I don’t have a lot of time this morning; it’s a travel day for me, and I must get an early start. I did want to leave you with this, one of my favorite “cooking” strips. Readers don’t have to wonder where I got this idea!

Cooking Lesson
By Jimmy Johnson
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357 responses to “Cooking Lesson”
Good morning Villagers…..
TGIF for some of you…..TGIP for me….worked 46 hours in 7 days….show me the money 🙂
It’s looking grim at work, so little time left and so much to do…..high anxiety for me.
Overslept….gotta go.
Ya’ll have a blessed day…
Oh, GR 😉 I do remember that song, thanks.
Loon, ya better keep an eye on GR and Sand…..the lady golfer almost looked like one big bumble bee with her yellow and black, she could me a man eater!!!!
There’s a song there somewhere 🙂
That link, Sand, says Indiana googles Avon????
Oh, and Jackie, I’m glad you enjoyed the video, everytime I hear that song, I think of that scene…John can dance.
“It’s fine for them, but not for us.
We are quicksilver, a fleeting shadow, a distant sound.
Our home has no boundaries beyond which we cannot pass.
We live in music, in a flash of colour.
We live on the wind, in the sparkle of a star…
…and you want to trade it all in on a quarter-acre of crabgrass.”
Jean….I love it, made me smile 🙂
When we were speaking of dragons the other day, do you remember the movie in which Sean Connery was the voice of the dragon? “Dragonheart” I believe was the movie, and he had (the dragon) had some sage advice in it too.
Lily….it’s not The Weather Channel….it’s The Whether Channel 🙂
Now I really have to say…good day!!!!
Don’t read the comments on TDS today, or you will be forever confused about where A&J and Jimmy live/have lived.
Lily, school cafeteria pie…yes, that would explain a lot! Oh, and “Bones” hasn’t been cancelled. They’ve just finished their ninth season. Could be their broadcast date got changed and you missed it. That happens a lot.
Debbe, Sean Connery was indeed the voice of Draco the dragon, and Dennis Quaid was his friend Sir Bowen, legendary dragon slayer!
I don’t eat pie (or cake) every day, but I do occasionally eat it. Neither do I refuse to eat something just because it’s different from what I was raised with. My rule of thumb is All Things In Moderation. A bite of something once in a while isn’t going to hurt you unless you have a serious allergy.
By the way, everyone is taking the path of pie as dessert, when some of the best pies are quiches. 😉
Good morning, Villagers. I am forever puzzled by posters on the Dark Side that don’t know that JJ and A&J live at least in the South. Obtuse people.
We have a beautiful day, here. No surgery this morning, but rounds went well and I had a charming encounter. I was working on our patient in a two-patient room and the lady on the next bed, a nice older lady said, “And who is this, now?” to our patient. O.P. said, “This is Lily, DrF’s nurse and my little ray of sunshine.” “Well, my little ray of sunshine, too, now. You are so pretty!”. I went over and fluffed her pillow and hugged her and said, “Any time you need a little sunshine, I am available.” She smiled again and said, “Well, in a place like this, I think a lot of sunshine is needed.” Made me feel a warm fuzzy!
I can really tell a difference between HD and SD on Amazon Video when I watch Warner Brothers cartoons or other animated stuff like Archer, but if I just need to catch a regular TV episode of something, it’s not worth the extra $! to pay for HD, and yes, it is great to watch your favorite things, like early 007 films, better than you’ve ever seen them before. Jackie M – found some barbecue joint in Houston that has the pies, now I have something to do this weekend. Usually I occasionally get a Mindy Lu out of Dallas when I find them. I’m a good boy, really, 189 (on a good day) right under 6ft and treadmill or bicycle 300 days a year and lift my little 25 pound dumbbells, but just gotta have a little chocolate pie every once in a while In fact, our cookie sheets are really more often grilled veggie sheets.
Today’s TIP isn’t bad: http://www.gocomics.com/that-is-priceless/
I may try to find who Shilov’s subject really is.
