I don’t have a lot of time this morning; it’s a travel day for me, and I must get an early start. I did want to leave you with this, one of my favorite “cooking” strips. Readers don’t have to wonder where I got this idea!

Cooking Lesson
By Jimmy Johnson
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357 responses to “Cooking Lesson”
Mindy, I can relate. We made rounds right before church. I used to worry about getting my church clothes dirty, but now I wear a lab coat buttoned up. The patients seem to enjoy seeing us in our “Sunday Best”
I just finished with that archive. Very good. However, if you actually have to think about the question in the second strip from the bottom, you probably shouldn’t be a teacher.
Sideburns: Most teachers would agree with you. Unfortunately there are far too many administrators at the school, district, and state level who think like “Ms. Albright”. And then there are the politicians and the testing company honchos. Someday people will wake up and follow the money – too late for a lot of children, I’m afraid.
Regarding teachers — I hope this link works!
Good morning Villagers….
Memorial Day, my maternal Grandmother’s birthday is the 30th….I wish they would have never made three day weekends and let us actually ‘celebrate’ the day on the day it was intended. I’m glad they never moved the 4th of July…I think it makes it more of a realization of what the day was set aside for….
My Stepfather and his brother both served in WWII, my Stepfather came home and his brother is buried somewhere on a Pacific Isle…I can’t recall right now, will have to ask Mom.
Andrew and Brooklynne were here when we got off work yesterday. They had been at the Boss’s daughter and her husbands cabin on the river, they have a little girl about Brooklynne’s age. She had so much fun, brought home a toad and was really excited about it.
GR 😉 sometimes I wonder that myself….about the ‘quiz’….I’ll bite: the tongue.
Here’s me in my new dress: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8001220608/hF431B2EE/
Sorry, but the Devil made me do it.
Hey Shelly, glad you are still peeking in…..how is RWOT? Miss you both.
Ya’ll have a blessed day.
Indy Mindy…how did your inspection go?
Oh, and the Boss phoned in yesterday and said he would catch up with us later…..he had an opportunity to play golf. When I came in from the hen house, my son and two teenagers were just sitting there….at 7:45…I said, let’s get ’em rolling….then they told me about the boss not coming in for our meeting and why. They jokingly said….that’s a strange same for a woman…Golf!!! Guess you had to be there…..
This should get your day off to a good rockin-n-rollin
GR 😉
Debbe 😉 Oh, my. I do believe I knew the original “Devil with the Blue Dress On”. At least, she could dance like the Devil to that song. It’s still one of my favorite pick-me-up tunes.
And close enough on the quiz, when you said “I’ll bite”…it’s the jaw muscle(s). My aerobics instructor certainly knew about calf muscles, and she was also a dental hygienist, so I figured she knew about jaw muscles, as well.
On a much more serious note, I’ve actually heard people complain that Independence Day isn’t celebrated on a Monday, so they can have a three-day weekend. I have refrained from giving them their own up-close-and-personal fireworks show by punching them in the nose…so far.
Take a moment to remember on this Memorial Day. I’ve already taken several this morning.
Jimmy’s strip of 05.26.14 sums it up well, doesn’t it?
Point of personal privilege: I have no tolerance for people – and especially businesses – who say “Happy Memorial Day” to me. I tell them kindly but firmly that Independence Day can be happy and joyous. Memorial Day is a time of somber reflection.
TruckerRon – the link worked and I will definitely be sharing it. Thanks!
Good morning, Villagers. Rick, is that like “Happy Pearl Harbor Day?”
Mr. Fitz is better > 75 %* of the daily strips running on two pp. of the Strib [= Mpls. Star & Tribune]. Clicked on ‘today’s cartoon’ [or whatever] and it was good, too. A&J is in the Strib but, as I mentioned ages back, 9CL was too rich for their blood.
*IMO, The content is that good. Drawing is at least average.
Normally I don’t ask people to read what I write but since people are sharing personal information here, I thought I would. Not because I wrote it but BECAUSE I wrote it.
It is called “The Great Texas Duck Migration” and some Texan heroes of mine. The kind of yachtsmen I hang around with these days. Please note the one built to look like a 1950’s Chevy convertible?
Sailing to help end cancer. My editor thought Memorial Day which now encompasses all that we “remember” a good day to run it.
Love, Jackie Monies
Great article, Jackie… got a lump in my throat. I admire you, Mike and all the others who are taking part in the endeavor. Keep on keeping on!
Here’s a site that clearly contains political opinion [and personal threats] but also hard science that won’t go away just because it’s brushed under the rug. Peace, emb
Great article, Jackie. I shared it on FB so to give you a little more exposure
Thanks, Lilyblack. Anyone who will share this article on other blogs or websites or FB will help them. These are fantastic guys and in case you wonder what an experience like this feels like, sit in a sandbox in your yard in 100 degree temps and high winds while having people throw buckets of hot water on you nonstop for five days! For about 14 hours per day, while sleeping on sandy and muddy banks off the coast of Texas! With no restaurants or catering trucks!
Love, Jackie Monies
As usual, looking at The Dark Side, I am really glad there are some that post there that don’t post here.
“Wish you were here,” indeed.
Jackie, as one whose life has also been touched by cancer, I say “Bravo Zulu” for your article. Even if that is a Navy signal. 🙂
Lily, I tend to read A&J on gocomics very early in the day and on the rare occasions that I post on TDS, there are usually few if any other comments posted there. Are you saying there are comments there now that might make me want to give someone a personal fireworks show?
I once told a crude and rude woman who referred to our window décor of Miss Liberty and the Flag to never step into my shop again and not to dare go thru the door after she called it “Just some leftover fourth of July c…p” I informed her my father died defending that “c…p” and so had thousands of others. She was bigger than me or I might have socked her too.
Love, Jackie Monies
emb: About your article — I’m all in favor of fracking PROVIDING they take steps to eliminate those deadly pollutants (benzene, et al.). CO2 I don’t worry about; it belongs in our atmosphere.
Ghost, let’s just say that “Clark Kent” will never be invited to my birthday party
That is a group that could benefit from a moderator! He wouldn’t be welcome on ANY group I belong to or moderate! Bad! Bad!
Deserves more than a frozen fish alongside the head.
Love, Jackie Monies