Today’s retro Sunday cartoon is from 2005, almost exactly 10 years ago. The observant among you probably will notice that the set of Arlo & Janis changes capriciously, especially in the kitchen. The cupboards and counter tops constantly change style and color from day to day. The stove above is free-standing; often it is surrounded by cabinets. I hope this doesn’t bother you. I probably should have invented standard interiors for the family long ago, but I just never felt it was necessary. For one thing, the backgrounds in the strip are minimal, to say the least. The cabinetry is often a suggestion of cabinetry, as in the above example. If my interiors were more lavish and more recurring, I’m certain I would have developed a standing set. Or maybe I’m just lazy. How are you in New England holding up? How goes the Blizzard of ’15? We were talking about Massachusetts just last week, about how many A&J readers there are in that area. Hang in there, Boston.

Flippin’ Mess
By Jimmy Johnson
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102 responses to “Flippin’ Mess”
GR6, that is like Marty McFly wearing his 1985 puffy vest in 1955. Everyone was asking why is the kid wearing a life vest.
Ghost, I got mine lightly used from Ebay for about half the list price. Check there first if you see something you like on the company site.
Or you could get the pants instead of the vest.
When I wear my cargo pants, they have so many things in their pockets and hung on their waistbands that I would hesitate to even guess how much they weigh. It’s probably like wearing training weight bands on my waist and ankles. Next time I’m wearing a pair I’ll try to remember to weigh them when I take them off.
And all he got was a Coke and a handshake as thanks.
Did I mention that the electric co-op has been charging me for about 15 years for a street light and pole which I ordered but they never installed? In front yard where I am trying to get one put now. They kept saying “where is third pole?” And I kept saying “There are two, one by well house and one between shop and back of house.” And they kept saying”What did you do with the third pole and light, you have three accounts.”
Actually I have four accounts, all located on same piece of property and an internet account.
Now they want about $1000 per pole to install “New service” and a meter to my front yard for a light and meter and pole I have been paying for already for 15 years!
Found this out this morning. They say they are going to “research case and see if I am due a refund.” I said why not put the pole and light up where it was supposed to be already?
Love, Jackie
Have you ever been a kayaker, Ghost? The ocean paddlers carry an 8 day supply on their bodies
or in tiny compartments to fulfill Coast Guard requirements. What amazes me are the SUPs, the stand up and paddle board guys who must do the same while balanced on a surf board and paddling upright.
Matt, I will be in Maine in August after the spring thaw at Brooklin for a class at the Wooden Boat School. I am going as much for the scenery and food as knowledge but to also fulfill another Bucket List commitment I made in 1980’s to return to Maine and take a class at the school.
OF due 1605-1625
OF due 1605-1625 CST. Will read the above posts after a longish nap.
Jackie, your electric “co-op” should live up to its name and be more cooperative.
After my parents had lived in their last house for about ten years, they discovered the City had been charging them the entire time for sewer service even though the house had a septic tank. They did get a refund but only after I talked to a friend who happened to be the mayor’s secretary.
GR6 – are you channeling Tom Baker with Galafraen technology in the pockets?
Weather is beautiful here and I am suffering from a bad case of infectious road trip-itis. I am supposed to be writing first in a series based on finding my own path. Last night I was too annoyed by time I got in house (house and yard too dark) and keys I thought I had were not on my body or purse/whatever I carry. Got dog sitter’s key to get in.
Today I am too annoyed at electric co-op and lazy thieves who prey on others. Tomorrow I have an appointment with a doctor over 100 miles away at 8 a.m. Anyone want to phone me at no later than six a.m.?
Excuses for writer’s block and failure to start engine.
Actually, if co-op has been charging me for 15 years for a light and pole they never put in, it amounts to over $7,000 as the lights and poles each run about $45 a month. That could pay for half a boat for me or a new cottage in back yard or any number of other things I might like. Or another golf cart? With $$$ left over.
Love, Jackie
Do you have a catching hook?
Made from #9 wire ( all farmers know of #9 wire)
about 4 feet long the hook is “U” shaped 1 leg about 6 inches long,
the width is chicken leg wide. The end is flared out to about 3 inches.
The fancy ones have a eye bent at end of wire and a dowel(broomstick)
for a handle. Otherwise fold the handle end wire back on itself for a grip.
Lets you get the little blighter when they think they are just beyond your reach.
Our light from Co-op is $3.00 – of course pole is there for wires to
barns & shop.
Looked at that catalog for the tech clothing and I have a question. Maybe two questions.
I am a huge fan of LL Bean, Lands End, REI, Academy, West Marine, lots of sporting good stores. Not so much Bass Pro but I seem to get emails from them as I have bought stuff.
How the heck can you fill up the pockets with all that stuff and possibly be comfortable? I cannot imagine carrying a tablet or a laptop or an inflatable raft or a multitool or all those pockets filled with anything. I don’t like to put keys or a phone or anything in a pocket anywhere on my body, hence I stick them in bra on top of breast. If I am braless, I don’t put them anywhere. I don’t even like underwear or labels or wires or hooks or anything with weight.
Men’s wallets/stuffed pockets always amaze me that you can stand them! Me who will have to just stick that Glock on top of the breast if I get a concealed carry permit.
How can you fill all those 28 pockets with stuff and still negotiate? It would weigh me down and whack my body until I pulled it out and threw it out a car window.
