Today’s oldie is from May of 2009. I enjoy woodworking myself, but like Arlo I don’t seem to get around to all the projects I envision. My father had mixed feelings about my woodworking hobby. A man who worked with his hands himself, I think he took a bit of pride in my aptitude for carpentry. However, he repeatedly admonished me to be careful around my saws and various whirling blades. He worried that I’d injure my hands and jeopardize my career as a “draftsman.” He also took pride in my career, I’m sure, but he never could quite bring himself to call me a “cartoonist.”

Do It Yourshelf
By Jimmy Johnson
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38 responses to “Do It Yourshelf”
In today’s A&J, I think Janis just made a faux pas. Or maybe Arlo is not surprised. Also, I’d be derelict in my duty, esp. to fellow prancing, leering billy goats, if I did not repost this which I posted at the tail end [!] of “Next.”
TIP BlogSpot, back to a favorite category again. Nicely proportioned, IMO.
Simply titled Eve, not hard to figure out what stage in the legend, but unusual not to have hubby along. Don’t see any figs in that woods.
Jimmy according to Bible Jesus was a carpenter and so was zharrison Ford.
Jerry in FL, note the banner below the strip. Drawn by guest artist with print to be auctioned for charity.
emb, I think it’s possible that Eve may be sneaking to the apple tree, so without hubby in tow. Or that she is hiding from God, leaving Adam to answer first. Either way, as you say, nicely proportioned.
Actually, KJV left out words re Adam, best translated as “[who was] with her.” He tried to shift the blame to her, then she to the serpent, often thought of as the first joke in the Hebrew Bible, but really the second. Peace,
Hi Villagers! Happy Wednesday!
Commenting on past topics, I will agree that Josh Groban is amazing! Did you know that “You Raise Me Up” is always his end song, and he is always accompanied by a local group, either school chorus or choir? He does have a naughty side, though:
My paternal grandfather was a carpenter all his life. He built barns, many of which still stand and are in use in the area around our old hometown; wooden bridges for the county; and many houses, including the large farm house where he reared my father and nine other children. Their house still stands today, soundly, and is occupied. My father was also good at carpentry, although he never pursued it as a career. I like to work with wood, so apparently I too have some sawdust in my blood.
I’ll note in passing that I have a urologist friend who also says to be careful around saws and various whirling blades. 🙂
Hi, Jean dear. Sometimes it’s a long interval between your posts, and it’s always good to know you haven’t gone Tango Uniform on us. 😉
What are the chapter and verse for that, emb? I have an electronic version of a Jewish translation of the Tanach and I can copy/paste the wording in here for comparison.
We must have had, conservatively 12 bookshelfs in our home and almost all were overfilled. When we made the decision to move, we cut that amount at least in half. Now I don’t need to make anymore shelves.
Off the comics topic, but useful information. Anybody using the WhatsApp text app needs to read this story:
books are like DVD’s and CD’s, they’re on the shelf and you have to ask yourself, how often do I look or listen to this? I’ve gone through some downsizing and have realized, that if I gave away a certain DVD, and if I really wanted to see it again, I could find it online or somewhere. Same with books I could get on Kindle, but I have a lot of picture books, like old hotels, Route 66, trains, etc, that I do like to pick up and hug occasionally
Side: NRSV, Gen. 3:6.
“So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate.”
KJV says simply “. . . and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat.”
OK, mine is according to the Masoretic Text and the JPS 1917 Edition. Checking, the translation is exactly the same as the NRSV text that you quote.
Very helpful site for checking various translations against the original languages.
Curious as I’ve never seen it (or don’t recall it) – what is the Bible verse that says Jesus was a carpenter? I know his step-dad was one – is it just inferred the (step) Son would learn/practice the same trade, or is there a specific reference? Thanks.
Assumption, I think. “Is this not the carpenter’s son?” Common: blue-collar workers putting down others because they’re of the same “lower state.” And who will they vote for?
Very neat, Evan. Thanks.
Steve From Royal Oak, MI:
As a former teacher of composition and English literature who supports Shaw’s suggestions for a more logical language, I like “bookshelfs.”
Harrison Ford is in the Bible? Come on, he’s not that old. Elvis and I just took our little evening walk and saw a beautiful spotted deer fawn in the woods on the north side of the house. The weather has been very nice. It’s a big difference from north Michigan where we had some pretty heavy snow after which we finally saw plenty of Amish. I enjoyed the Henry Ford Museum and we ended our trip by staying in the Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel, the old train station, and a very interesting place. We also did a riverboat cruise there. If I get back to Chattanooga I would like to stay longer.
Jerry in Fl, if you get back to Chattanooga, go to the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum. Fascinating place. You might even get lucky enough to get a ride behind a steam engine.
Guess I disremembered the passage. Thanks and peace,
Debbe 😉 Somehow I had never heard this. Johnny being Johnny and Linda looking mighty cute…and both singing the heck out of the song.
Debbe 😉 Your story this morning about the “quips” reminded me of this old joke.
Two middle-aged businessmen were in their club’s locker room one afternoon after work, changing clothes to hit the links for nine holes of golf. When one of them took off his suit trousers and revealed he was wearing a pair of sheer pantyhose, his friend did a double take and asked, “Ah, how long have you been wearing those?”
“Every since my wife found them wadded up in the glove box of my car,” was the reply.