I don’t have a lot of time this morning; it’s a travel day for me, and I must get an early start. I did want to leave you with this, one of my favorite “cooking” strips. Readers don’t have to wonder where I got this idea!

Cooking Lesson
By Jimmy Johnson
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357 responses to “Cooking Lesson”
It is very soft and soothing instrumental music at our place, Charlotte, but, you are right, the offices and examining rooms have only intercom speakers
This illustrates the difference btw global climate and local weather.
Debbe, here’s one you can play for Brooklynne Rose. If I remember right, Palmer wrote this song for his own daughter.
emb: Check out http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/08/13/weather-station-closures-flaws-in-temperature-record/
Lily, family is often more than just the people we are born with. I’m glad your chosen family is a good one.
sideburns and gal, I’ve tried to like Mrs. Peabody, but somehow I just don’t. I much prefer the Jaqueline Kirby novels. http://www.mpmbooks.com/kirby/kirbybooks.html
I do love Bewitched (the tv show, not so much the movie) especially Endora.
Since cooking-and by extension, eating-and bathing are both pleasures and necessities of life we’ll always have something to talk about here, won’t we, Ghost dear? 😉
Back from fast and sad trip to my hometown, Monroe, LA to see a terminally ill but beloved aunt, who traveled most of America with us on those long-long minivan excursions we make with my mom. This was not a happy occasion but it relates to food, as do most of our trips.
Aunt loves pie and good food, especially pie. We are like the table in the movie “Michael” with the Archangel Michael who invented pie. We like it all.
Monroe, LA is the hometown also of the Duck Dynasty folks and today while eating pie in a restaurant called “Not Just Pie” we discovered what I suspected, Miss Kaye does NOT make all those pies for the bearded men in her life. She is a frequent customer here along with all the bearded sons.
The pie was fabulous, especially mine which was a banana custard with fresh strawberries folded in, topped with real whipped cream in a cookie crumb crust. The cook/owner says it was an accidental recipe, it was supposed to have been a banana pie with meringue but it was so successful they kept it on menu ever since.
She says when the peaches come in season in Ruston (Ruston Reds- variety name) she changes and does a peach cream version of this. I will go back for that one!
Love, Jackie Monies
Something else those three things have in common, Jean dear…they are usually more fun when done with a companion. 😉
Welcome back, Jackie. I’m sorry your journey was not an entirely happy one.
I tend to suspect there is something seriously wrong with people who don’t like pie.
Ew, I hate pie. It s very fattening. I haven’t eaten pie in at least five years, if not more. Whe I eat birthday cake it is a standard joke here that the one with all the cake eaten out and all the icing left, like a burned out WWII house, is mine.
Present company excepted, of course.
I have been trying to remember the last time I had pie. I remember dissecting into it with my fork, to the gluey gray base of it, like cardboard. I asked the people at my table if anyody wanted it and some horrid jock grabbed it and slurped it it down He leered at me and aske if there was anything else I wanted eaten. I got so sick I had tio run to the bathroom and barfed up my lunch. Ick!
Good morning Villagers…
GR 😉 we got our thunderstorms at three this morning, and I’ve been awake since…..nothing like a good storm to get your day started or……..then there’s Aretha
Jackie…..I loved the movie Michael: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glz1OfXbc_0
Mark, what a soft and lovely song…it’s been bookmarked. Thank you for thinking of Brooklynne Rose. We were talking about making griddle cakes on Sunday morning, and recently my husband has started using the Hamilton version of the George Foreman grill for fixing bacon. I told Andrew we were going to try and pour griddle cakes on it, as it makes perfect bacon, so why not try for perfect griddle cakes.
Now, back to work, and to sew a crappy belt back together. I may be taking the rubber mallet to the packer today…..but, first I’ll have to call the Boss to see if I can 🙂
Jean….I feel all topics are fair game here…and I loved Endora too….classy witch, so dramatic, then there was her uncle….what was his name? Then there was the fumbling Aunt…may have to pull up Wiki here to refresh my memory….Aunt Claire!!!!!
Ya’ll have a blessed day…..
Jerry, was glad to see your post, welcome ‘home’
a grin for today: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8194407168/hFC4E1D0C/
Morning Debbe!
JJ, thanks for highlighting the televised sport called Golf.
Debbe, that was Aunt Clara and Uncle Arthur, and Dr. Bombay.
Lily, if that pie had a “gluey gray base” it was made wrong. 🙂 A well-made pie is a thing of beauty.
GR6, only you came to my mind upon seeing this,
Thanks, sand…although I’m left to ponder whether she is wearing tight slacks or baggy yoga pants. 🙂
For anyone who’s thinking about getting in shape and entering a 5K or longer:
Debbe, my favorite “Endora-ism”, from either the first or second episode. She’s trying to explain to Samantha why she shouldn’t be married to a mere mortal-
It’s fine for them, but not for us.
We are quicksilver, a fleeting shadow, a distant sound.
Our home has no boundaries beyond which we cannot pass.
We live in music, in a flash of colour.
We live on the wind, in the sparkle of a star…
…and you want to trade it all in on a quarter-acre of crabgrass.
GR6, who cares? She is waltzing away. 🙂
Good morning, Villagers
Trapper Jean, it was in the school cafeteria so I doubt it was made by a French pastry chef.
Trucker: Thanks. emb
Lilyblack – “I haven’t eaten pie in at least five years” say it ain’t so, even the little packaged fried pies from convenience stores ? you have my respect — — old TV shows and youtube – I listen to a lot of old radio; William Conrad did Matt Dillon on radio Gunsmoke, he was “too big” to play him on TV and I’m thinking, well, at least he got Cannon about ten years later, so here I go, winding up watching old Cannon episodes on youtube
That probably explains it, Lily. It was “mystery pie”.
I have tried watching televised PGA matches, but my attention inevitably gets diverted to something a bit more exciting on the screen, such as watching the grass grow on the greens.
For some reason, I don’t have the same problem watching LPGA games…
Hey, there I am “on topic” again! Sort of.