I seem to have miscounted. There’s a little more “Harvey” left than I realized. Rather than dump it all on you today, I’ll finish this up with a Saturday post; then we can get on to something else Monday. Or Tuesday. Thanks for all the guidance on the tee-shirt project so far. Depending on costs, which I’ve yet to learn, there will be three designs: the car logo (yes!), a new piece depicting Arlo and Janis in repose, and a cat design. I know the cat people here, as everywhere, are a minority, but Scott the tee-shirt artist and I both think the “Ludwig” shirt might be a sleeper.

Hardly Harvey, cont.
By Jimmy Johnson
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91 responses to “Hardly Harvey, cont.”
Still waiting for word on the XS before I commit
Lilly, XS might cost more because of the wrap around printing. Two panels front side and two backside. 😉
P.S. autograph extra.
sand, if there are panels, I don’t want it at all. Just a single logo. And autographed clothing does not compute with me
Fascinating subject find of the day: Antikythera mechanism:
Rain finally stopped. Back yard looks like Boatstock all right. We went and picked up 16 bales of hay/straw to put on mud to stop the potholes.
Band coming in tonight and I have to pick up fried chicken, etc. in a few hours People are learning incredible amounts, these guys are happy as pigs in mud.
Love, Jackie
OF due 1538-1558 CDT. Peace, emb
‘And autographed clothing does not compute with me.’
You might make an exception for clothing for events you or dear ones participated in. Wife was active in community theater: acting*, singing [in chorus], stage managing [I think], props, ticket-selling [in costume at least once, for ‘My fair lady’], officer, etc. When the did them, she bought a tee and 3 sweatshirts, all 4 with all participants’ names on the back. They fit me. I wear them with pride and gratitude.
*She achieved a life’s ambition as Eulalie Mackechnie Shinn, the River City mayor’s wife, in ‘The music man’.
Peace, emb
Whoops: ‘When they did them . . ..’
Heh, good for you, emb, but my clothes get thrown into piles on the floor and washer too often for me to revere them much 😀 When I finished my first marathon, some of my supporters did sign my race number, but I think I have lost it
Jackie, you can have my share of mud. I’m not a fan. Maybe I could sit around and talk history with a bunch of friends in the mud, but we tend to do that indoors with soft chairs and access to a bar. I have to admit I did finish a marathon in the rain once: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s565/Lilyblack1/Running_zpsd93565a3.jpg
I was wet through but very happy! 😀
Jackie, that reminds me of my second daughter’s wedding, held in our back yard with reception tent in front. We had had a hurricane go through about six weeks prior to the big event, and then numerous rainstorms in the weeks following. After cleaning up and getting the landscaping back in order, the wet weather continued. The last straw was a big rain the night before the wedding. My husband had to run out that morning and get hay to spread under the tent because it was so soggy. Fortunately, the back yard is higher and there was no problem for the ceremony, but when all the folks moved to the tent, all the traipsing around led to some pretty muddy shoes. One of the ladies helping with the food eventually shed her wet shoes and went barefoot. Besides, nothing could dampen our spirits on such a happy occasion!
Granny Carol, I’ll bet that if any of your guests had ventured out from under the tent while holding a glass of whiskey, the rain would have dampened their spirits.
*Ba dum dum crash* 🙂
Thanks for the grin, sideburns.
Good one, Sideburns! 🙂
Pretty good eruption, favorable W wind, steam/fog did not obscure jets. emb
I am baby sitting while fried chicken gets eaten, Jack finally fell asleep. Bonnie wrapped clean ladles in a trash bag and put them away and no one can find them. They will turn up someday but for now we are improvising. I will add that I own dozens of everything for this event but finding them this year is challenging!
My band is out setting up in rain and I hope eating, we will carry on some how. Most of these guys do a lot of “adventure” boating so they experience mud and rain and foul weather but this is especially muddy for my yard.
