A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Great Expectations II

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
A quick update: the wayward shirts have been located. I still have not seen them, but I will this morning. Someone asked if I ever considered a sibling for Gene. Yes, I did. Knowing the way I work, I probably didn’t know myself when I started this little story line so many years ago whether Janis would be pregnant or not. (Spoiler! She isn’t.) The way I work, again, it was never “decided” as such; it just never happened. A sibling would have expanded the strip, to be sure, but I think maybe I didn’t want to be tied to several years of baby jokes.

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76 responses to “Great Expectations II”

  1. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Anonymous, your phone has got you again. An over whelping desire? I think you mean overwhelming. The Daily Telegraph website often has links to live opera and stage performances from Great Britain. And there is a new service starting to stream live/recorded Broadway stage shows to your computer/tablet/whatever.

    gerund or present participle: whelping
    (of a female dog) give birth to (a puppy).
    “Copper whelped seven puppies”

    One of my pet peeves, especially when written in charts by doctors and nurses who should know better. As in, he was covered in whelps, when they mean welts.

  2.  Avatar

    Yes, this is the very latest Samsung Galaxy From Outer Space in the Third Sun version to replace the earlier that I didn’t ever understsnd.

    I saw that whelping and it made me wretch. Wait, no that was the overly rich mid-afternoon lunch. And I am going back there tomorrow, they called me during lunch to confirm the appointment I had not written down. That is the best restaurant in town but I will look for fish and a steamed veg with a plain salad.

    It’s a nice historic town with a good university, so they have music, plays, book shops. But as I was pulling out I looked at the tattoo shop on one side and glanced over at the Survivalist Boutique. It was what it sounds like.

  3. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Posted in the previous thread again. Too long to repeat, but Debbe, today’s BCN is right on.

  4. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    Jerry, No I did not; I will have to look for it tomorrow, as bed awaits. I used to have an older employee (72) working 3rds in my questionable neighborhood store who would grab a hammer and start swinging it around and beating it on the counter. There were several calls about him scaring would-be troublemakers. If a call came for that location, the police always asked “hammer involved?” first thing. Poor counter-top though.

  5. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Ghost, I don’t drink, but I haven’t met a rum cake that I didn’t like. Fortunately there is a great young lady from Michigan who makes one for my birthday and one for Christmas.

  6. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Mindy, I have an answer for your story so its best if I sign off too.

  7. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I may have mentioned this, but one night when out carousing with some female managers at a dance club, one of them let me taste her Slippery Nipple. (Taste her drink; what did you think?) It tasted much like the rum cake I make.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Speaking of the Survivalist Boutique, this would be just the ticket to Get The Hell Out of Dodge™ with a few of one’s friends when TSHTF. Also, getting carjacked would likely not be much of a concern.


  9. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    So the guy had a Pole Fetish, Lady Mindy; it could have just as easily been a Hungarian Fetish or a Romanian Fetish. And remember, when hammers are outlawed, only outlaws will have hammers. 🙂

    And speaking of scanners, Anonie, I have an old one I use to monitor the pager frequencies of the area volunteer Fire-Rescue companies. Weekend before last, I heard a first responder page-out for a 50-year-old male who was unconscious after falling from a horse. So perhaps only ride horses short enough you don’t mind falling from them?

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Glad to have you back, emb. Not seeing regular posts from you was almost as jarring as hearing Old Faithful had missed a performance. 🙂

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 For you, hon…and for Lady Mindy…and for me…and for anyone else who has ever worked shifts.


  12. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Those apps let ANYONE see where you are – saw some cautions about taking pictures
    that record location.

    emb – how could you not garner such accolades – as your presentation here shows we would expect nothing less.

    Worked 5pm to 5am for awhile –
    but then cows and chickens don’t take a day off so we didn’t either.

    It is not just the media I worry about – an engineer on the 3 Rivers Gorge Dam project
    while explaining the barge elevator said “they had to calculate the weight of the water AND
    the weight of the cargo vessel.” or words very similar.
    The guy that slopped the bath water had something to say about that – a few centuries ago.
    What are they teaching in school today? And didn’t anyone review the content of the program
    before they made fools of them selves?

    There was a Professor that was called on the carpet for flunking too many students –
    (he should mark on a curve) his answer was they know it or they don’t. Would you drive over a bridge they (the failed students) designed?

    Which puts me in mind of The Tacoma Narrows Bridge and the I35W bridge over the Mississippi.

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Based on Great Expectations II, the answer to my question from yesterday is “No, Arlo didn’t hold the stick for her.”

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Perhaps those media idjits that were worried about a helium explosion thought that a “helium bomb” would be even more powerful than a hydrogen bomb. Hint: Wrong.

  15.  Avatar

    This question is for anyone building muscle which may mean Ghost. I was reading and article at lunch from Limestone (I am a subscriber to their health program) Anyway, it was about getting 20 grams per meal of protein and doing it at least cost in both calories and money.

    Eggs were listed as good cheap source but if 6 gm. Per egg is correct that’s over 3 eggs per meal. Listed can salmon, beans, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, cheeses, sardines. I may have to look that up.

    Anyone doing this or like it?

  16. TruckerRon Avatar

    Here’s the video with The Tenors and Lindsey Stirling on YouTube:


    I posted the BillBoard article yesterday with a link to it on Vimeo, but it didn’t play as well on my laptop as it does on YouTube.

  17. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…

    Good to see eMb back….just like Old Faithful, I look forward to your thought provoking posts, and yes, just how did they get seven cats to stay that way…..

    Re: work, it’s a living, just like the song posted above. But these eggs are driving me nuts, the shells are so thin, the hens are spent. They are scheduled to ‘go out’ the 8th of December. New pullets coming in….December the 22nd….three days before Christmas I will have new ‘chicks’, and I’ll be there Christmas too.

    Indy Mindy and GR 😉 , liked your posts.

    Loved today’s strip.

    ya’ll have a blessed Thursday

  18. Debbe Avatar

    For GR 😉 and JJ…….thanks for Jackson Browne, great song writer.


  19. Debbe Avatar

    …and just how can this one be explained…….


  20. Debbe Avatar

    Sandcastler…good luck on the MRI, sorry to hear about your torn muscle….prayers…….Amen

  21. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Debbie, thanks for the kind words. Also, thanks for the Javkson Browne links. I have always been a fan of his and have a fondness for his solo albums.

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Good morning, Village.

    Anonie, 60 grams of protein per day seems a bit high, especially for a sedentary female who is not pregnant or nursing. The recommendation for her would be 46 grams per day, and for a sedentary male, 56 grams. (More if you are very active or are engaged in weight training.) The rule of thumb is that at least 10% but not more than 35% of your daily calories should be from protein.

    A mistake many dieters make is cutting too deeply into their protein sources. Good and economical sources are Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, Swiss cheese, eggs, 2% milk (in that order) and, of course, meats and seafood, though they are less economical. Navy beans and lentils are on the list but rank below meats and seafood in protein content.

  23. emb Avatar

    OB et al.: Thanks

    GR6 et al.: What about peanut butter? [Of course, also 8 fat g./tbs. of real pb = ground peanuts only.]

    Peace, emb