You can buy an elevated toilet seat — it’s a large white plastic thing shaped like a doughnut — at a pharmacy where they have lots of medical supplies. 20 to 30 dollars. If it will fit onto your present toilet, folding up both lid and seat first, it could help a lot. I have one and even have an extra to take when visiting or traveling. It’s a must have for bad knees. Cause a person can sit down okay, but when you can’t get up, it’s an awful problem!

  21. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I got to watch the beginning of the Boston Marathon and was shocked as I saw my son flash across the start line. I have a DVR and got some stills of it. Alas, he has been fight a bronchial condition, along with the 80° heat made for a VERY rough day. He then flew back to Detroit and was home by 11:00 and slept until 5:00 where he drove down to Fort Wayne for my brother-in-law’s funeral. He wanted to bring his wife and my grandson, but both of them were sicker than he was. My sister was SO touched by his effort. There just was no doubt that he was going to be there out his respect and love for his Uncle.

    We left on Monday at 11:00, hoping to get there by 2:00 or 2:30. We decided to get a sandwich and that put us a half hour later. We were nearly to the Ohio line when traffic stopped for an hour and a half for a fatal accident. Of course one wonders whether we might have been at the scene of the accident had we not stopped to eat. Someone was watching us. I love funerals. They of course are very sad, but there is SO much love and it is fun to swap stories with people from your youth.

    At the gravesite I looked up and saw some beautiful clouds. One group looked like a choir of angels while another looked like the Angel Gabriel. I guess we see what we want to see, but that was our choice. After a fantastic luncheon/dinner, I drove back on US 24, which was the way I came down. I usually go home a different route because it has more gas stations and rest stops. I got to Napoleon OH and was yawning so hard I stopped at a truck stop to get something cold to drink. I felt much better and got back on the road.

    As we were driving home, I remarked to my wife that I had not recalled seeing so many huge wind farms in Ohio, especially close to Toledo. About then I saw a “Welcome to Indiana” sign. I had driven about 45-50 miles west, so we got home about 1 1/2 hours later than we expected. We were talking about the funeral and listening to music and never realized that we had gone the wrong way. My brother-in-law loved to play jokes on people and I swear i could hear his belly laugh at us.

  22. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Awww, lovely stories, Steve from R O — you have a fine family. Your travels and adventures to get to the funeral and home again were remarkable. Long may your good humor and optimism continue!

  23. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    How I wish Arlo would lose the baseball cap — he looks awful in it. Yes, I wonder what the boots are going to get him and Gene into. Can’t imagine. Our favorite cartoonist knows how to keep us in suspense!

  24. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Enjoy your writing, Steve/RO, whether at sad or joyous times.
    Morphy’s bird imitating his alarm clock strikes me as a hoot!