I don’t have a lot of time this morning; it’s a travel day for me, and I must get an early start. I did want to leave you with this, one of my favorite “cooking” strips. Readers don’t have to wonder where I got this idea!

Cooking Lesson
By Jimmy Johnson
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357 responses to “Cooking Lesson”
I guess I’m guilty of considering chemistry and physics to be the only “real” sciences because they are based on the classical scientific method. Any “science” based on opinions and consensus is something else in my mind. And I say that as a tithe-paying church choir director.
Completely off topic: The younger kids in the complex (7-13ish) have lifted the keys to someone’s car: they are using the extremely LOUD sound system to jam for their own personal block party. Right now they are having a dance-off, a game of tag, and other kid-type stuff. I wish I was kidding. It’s almost ten at night and I don’t see the first adult. Not that they are really doing anything “wrong,” but some adults to keep everyone safe (and turn the volume down *just a little*) would be nice. This geezer is closing her windows and going to bed. Some adults have to work in the morning. đ
Hope everyone else has as good of weekend as these kids are having.
Dear Jackie Monies, Many thanks for the second part of the floral decoration story; it was truly amazing! I’m so glad the tape held long enough to keep disaster away.
Seems as though you must go back to the days of Adele Davis and “Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit”. I used to make my own yogurt too, when as you say, you could hardly find any in the grocery stores. Sprouting beans didn’t interest me much, altho I read all about it. You probably liked “Diet For A Small Planet” too … Ms. Lappe would greatly approve of that tabbouli you had!
My kids always make fun of me, that I was Martha Stewart before Martha became fashionable but that is not true. I like to think I might be more like Paula Deen but she seems as insincere and money grubbing as Ms. Stewart. Yep, used to bake breads like brioche and challah because you couldn’t find it, have made bagels from scratch, used to make my own Creole cream cheese and crème François and all sorts of “serious” chow.
Now everything is so easily obtained it no longer seems as special as it did back in those days.
I am more likely to be like JJ and Arlo, cooking for health. By the way, that recipe for oriental peanut pasta made with healthy pasta is really good for you. I got it originally back in the 1970’s from a healthy cookbook to reduce sodiums, sugars, etc. that also had a fantastic recipe for a flourless chocolate cake that must have been the forerunner of the Molten Lava cakes popular now.
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, not what you are looking for, but i found it while searching for your request. I think you will like this one: http://www.thecomicstrips.com/store/add.php?iid=57153
Jackie, here’s where you can get it: http://www.bookfinder.com/search/?ac=sl&st=sl&ref=bf_s2_a1_t1_1&qi=aCe5Ep1yP8clU7BNuBU4mPBNZ1w_1400989986_1:4692:13360&new_cache=on&bq=author%3Dsteve%2520skelton%26title%3Dbloomers%2520gang%2520tells%2520all
For Debbe and Mindy from Indy: http://www.thecomicstrips.com/store/add.php?iid=98639
Mark- Thanks so much. Good Grief Charlie Brown!!! The prices are unbelievable!
The book didn’t cost that much new!
I have to admit I have been looking sporadically for “Bop Til You Drop” by JJ and the prices on it are unbelievable too.
Does this mean our purchases of JJ’s new book and his original strips are going to be great investments? I just bought them because I liked them.
Hint to JJ. That newspaper you signed for the fan was awfully “high cotton” on E-Bay too.
Here is admission I used to sometimes write for, provide copy for, photos for and buy ads in Florist Review which is a really OLD magazine dating to 1890’s. I was told the cartoonist that drew “Bloomers” was shy and reticent but his strips aren’t!
Love, Jackie Monies
Hint to Jackie, check out college libraries for old magazines. The Gorgas Library at the University of Alabama has a complete run of many magazines and newspapers. I remember looking at old issues of The Illustrated London News there. I went to the newspaper stacks to look at my own birth announcement in the local paper and had a ball looking at the old comic strips that were current then. You can get a non-student card to use the library collections for a small fee .
Am I sort of alone here in loving comics? And the complexity of some of them? I would think we had a slew of comic fans here? Sometimes I think of strips like Pogo and Little Abner that I loved for their satiric plots and wonder how they weather? Todays comics (not A and J of course) seem simplistic to me, like “talking heads” or crude drawings with no plots.
I remember being in grade school and learning to copy “Peanuts” strips for our school paper. We thought we were being cartoonists! Little plagiarists!
