I don’t have a lot of time this morning; it’s a travel day for me, and I must get an early start. I did want to leave you with this, one of my favorite “cooking” strips. Readers don’t have to wonder where I got this idea!

Cooking Lesson
By Jimmy Johnson
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357 responses to “Cooking Lesson”
Debbe 😉 Pretty song, this.
Lilyblack 😉 You might like it, too. It’s got art and elves and unicorns and stuff in it.
I just realized, maybe Virgin Mindy got mad when I asked if her unicorn had run away.
Ghost, I got the impression that she was kinda het up when she got here
1. Their relationship is just fine. Janis wants some time to herself. Arlo, once asked by Janis on when men had their minds on sex, told her all the time. Ergo, if hers is not, lock the bathroom door. Some men are lucky their wives don’t lose all interest as they age, and vice versa. Ours didn’t.
2. Is nobody else interested in that poor book? Its spine is definitely in the bubbles, if not in the water.
I checked; it’s in the water.
3. Punctuation demo.
‘. . . asked by Janis when . . .’
My memory is that Arlo told Janis that, for men, sex is their default setting and that women have no idea what they’re up against.
That strip is several years old, but I think that my memory is fairly accurate.
Yeah, I remember that one
Mindy, welcome back. Have you been battling the bamboo again, and is that measurement the latest root to be yanked out?
Debbe, I’m glad Andrew is back … as long as you are glad too. Sure hoping all will work out for the best.
Rick: ‘I think that my memory is fairly accurate.’ I think so, too.
The current daily is good, but a dangerous practice. If the combination of wine and warm bath makes Janis sleepy, it will take Arlo longer to get into the room to rescue her. Think Whitney Houston.
And the only thing I know about the 50 Shades book is that the British equivalents of Goodwill and Salvation Army stores say they don’t want any more copies donated because no one will buy them. Oh, well. Maybe someone will simply shred and recycle them into toilet paper.
Of course, the good thing about buying a used copy of “50 Shades of Gray” is that it will fall open to the good parts. Another advantage of a real book over an e-book.
For some reason this stupid song popped into my head while I was trying to get to sleep. I had to listen to it once to get the words right… for me that kills an earworm.
Here’s the song… sorry!
Good morning Villagers….
…..food morning Mindy and Clan (ya’ll knew I’d be saying it 🙂 ) Or should it be a bamboozle morning, Mindy?
Thanks Miss Charlotte, I thanked Andrew for coming back and helping us get ready for this inspection…I really need the manpower. And also thanks for explaining Mindy’s footage…never gave the bamboo a thought.
GR 😉 lovely video, and lovely song……what they can do with graphic art.
Mark, did you click on GR’s video link? Curious about the footage, looks to be something from an online game that my son would play. The comments were closed, and at the end of the video it displayed “Amethyst 2001.”
Very long day yesterday…Momma said there’d be days like this….all the way to June 2nd.
Thanks TR…now I’ve got that song in my head….
Ya’ll have a blessed day
Is Jackie on her trip….hasn’t posted in a couple of days.
Good advice to live by:
“And, just to throw in another fictional reference, I’m sure that the cat Bastet would have done the same for Ramses, although I’m sure that he’d have known how to defend himself even at a tender age.”
Sideburns: I would not have taken you to be a fan of Ms. Peabody…
In our kitchen I cook, and Husband and kids clean up. I do try not to leave too much of a mess, though. See? I was on topic!
I love taking baths, and have a lovely deep soaking tub, but I don’t use it as much as I’d like, because some days it’s just too much trouble to get out of. 😉
Ghost, I’ve loved that song for years, even before it had fairies and unicorns!
Trucker, that has to be one of the weirdest songs I’ve ever heard.
I’m a fan of Mr. Peabody (& Sherman).
Trapper Jean, I first encountered that one while listening to ‘Coast to Coast AM’ one night while driving an LA to Vegas run. I had no idea who had sung it or when… or what on earth the lyrics meant. At least it kept me awake.
Enlightening comments on kitchen duties. Am I the only one doing both cooking and cleanup?
I’m home but tired. Later.
Jerry, HI!! Good to have you home.
Trucker, all these years later I’m still not sure what the lyrics mean. I love Mr. Peabody and Sherman, too!
Sand, I do both. I have recently been promoted to Tuesday and Wednesday cook. The Boy In My Life helps me with cleanup then.
When I get an earworm, I listen to “The Star Spangled Banner,” and then “Born To Run.” Works like a charm.
The Boss In My Life just confiscated all computer speakers, so that settles that.
Lily, I don’t understand who TBIML is and why that person has the authority to confiscate those speakers. An employer? A spouse? I guess I’m slow today.
Dark Side is rather benign today, except the guy whining about his reflux. To Janis: “Walking is good for my soul, but it doesn’t do a thing for my butt.” You need to start running, girlfriend.