A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Feverish Plans

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
This comic strip from ten years ago this month is an excellent example of the subtlety for which A&J is known. Subtlety usually elicits one of three responses: “That’s cute;” “I like funny comic strips,” and, most often, “I don’t get it.” I suppose this particularly strip could have been made better if I’d added a thought balloon in the first panel, reading, “Boy, I really do like to relax and do nothing in the beautiful spring weather” and another in the second panel to the effect, “I sure do like to work hard in the yard and garden when spring finally comes!” I’m sorry. I’m not talking about you. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t get it. It’s just that I woke up in a snarky mood.

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317 responses to “Feverish Plans”

  1. sideburns Avatar

    David, you need calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D for that foot. Get out in the sun and eat some ice cream!

  2. Jackie monies Avatar
    Jackie monies

    Having another life crisis involving a boat, a Dana 24 which JJ may relate to. Oh, to truly be able to just buy things.

  3. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, to quote Bob Seeger, “points of her own, setting way up high”.

  4. Steve from Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    I think that I remember this one….VERY subtle. Thanks for the explanation JJ!

  5. Jackie monies Avatar
    Jackie monies

    Forgot to say I finally got some cracked which is big chunks, not fritters. Really well done.

  6. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    David in Austin, very glad things are going well for you. I’d forgotten about your foot problem — please refresh my memory? I’ve got a broken fibula and am hobbling around in a cast, slowly. Can you walk around or are you stuck in bed or in a wheelchair? Are you getting nursing care at home? Can you travel to your doctors office?

  7. Jackie monies Avatar
    Jackie monies

    Cracked Conk! Why am I being added to and dropped words?

  8. Evan Avatar

    ChâteauDeSableConstructeur, je vois ce que vous avez fait là. Mes propres efforts ne semblent pas aussi intelligent, hélas!

  9. Evan Avatar

    Jackie, it is gremlins.

    I wanted to tell a group that we were “danged fond” of a certain person. As the message departed, it had been changed to “fanged fond.” I am a member of your club. 🙂

  10. Evan Avatar

    Ghost, it sounds like you have roughed out Jimmy’s next book for him.

    I guessing the title would be “Beaucoup Janis.” 🙂

  11. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Evan, I do by best work in silicone, hence I am the sandcastler™.

  12. sandcastler™ Avatar

    By = my. Siri was not designed by my hand, alas ze ist a would chipsey

  13. Evan Avatar

    Sand, duly noted. You get right to the point then, don’t you?

  14. sandcastler™ Avatar

    See Mark’s above post. Brings back memories of a French beauty on St. Barts. 🙂

  15. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Miz Charlotte, I’m wearing a boot and using a knee scooter. The podiatrist wanted a wheelchair, but I resisted after being in the wheelchair 9+ months for my damaged knees (caused by a fall from said scooter in Dec 2013). The root cause is weak bones due to imbalances caused by kidney disease and hyper parathyroid. All the calcium was sucked out of my bones. My parathyroid was removed last April and I’ve been supplementing with 10-15 grams calcium, high calcium food, and vitamin D since. My bones “should” be getting stronger.

    Sand, the sunshine didn’t help before the transplant since it takes a working kidney to activate the vitamin D produced in the skin. Now I have to avoid sun since the transplant meds make my skin sensitive to burn and reduce resistance to skin cancers. :/

  16. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Offered as a little teaser, as well as proof that Janis seems to seldom pass up a chance to get nekkid.


  17. sandcastler™ Avatar

    David, glad to hear you’re doing better. Though it was not I who prescribed the sunshine, was my better looking older brother, sideburns.

  18. Evan Avatar

    Ghost, there IS the possibility that Janis is wearing The Yellow Bikini or some other skimpy swimsuit that she would otherwise never wear, and is mortified to be seen in public wearing it.

    That said, the comments for that strip run about 99 to 1 in favor of your conclusion, and methinks Our Humble Author’s intentions were likewise of the au naturale ilk.

  19. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Ghost: Do you file A&J by subject matter? Otherwise, I do not know how you find the one you want so quickly!

  20. Jackie monies Avatar
    Jackie monies

    Good question I have always wanted to know

  21. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Obviously, a new kidney has not improved my short term memory! Apologies to sideburns and sandcastler. ????????

  22. Jackie monies Avatar
    Jackie monies

    Just left all six toed cats at the Hemingway house. They count them at night. There are 50 cats and some kittens.

    Bought Hemingway’ s Boat, the book not the boat.

  23. Jackie monies Avatar
    Jackie monies

    Forgot to mention the grilled mahi, garlic green beans, grilled zucchini and yellow squash, fantastic huge portions of fresh vegs.

  24. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Sandcastler- If you work with sand, that would be “silicon dioxide”, not “silicone” (of any kind).
    I’m glad to see that those of us needing healing are receiving same. Thanks be to God!