Love, Jackie
Old Bear, like pulling teams it is obvious that yours is a hold over from real farming teams and real co-ops. Ours is another word for profit, part of Touchstone systems. I support no farm, no industry, nothing more than a boat building shop with a lot of handtools. Tge bills run hundreds each month. In fact, when I moved here from the “evil corporate city” Houston, my utility bills were instantly doubled in every category. And house is actually gas fueled, not electric. Anything that will run on gas does and I have two separate systems so each half of house is independent of other, ditto shop.
Rough price they gave me this morning over phone was about #1,000 per pole or new meter and $45 month for light, with me bearing 100% of installation costs. Whoa!!!
Love, Jackie
Let me guess, Jackie…your electric co-op is a government-granted monopoly.
Report from the Frozen North: The storm is not over yet, and it’s still snowing, but not piling up very fast. I’m happy to say that what I feared didn’t happen. The electricity has stayed on — I was really nervous that it might conk out. The furnace won’t run without electricity, even though the oil tank is full; it’s very cold out so the house gets cold and there’s no other heat source. And the refrigerator stops working and the frozen food thaws out. We didn’t get the predicted high winds that can bring trees and branches down on the power lines. So far so good! How deep the snow is, it has drifted and I can’t tell. May be close to two feet.
Debbe, thank you for the link to the radar; it’s useful.
Jackie, I’m so glad the police officer was friendly and helpful … a solution to some of your problems.
Our Humble Author is a minimalist with scenery, depending on the joke in play. He can do detailed scenery if it is called for.
He is also whimsical with consistency because he frames each shot with a cinematic eye. Example: which side of the bed does Arlo sleep on? He has slept on both sides, but as the requirements of the scene dictate, either for scenic effect or for flow of dialogue balloons, he will switch sides. To boot, there was a strip in which he told Janis they ought to change sides of the bed and sleep on the other side, “just for fun.” Janis dismissed him back to his “proper” side with much indignation. When OHA requires, however, the joke winds up being on her.
The kitchen is even more flexible. It even has a counter with a corner (hat tip to Danny Kaye 😉 ), and a limerick was written to it as an ode. I am sure the stove can either be gas or electric, depending on the need.
And yet certain details remain constant, even if they are relatively unimportant. Back when Mary Lou first appeared, she says that her older sister kisses boys behind the sand dunes. More recently, Gus comments that he has two daughters to look out for. Some commenters thought he meant he thought of Meg as his daughter as well, but OHA had set that detail years earlier… and he stuck with it.
It will be interesting when Mary Lou’s older and as yet nameless sister appears. I am also still pulling for Mean Girl Susan to show up and diss Gene and have a huge catfight ensue, but I digress. 😉
Regardless of the furniture, etc., the consistent thing one can count on with A&J is that it will make one smile each day.
Ghost, how DID you know?
Jackie, I use lots of pockets for food and non bio garbage. Apples, oranges, packaged crackers all ride nicely. Small jam packs and Starbucks VIA produce little waste and add luxury to your hidy hole stays. Fruits are great source of sugars and help hydratetge body. The bio garbage can be buried in camouflaged pits.
I’ve been using a LL Bean medium duffel and their Quad Pack backpack for all my travel over the last several years. Both can be slung and secured leaving my hands free.These trips range from a few days up to three weeks in duration. And covered Europe and Asia to nearby Fredericksburg. Max total weight on the longest trips ~ 15 kilograms.
When flying I carry the previous mentioned Swiss key multi tool; it has been a useful tool in many ways. From slicing sausage and cheese to cutting bandages and tape.
I was trained to travel light, live off the land, move quietly, and do it without light. Old, hard won habits don’t get unlearned
Hydrate, not certain what Siri was saying. Just disregard her comments. 😉
Just a WAG, Jackie. 🙂
After your rant [ 🙂 ] about not liking to carry things in your clothes or on your body, I had to know. So I weighed a pair of my cargo pants along with all the necessities I carry in them. The weight was 10.5 pounds. No wonder my resting heart rate is 65 and my blood oxygen saturation is 98%. I’m doing cardio training just walking around.
Jackie, the G42 has an overall length of 5.94 inches and weighs 17.29 ounces fully loaded. In case you don’t have any bras with cups that can handle that, there’s always the FlashBang holster. For the well armed woman, you know.
Of course, from some of your past remarks about your endowments, you might perhaps be able to use a FlashBang to pack my GLOCK 23. 🙂
Impressive numbers, Ghost, and you too Sand. But 10# weight in pants pockets? All the expedition small boat sailors I know weigh everything and care about an extra 1/2 oz. Unless they are sailing a bottomless pit monohull with unlimited bins under floorboards to hold it all.
I got some pretty funny columns, as did Mike’s partner, about the amount of food and gear I sent off with them, enough to do several rescues into Cuba and back, dropping off supplies when they reached islands.
Actually, I bet Sand has BEEN to Cuba and traveled as light as he mentioned!
Looking at that clothing all I could think is “Heck, I could take one outfit and maybe some extra underwear or not and go all over Europe.” I have a good friend who constantly flies all over world, well, he works in Micronesia and lives in Japan AND America and commutes about weekly it seems to me, he is always on a plane. He works in America too, so multi-tasking all the time. But he travels with nothing but one small bag that looks like a gym bag and his computer. And is always well dressed, well I am always in awe of him anyway.
I am like Jimmy Buffett, I like where the climate suits my clothes. I don’t like layers.
Did Martine get killed, by the way? Speaking of a woman who hid her gun well.
Love, Jackie