Love, Jackie Monies
Good Morning Villagers…
Jackie, loved reading your story about the MOB and the giant orchid. And then there was GR’s retort đ
Mark….yup, that’s me right now….refills today đ
Boss man is coming in for a meeting, at my request…..we had a conveyor belt break twice this week, the plastic red cups that pick up the eggs off the conveyor belt and lay them on the steel rod conveyor that bring the eggs into the packer….two of the 40 broke and we had a mess. I had to physically transfer eggs off of four (and they were the bottom ones) conveyor belts onto other belts this week. Not to mention the packer jamming with the egg trays. Today, I’m going to tell him I want a priest….because I feel the devil is at work there. And I’m serious. I went out into the hen house Thursday and cried out “Satan, I cast thee out in the name of Jesus Christ” Then a fly landed on my glasses.
I am thankful though for this weekend in which we remember those who have fallen so that we may live in this beautiful country and her freedoms.
Ya’ll have a blessed day….
Oh, and a no show of Brooklynne Rose this weekend…..sigh.
Jackie, I love comics. I used to follow Crankshaft, Funky Winkerbean, Zits, Curtis, Hi & Lois, Blondie, Beetle Bailey, Baby Blues, Fox Trot, Get Fuzzy and a couple others daily. Then it got frustrating to follow them all online. Arlo and Janis and 9 Chickweed Lane are the only ones I follow daily now. I also LOVE all the whoppers told on Non Sequitur – I think that bar lives in the Stephen King universe. Then again, Bizarro, Real Life Adventures, The Far Side, and Speed Bump seem to live there too.
Debbe đ I seriously doubt that the Devil is at work in your hen house…but not for the reason some might think. I simply don’t think that even Satan would work under those conditions.
And I don’t know how you do either, hon.
Lady Mindy, I’d have to add Dilbert to your list, even though many of those cartoons so resemble Life At Work that I some times literally don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Somehow, I imagine that you might feel the same way.
“On-Topic-Comment-Even-If-It-Doesn’t-Initially-Seem-To-Be” Alert. For relevance, see TDC.
Lily, I’ll bet your calves are well developed and defined, aren’t they?
Memorial Day blessings to the Village – I enjoy the sense of community here. We truly are blessed and I am thankful for all those who sacrificed their lives to keep us free; my Daddy served in the European theatre in WWII, but thankfully returned. He would have turned 100 years old next month.
Morning Villagers.
Look and I are enjoying cinnamon rolls and coffee on the banks of Thicket Run. Sun rising, while Rosanne Cash sings in the background to the melody of the babbling run.
Y’all have a peaceful day.
Loon and I, drat you Siri!
God Morning everyone. Thanking him for those who gave the last full measure of devotionâ
In 2000, a Gallup poll reveled that only 28% of Americans who were asked why we celebrate Memorial Day could answer the question exactly right (by saying the day exists to honor those who died in war). I can’t imagine that percentage is any higher today. Although I do imagine the percentage is much, much higher among this group.
Rosanne Cash’s ‘When the master calls the roll’ is my song for this weekend. Reminds me much of a Georgia boy who gave his all in Vietnam. He was last casualty of my second tour and occupies a place on next to last panel on The Wall. Those memories never go away and come back with the strangest triggers.
Three years ago, on my first trip to Nam in 40 years I cryed when I heard a cover of ‘Leaving on a jet plane’ playing in a bar in Mu Nie. For me music seems healing. I avoid the movies, Loon will attest they trigger bad things.
I forgot what I was going to post.
Good morning, Villagers. Yes, Ghost, I am very proud of my legs. I don’t go “bare tummy” and I have no cleavage to speak of but I do wear very short skirts when I go out. I’d wear them to work, too, but The Boss In My Life issued a ukase (I found a bunch of old scrub dresses at a resale shop and had them hemmed five inches above the knee). Quote: “I am trying to run a medical practice, not a bagnio.” My legs and my face are my vanities. Oh, and my hair. I have good hair. I get it cut often and restyled a lot.
Jackie, I follow a lot of comics daily. Besides A&J, my favorites are Candi, Bad Machinery, 9 Chickweed Lane, Pibgorn, Peanuts reruns, and Meaning Of Lila ( I am a shoe freak, too, though I don’t wear very high heels or platform soles)
Ghost, I would imagine that these days quite a larger percentage of young people have no clue what Memorial Day is and why we celebrate it. For them it’s just a three day party.
Those in my family who went to war all came home, for which I am unceasingly grateful.
Shelly: Remember! We want to know what you are up to these days.
Blessings to you sand… and to all the others who have those memories to cope with. I salute you….