Director S. Bondarchuk, 1994, by Alexander Shilov. Shilov was born in the ’40s, and is mostly a realistic painter, sometimes specializing in kitsch, openly so, I guess.
food for thought: http://www.al.com/opinion/index.ssf/2014/05/why_we_argue_climate_change_se.html#incart_most-comments
Jean 😉 “Moderation in all things…including moderation.” That’s what one of my AF buddies said every time he hoisted an adult beverage. He said that a lot.
Pizza is also a pie. (I roll my own. All veggies, with low-fat cheese and home-made marinara.)
Thanks for the story, Lily. It never hurts to be reminded that there are still nice people out there who appreciate what you do for them. And that a kind word can often make one’s day.
Ladies, I’ve recently noticed several women wearing dresses with hemlines that are decidedly above the knee in front but decidedly below the knee in the back. (They’ve all been on TV, so I realize it probably has very little to do with the way women dress in the real world.) I’ve seen asymmetrical hemlines before, but only where one side was higher than the other, which can be rather sexy under the right conditions. But this up-in-front-and-down-in-back thing, not so much. I’m curious as to whether this is actually a new fashion trend or if these women are dressing in the dark and just putting their dresses on wrong.
Dave Barry once said that his clothes made a fashion statement, and that statement was, “I dressed in the dark.”
It’s a fashion, Ghost. Hopefully short lived. 🙂 They call it “hi-lo”…or at least my niece calls it that. Some of the dresses are nice – until you see the hem.
GR6, I’ve seen a few of those unevenly hemmed dresses and think they are totally horrid. Barry’s statement would seem to apply.
Weather Channel: I chatted with on-line person at length yesterday and she sent a signal to my cable box. That may be, but all it did was change the totally black screen to one with the statement about “detecting an interruption in your service”. She thought I needed to upgrade so as to get a list of channels she then wrote; I already get all those channels! A later chat with a gent revealed that he was only in sales and could not help. Both advised getting a tech here.
This morning, I called the company and weaseled my way through the automated system. Said system claimed to be sending a new signal to my cable box and that I’d not have any reception for the duration of that sending. I pressed 0 to get a live person to schedule a tech. She wanted to know what the screen then showed, so I turned on the set and found only interruption messages. Considering what the automated system had said, I took this as positive. After scheduling a tech visit, I ate brunch and then resumed my usual position in front of the idiot tube.
To my delight, TWC was back! Now I must cancel that tech visit. Still haven’t the foggiest as to what happened…nor whether I have HD or SD in my contract with the company.
Good one, Lilyb….
Me think Ghost is unlikely to being watching the hem; he is more into the her. 😉
Ghost, by a quinkydink, I just bought one off the Interwebz.
Oops, sorry, not that one but this, http://online.wholesalermart.com/uneven-hemline-color-block-dress-black-white.htm. The first one was unavailable, though it’s the exact same dress.
Thanks, Llee. At least they aren’t called “hi-ho” dresses. 😉
Yep, c ex-p, typical provider service call. If you have an HDTV (720 or 1080 resolution), and the picture fills the entire width of the screen, AND people do not appear to be so wide they could be ETs from a high-gravity planet, then you should be getting an HD signal from your provider.
Now that’s the type of dress I like, Lily, although I haven’t seen the ones with the “block” hemline. I was speaking of the ones with asymmetrical hemlines that slant from one side to the other, and which I’ve seen mostly on “dressy” dresses. Yours is very cute, and I’m sure it will be even cuter on you. 😉
Heh, Ghost, I wouldn’t buy a dress with the hem longer in back than in front. That is how they make maternity dresses and I sure wouldn’t want anybody getting the wrong idea about me
Oh, and thanks for the kind words. The Man In My Life was a ladies’ garment manufacturer before he retired and he still gets me cheap samples from wholesale sites like that through his company account. In return, I sometimes act as a fit model for Size VS/2 clothes.
Here’s your “Awww… moment” for the day – http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2014/05/spring_babies_2014.html
Have a lovely weekend, everyone, and try to control your exasperation with people who don’t know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. I’m proud to have several family members to honor in November and grateful that we have no one to recognize this weekend.
Awwwww. 🙂 And Lily, that is a cute dress! Enjoy. Have a good weekend, folks.