I don’t have a lot of time this morning; it’s a travel day for me, and I must get an early start. I did want to leave you with this, one of my favorite “cooking” strips. Readers don’t have to wonder where I got this idea!

Cooking Lesson
By Jimmy Johnson
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357 responses to “Cooking Lesson”
Lily, Arlo cooking veggies on his grill was a running gag on A&J for a while. Although I don’t believe he ever tackled anything as ambitious as the recipe you posted. Looks good, though. Me, I tend to stick to grilling fresh squash, zucchini, sweet onions and red bell peppers. Along with the steak. (I started to sound like a vegan there for a second, didn’t I?)
I agree, ever so much, with both Lilyblack’s and Steve’s comments just above. Keep on having fun, guys!
Ghost, how do I tell if I get HD or SD television? Is it a matter of how many lines? My set handles 1080 – I remember that from when I bought it.
Jackie’s column, “Passion Pit” made me smile and sigh. When Chris and I were first getting acquainted and falling in love, my U shaped dormitory at the University of New Hampshire formed a sunken courtyard, adjoining the entrance doors. Of course it was known as the “Passion Pit”. In the girls-only dorm, we had to be in the door by a certain time every night, or we’d be locked out and have to ring the bell. This gave a certain piquancy and urgency to the farewell embraces and kisses … which probably a lot of people my age remember with a kind of wistfulness, as I do.
Most of you know wife and I met at Cornell. There were many such pre-deadline embraces. Some of you may have seen tees saying ‘Ithaca is Gorges.’ There are lots of them emptying into NY’s Finger Lakes. Two run through the Cornell campus.
Fall Creek Gorge has a pedestrian suspension bridge over it. If a couple crosses it and the guy doesn’t kiss the girl [or v.v.], the bridge crashes into the gorge. We saved the bridge. However, the statues of Andrew Dickson White [first president] and Ezra Cornell that face each other across the Arts Quad must not have been paying attention when we walked between them.
Having a set with 1080 i/p means that you “can” get HD, but it depends on the station. You’ll know immediately that you are watching HD when you start noticing the freckles on the news caster’s nose.
David, nice HD – SD descriptor.
GR6, to translate Dave; HD is when you notice the goose bumps on your favorite weather girl. As an aside, is Giada still titillating your life?
Not bragging; I had no part in creating any of these toys. But the TV ads [none of which I’d seen] are kind of quaint.
Is the Village Loon male or female? That might explain the tone of that remark regarding GR6 and sandcastler®.
Twister and cooties, guess those long, cold Minnesota winters inspire creativity.
As a then 13 year-old, I found a lot of inspiration playing Twister with the Franklin twins, Judy & Susan.
Just where would those goosebumps be? 😛 We have HDTV, but I just watch movies or classic TV shows on them, since “Bones” was cancelled.
Ghost, A Rick-roll? Seriously? I love that song, but the Rat Pack and classical have held sway for a bit now, unless I’m rocking out – then I want LOUD.
Trucker Ron, If I have this correct, sand and loon are a couple; they posted a link to a Russian vacation quite recently. sandcastler™ is he, Village Loon is she.
HD versus SD: Given what’s on television these days, my HD capable set must settle with SD. Then again, 007-era Sean Connery or Mark Harmon in high-def isn’t such a bad idea… 😉
In our Common Loon, Gavia immer, the sexes cannot be told apart visually [but they can tell].
Prolly the boy loons pick their noses, drink beer , and watch televised sports 😛
And laugh like loons!
If you have a Smart TV or a Smart Blu-ray player, you can watch many things besides network TV. At least until Comcast owns every cable system in existence. For example, all these YouTube videos. Look up a site called Crackle. It belongs to Sony and has many TV series and movies for free, if you are willing to watch a few commercials. A lot fewer commercials than the networks.
Operational test: If pokies are distinctly visible, you have HD. If pokies are barely visible, you have SD. (The Big Bang Theory and Friends reruns are good shows for testing.)
Getting ready to either dump or seriously scale back my Comcast service. It finally reached the point of ridiculousness when I realized it was my most expensive utility on an annual basis, and in a household where very little TV is actually watched. I’m thinking I’ll cut back to the basic tier (local channels, TWC and main ESPN channel); buy one of the streaming devices; and subscribe to something like Hulu Plus for watching movies and older TV series (which is mostly all I watch anyway) from the InterWebNet via streaming to my HD big screen.
As to whether Giada still titillates my life, sand, not so much. The last time I saw one of her shows, she looked considerably less pneumatic. I understand she claims she dieted after her child was born; lost weight; and her breasts “shrank”. (Her term, not mine.) Not that such things matter to me, of course, but I’ll have to admit it makes watching her whisk things much less interesting.
Lady Mindy, I madest thou look, didinst I? But extra points for knowing about Rick-Rolling. 🙂
Debbe 😉 Another not-really-a-classic-and-a-little-sugary-but-not-a-bad-tune. Oh, wait. It’s from 1983. Never mind. 🙂
Draw your own conclusions.
Ghost, I dumped my Comcast tv a few months back and went satellite. Much better for the money. Only kept Comcast internet because I need it for work. I don’t watch much TV either, but my elderly mother does. But the package I got includes Sirius radio channels and the satellite services own music channels, which I like to listen to while I work. I won’t name the company but it is not the one being bought by ATT.
Interestingly, I was just able to operationally test my HDTV by watching a TBBT re-run, featuring Penny (Kaley Cuoco) in a blue tank top. Also interestingly, either the definition of my TV increased during the scene or her “pokiness factor” did. I suspect that either it was cold on the set, or that she just really really likes to be seen on TV.
Well, at least I don’t live in the “Do I have herpes?” state, which is more than some here can say. 🙂
Dear emb, yes, I remember you have often reminisced fondly about your time at Cornell, and meeting your wife there. It’s a great consolation to think about those happy days, now that my dear companion is gone. You must feel the same way.
You may remember that one of my daughters lives in Ithaca, so we have visited from time to time. The footbridge you speak of, I was afraid to cross, I seem to recall; heights are scary for me. The most exciting things we did at Cornell was visiting the gardens in the “Plantation”. No, wait, going to Amy’s graduation was the most exciting. It was held at their huge football field and was a real spectacle.
We get everything our local cable provider offers. I ignore it mostly
The suspension bridge there now is a much sturdier one than the one we crossed. They replaced the old one decades ago. I think the new one has suicide prevention netting. I don’t think suicides are > common at Cornell than at other schools, but those gorges are handy.
Yep, I feel the same way.
Peace, emb