Love, Jackie
And the band plays on … the guys next door are at it again. My neighbor has a band. The musical talent is okay, but no one has told the vocalist he is no tenor. Paul McCartney and Steve Perry (Well, Perry in particular) are tough acts to emulate, but he tries (and fails) anyway. Happily, tonight seems to be a jam session – no strangled high notes or emo power ballads. Even better, a better than decent guitarist is playing fast and loose with a bluesy rockabilly riff. Too bad I need to head to bed, sounds like it is going to be a good night.
A Luddie polo, I hope?
Curious Luddites want to know! Actually JJ has promised a Lud shirt I believe.
Good morning Villagers….
Yes, Lily, I found out about that “Red Line” when I went to my Angel of a Doctor. One of her nurses use to work in ER, and said I would of needed at least 10 stitches. She cleaned it, and put a liquid adhesive on my wound and then put these strips to hold the skin in place. Got a tetanus shot too, along with a script of antibiotics. She asked why I didn’t come in when it happened, I said your closed on Wednesday…why didn’t you come in yesterday. Told I thought I could take care of it, as The Boss does not have Workman’s Comp. (We are considered ‘seasonal employees’ and that is how he avoids paying into Workman’s Comp. My Angel of a Doctor did not charge me for the visit, nor the shot. Gosh I love that woman. I am sure though that if I did get charged, The Boss would have helped me out…but last week he was dealing with the death of his Grandmother…so I didn’t want to bother him either.
So….the nurse handed me a bunch of purple latex gloves and said “don’t get it wet..take baths, no showers, and have Ian wash my hair in the kitchen sink….since I washed his hair in his early years. My doctor is also Ian’s doctor.
So, I took the weekend off….and I am going nuts. Think I may run into the hen house and check on the teens. Ian said we had a dead count of 22 yesterday…whereas we only had 6 on Friday, but we were in a hurry to get to doctor.
Jackie….you are having way too much fun, and I love the reference to Woodstock…Boatstock fit well with all the rain you’ve had.
Lily,,,good luck in your race.
Imdy Mindy…sound as though you’ve been treated to a good blues jazzy session. B. B. King style maybe?
and where is GR 😉 ???
later Luddittes
And I concur….that was a good one sideburns 🙂 …took me a second or two, but, heh, who isn’t a little slow in the morning.
Before you say that there is nothing wrong with Columbus, Ohio, please spend some time there.
(I will now duck and cover.)
TDS does have their panties in a twist this morning….sheesh, it’s a comic strip, not an editorial, not a history lesson…just a simple Sunday morning comic strip….and a three day weekend for the government, banks….and don’t forget those Columbus day sales…..lol
Good morning, Villagers. Wind sprints done, sitting in my Sunday school classroom waiting for everyone else to get here. (can you tell I am scheduled to talk today?) Nice cool day, I think the weather has finally changed. Debbe, you got me to look at The Dark Side, always amusing but annoying. I especially liked the idiot who was frothing about future generations thinking we were vile “for promoting the torturous conditions of keeping and killing the animals you eat and wear, the poisonous processes you require for products, and the noxious poisons you willingly and knowingly spew in order to move around”. Boy, if future generations are going to be such wussies, I am glad I am not contributing to them, heh. I do agree with the point of not judging people in the past by present day social pieties. “Jefferson kept slaves!” “Julius Caesar crucified pirates”, etc., etc. As Saki said, my fear would be that “one’s posterity would rise and call one amiable. It’s enough to make you sympathize with Herod.”
Thanks to FB I’ve discovered that my daughter’s karate instructor is too gullible for anyone’s good… except a scammer. He’s signing on to “the world is an evil place, secret groups are manipulating everyone—causing wars to line their pockets, suppressing cures for deadly diseases to keep their drug companies profitable, creating diseases for the same reasons—and, of course, the Twin Towers were brought down by controlled explosives. And he’s also begun teaching the kids meditation, sensing their chakras, channeling energy… any day now he’ll probably start demonstrating levitation:
I’ll be finding someone else to instruct her soon.