A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Game Animal, Beta Version

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Last week I showed you an old Sunday from 2009, featuring Ludwig at the game console. Since then, I ran across this one from 2008, which I like better. I think it has run on the Web site before, but here it is again. Apparently, Ludwig was just learning to play. He made a lot of progress in a year.

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95 responses to “Game Animal, Beta Version”

  1. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Frost warnings at I. Falls Wed. night.

  2. sandcastler™ Avatar

    GR6, did you not know that chip sets have a built in expiration date? Oh, wait, that information is only taught to EE PhD’s, disregard that first line.

    Lily, I fully agree. Had my cellphone hacked in a hotel room in Russia. The credit card I use for my Starbucks account went on a whirlwind shopping trip in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Is actually not hard to spoof a phone; all the knowledge and tools are freely available on the internet. Those e-watches are also another gateway into your phone. Let a bad guy get your bank info, you will have a worse day than the one JLaw had when her boobies went free range.

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Concur about the “pay phone” feature. I’m already thinking it’ll soon be so bad I’ll have to DC the use of my debit card and go back to using cash. Which will be yet another good reason to not walk around all oblivious and defenseless.

  4. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Arlo’s mantra, “If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou

    Too tired to comment but we need more individualists and fewer following whatever is fashionable or politically correct.

    Love, Jackie

  5. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Some may remember I was once Houston’s only woman auto salesman, selling Lincolns at a dealership where the biggest problem was often people wanting to plunk down full payment in cash, check, American Express or debit cards (although they were actually Merrill Lynch cards, not bank usually). This happened far more than a “normal financing person” would think.

    We are actually doing such a thing this week, so I can tell you that hacking has definitely changed the security on such a transaction. You can still do it but it takes a lot more security clearance and prior approval than before.

    Quite a few years ago a 17 year old waitress and a 18 year old convenience clerk spent over $5000 on my American Express card in 36 hours before Amex notified me. (They wouldn’t prosecute the thieves, by the way, who were caught on tape, etc)

    Your money can be hacked/accessed faster than you can know about it and in large amounts. Like Ghost, I am thinking about going to real money after lecturing mom about carrying large amounts and losing, etc.

    Love, Jackie

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I like to run a monthly budget (which will likely be very handy to have if and when I ever retire), so the thing I’d miss most about using my debit card is that it makes it very easy to track your purchases and expenses. But hey, paper receipts worked just fine for a long time before hard cash morphed into plastic.

    What with all the cat lovers around here and all, animals of the canine persuasion seem to get their shrift shortened here in the Village. So for Jackie and Lily and me and other dog lovers, I’d like to post something I ran across on the blog of a guy who goes by the handle LawDog.

    Here’s to Nog, the Slightly Bemused

    About 36,000 years ago — more or less — ol’ Nog was out on a hunting trip and stumbled across an orphaned litter of those four-legged barky things and thought: “Huh. Wonder if the kids would like to play with a couple of these?”

    …And things were Never The Same Again.

    Hoist a pint to the memory of Nog — who never knew that dropping a couple of puppies into his pockets for the kids would literally change the world — and give any doggies in your cave a good belly-scritching.

  7. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉

    Uh oh! Apparently ML has truffles, escargot and foie gras in her blood. Can Le Cordon Bleu be far behind?

  8. Lilyblack Avatar

    Okay, I have ten seconds to get into my bed. Good night…zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  9. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…

    Welcome back, Indy Mindy 🙂

    Work is grueling, been cleaning the rust off the steel rod conveyor that brings in the eggs from the hen house….seems the condensation we experienced during the clean up rusted the rods and we have to individually use steel wool pads to clean EACH rod…that’s 130 feet of belt. Can’t have rust on eggs as that is contamination not to just our eggs but other eggs at the Corp. And the FDA can shut them down…..under pressure (there’s a song there 😉 )

    Ya’ll have a blessed day

    GR 😉

    Keep cracking those eggs, Jackie….supply and demand

    today’s grin is eggceptional: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8159439360/h57F11A3C/

  10. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Oh, oh! The Dock is about to become Le Quai.

  11. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist


    I don’t know about the truffles or how they are going to pay for the trip, but I’ve thought of someone they might meet there. Does JJ do triangles?

    Yes. There was a woman at Arlo’s office once.

  12. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Un tango pour trois?

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Re our conversation about hair stylists the other day: This will be me tomorrow.


  14. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Confession. I love getting my teeth cleaned. 😉

  15. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    sand: Me too. GR6: Thanks. I remember that strip, but hadn’t paid attn. to Arlo’s eyes before. JJ is profound.

  16. Lilyblack Avatar

    Good morning, Villagers: A lovely morning, and it is gradually cooling off. We had an interesting morning in surgery, helping a new surgeon on the staff wti a big case, and Little Lily got stuck holding retractors. I must have done well, he asked The Boss Of My Life if he could *borrow* me for a case Friday. She said no, she needed me at the office, but it made me feel good.

  17. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Hey, this may be an interesting week! I just remembered that my cute little dental hygienist will be getting up close and personal with me this afternoon.

    You know what would be really hilarious?


  18. Ginger in Auburn Avatar
    Ginger in Auburn

    Regarding today’s newpaper offering, Sept 10th, Jimmy you are after my heart. 🙂

  19. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    No, no, no! Ginger, Mary Lou wants to open a bistro! Not be romantic, she wants to go to Paris to study how a bistro operates and what they serve, etc. She wants to stay in the restaurant business with an even newer, trendier restaurant than one they got out of!

    Love, Jackie Monies

  20. Lilyblack Avatar

    A bistro? Which on the Gulf Coast would be a very hazardous business venture. Remember, “Feed the rich and grow poor, feed the poor and grow rich!”
    But I have to admit, it would be a very entertaining arc. I *love* Paris, the most beautiful city in the world!

  21. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Personal admission time, when oldest daughter wanted to go to restaurant/culinary school Mike and I still had contacts to have gotten her into Cordon Bleu or the CIA (Culinary Institure) which was new then. That’s the one where all the Food Networks chefs go to now or went. She blew up at her interfering parents and ended up going to school at University of Houston which actually has a well regarded hotel school in the Hilton School.

    She had ability to have gone to her dad’s second alma mater, the University of Hawaii’s hotel/restaurant school but turned that down too. She refused to leave Houston and her party buddies.

    I find the current thread on Mary Lou and Gene and family very close and familiar, sometimes uncomfortably so. Our friends and customers for close to 30 years were mostly restaurants or serious amateurs cooking and serving.

    The Dock and Mary Lou and Gene is so true and real that I suspect Jimmy either has close friends or worked in restaurant business earlier in life.

    I got as close to Mary Lou’s dream as the restaurant equipment supply office and $250,000 later had basic kitchen equipment but nothing to cook it in or serve it on or with, such as tables, chairs, plates. Forget the food!

    So I poured my money into a floral pot instead, a business just as financially precarious and physically exhausting!

    I’m off for the day again, so maybe goodnight?

    Love, Jackie

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    A high concept bistro on the Gulf Coast? I dunno.

    I am reminded of the two farmers who were talking about all the vagaries involved in farming when one asked the other, “What would you do if you won a hundred million dollars in a lottery?”

    The other one thought a moment and replied, “I reckon I’d just keep on farming until I used it all up.”

    And didn’t ML and Gus have a conversation about her trying an upscale menu at The Dock that turned out to be less than successful?

    “Youth is wasted on the young.”

  23. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    GR6: “You know what would be really hilarious?


    That’s who I was referring to at 0953, above.