I’m an old sports writer. That is, I was a newspaper sports writer a long, long time ago. It was fun! I was a young man, and I actually enjoyed it for exactly one year. Then, the seasons began to repeat, and I found myself asking a new cast of teenage athletes the same old questions. Just like that, it wasn’t fun anymore. Soon began an equally brief career in public relations. That wasn’t fun, either, but at least everyone with whom I had to interact was fully clothed. Now, what brought that up? Oh, yeah! I turned on the NCAA men’s basketball championship game last night and watched a bit. It looked like it was going to be a stem-winder between powerhouse North Carolina and underdog Gonzaga, but I’d gotten up early Monday morning, and I went to sleep. I woke up today to the unsurprising news North Carolina had won. However, it seemed half the accounts were about Gonzaga’s disappointment or Gonzaga’s frustration or Gonzaga’s failure to win or (I didn’t see this word actually used, but it was liberally implied.) Gonzaga’s shame. I know how it is to try and make the outcome of yet another athletic contest interesting when it all boils town to one team scoring more than the other, but it’s gotten out of hand. Sure the young men of Gonzaga feel badly, but now the story of Gonzaga basketball becomes one of a struggle for redemption. At the risk of zagging off on a tangent, I can’t resist closing by saying, as an alumni of Auburn University and therefore a titular fan of our basketball program, LMAO!

By Jimmy Johnson
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142 responses to “HGNV”
Like much of news reporting, too much of sports reporting is now about “feelz” rather than about facts. And don’t even get me started about “social media”.
‘no clean tennis balls’….LOL!
And Ghost, someone’s already invented it. Woke up from brain surgery with one up my nose- to keep the remaining brains inside, you see. Needed SOME of them! 🙂
Hi, Llee.
In case anyone is interested (or even if they are not), my crudus minora seemed to veer into crudus majora yesterday, but this morning I am feeling somewhat better, although my cough is now “productive”. (Such an innocent-sounding word.) I hope this means that it is beginning to clear up.
Meanwhile, I am left to hope I will encounter many females over the next week or so that find a “husky” voice sexy. Although in fairness, mine probably sounds more gravelly than husky right now.
Good to know, Llee. Not to make light of your procedure, but there were times last night when I felt my coughing might “produce” some brain matter of my own. And not in a good way.
Good morning again. Debbe call me anytime except 2 to 4, I am having cardiac tests then. We say that so casually now, like Bones pointing that Geiger counter at someone on the Enterprise.
Need to go unload the van. We have severe weather predicted today and Black Jack is safe in garage.
My remaining brain cells aren’t in danger from being coughed out. My lungs, on the other hand…
It’s a good one to make light of! (ok- restructure it properly ) That must have been some major coughing, kid. Take care of you! Jerry- you ok over there? Weather sounded bad.
And by the way, Llee, you’ve got plenty of them left. 🙂
Hello beautiful Llee. My iris are blooming and I should go cut bouquet before storms hit. With the hundreds that were planted, few survived.
I swear my dog Charlie plants stuff better than those I have paid!
Having grown up with bronchitis and now Sjogren’s I have a cough that frightens people who don’t know me. What really hurts is when I cough so hard I can’t catch my breath. I keep waiting for a doctor to suggest a lung transplant. 🙁
Right now I am either suffering the last of a cold or the beginnings of pollen season. If my nose doesn’t stop dripping I am going to call a plumber!
That’s some great news, Steve. Prayers continue.
Yay, Debbe’s got wheels again! That will make life easier!
Benedryl doesn’t do good things for me, but I swear by the Alkaseltzer line of cold/cough/flu products. Although during a bad cold or allergy bout, nose tampons might be appealing. Probably sneeze them out, though. My sneezes are like nuns: always come in pairs, sometimes travel in groups.
Jerry, how are things going?
Jimmy, I can read so much into that strip above…
We survived a near miss, the Village remains open.
Basketball? Schools still play that game?
It seems the media has focused more on the ‘agony of defeat’ instead of the ‘feel of victory’.
Trapper I have had that horrible Sjogrens cough for other 45 years. I have broken ribs, separated ribs, coughed until people run up to perform Heimlich maneuver in stores.
My kids used to track me in big stores with the cough. Nothing seems to totally stop it.
I choked at dinner in restaurant the other night and my kids ignored it. My date jumped up and did Heimlich, I really had aspirated. My kids would have let me die.
Watch aspiration dangers.
“My date jumped up and did Heimlich…”. Damn, Jackie, you sure know how to liven up a date.
Seriously, the Heimlich Maneuver is something everyone should know how to perform, if physically able to do so.
I told you so for 2.5 years Ghost. Take me to the drive in and buy me popcorn. I guarantee an interesting date!
Not supposed to eat popcorn. I assume you Excell at hugging women’s diaphragms?
Can’t get this vision of strings hanging out of nostrils…but, hey, if it works…..
Probably will be about a week before I get my wheels…need to get insurance quotes. I don’t know who is more excited, Dad or me. Jeep has been very well maintained, so I know what I am getting.
The lady across the street passed away late Saturday. Spoke with her briefly early that morning and she was going to put to sleep her lab, who had been in failing health for some time. Her son found her unresponsive later that day. The trauma of losing her pet of many years was too much for her. She had requested early last week that if anything happened to her, Bo (her dog) was to be buried with her….and he is. Bo was cremated and will be put in her casket. Strange, but I think she knew her time was over…I’ve heard of such insights into one’s death. Dad will miss her as well as I.
I know the ABCs of First Aid…Airway, Breathing, Circulation. So knowing where to find and how to “hug” a woman’s diaphragm would figure in there somewhere.
Forgot to say yesterday was Rustys birthday in Oz.
Debbe 😉 Happy about your wheels; sad about the loss of your dad’s neighbor. I agree that some seem to know when “their time” is upon them.
For anyone is wondering about Debbe’s new wheels, this is a 2008 Jeep Patriot in the dark blue they call Steel Blue Metallic. Sort of resembles Bullet.
I’ve been plagued with bloody noses all my life, including a notable one which lasted 6 weeks when I was about 9. Doc said I had weak vein walls in my schnozz – “Captain Obvious, MD” in action- I could have told him that. Learned to roll tissues and insert same. Doc actually advised taking such a roll and placing it under my upper lip. I suppose that was meant to squeeze off some of the blood supply to the affected region, but I didn’t ask. Still will occasionally start bleeding for no apparent reason, though the frequency has lessened.
Debbe That is more than a coincidence. As we get older, we realize that our time on earth is going to be more limited, so getting a premonition is not not all that unusual. Obviously Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher come to mind as someone that was “ready” to go and that something happens to trigger that. But my Grandma lived 14 years past my Grandpa’s death and she was constantly saying that she was ready. However one of her great grandchildren had CF, so she was called on to babysit the other child and help her granddaughter. She certainly had a purpose in life.
Enjoyed your post, JJ, and have to agree about the coverage. My brother worked at UNC most of his life, so I was looking for news about them, but it’s hard to find. (I came here to the comments to see what others had to say about it, but your post isn’t the topic of discussion.)
I agree with Arlo in the comic, but I’m female, so I say, “I guess if you look like her, you can get a husband who can afford that house.” Not very feminist assuming the husband will be the one making the money, I know, but it’s usually true.