I’m an old sports writer. That is, I was a newspaper sports writer a long, long time ago. It was fun! I was a young man, and I actually enjoyed it for exactly one year. Then, the seasons began to repeat, and I found myself asking a new cast of teenage athletes the same old questions. Just like that, it wasn’t fun anymore. Soon began an equally brief career in public relations. That wasn’t fun, either, but at least everyone with whom I had to interact was fully clothed. Now, what brought that up? Oh, yeah! I turned on the NCAA men’s basketball championship game last night and watched a bit. It looked like it was going to be a stem-winder between powerhouse North Carolina and underdog Gonzaga, but I’d gotten up early Monday morning, and I went to sleep. I woke up today to the unsurprising news North Carolina had won. However, it seemed half the accounts were about Gonzaga’s disappointment or Gonzaga’s frustration or Gonzaga’s failure to win or (I didn’t see this word actually used, but it was liberally implied.) Gonzaga’s shame. I know how it is to try and make the outcome of yet another athletic contest interesting when it all boils town to one team scoring more than the other, but it’s gotten out of hand. Sure the young men of Gonzaga feel badly, but now the story of Gonzaga basketball becomes one of a struggle for redemption. At the risk of zagging off on a tangent, I can’t resist closing by saying, as an alumni of Auburn University and therefore a titular fan of our basketball program, LMAO!

By Jimmy Johnson
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142 responses to “HGNV”
2 sexy women, nice song, first group I ever saw live when they were promoting this album.
emb, I’m not at all surprised to hear you were a legendary prof. The toughest teachers are the ones that linger in our minds because they demanded the best that was within us.
Hope Ghost is feeling better.
Has anyone here had surgery for a deviated septum? What was your experience? I’m considering it.
My oldest daughter had that same hairstyle!!!!
And looked just like the big haired blonde!!!
Spooky or she copied a popular singer of 1980s?
Thanks for the explanation, Trucker. When I was in vet school, one “F” was three strikes and you couldn’t come back either! You either graduated with the class you started with or you didn’t graduate. We were admitted in 1963 and were known as “the Class of 1967”. The only way you could come back to the next class was because of medical problems. We had one student in the class ahead of us who had back surgery and was allowed back the following year to our class. Also, everyone took the exact same courses, no electives!
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
Well we got two of my sisters’ daughters off to the airport and saw that they landed early this morning. When they saw their Dad, they held his hand and he squeezed ever so gently and his blood pressure went up slightly. Both great signs. The other three sisters did not have their passports with them and FedEx messed up, so they had to leave a day later, so they will arrive tomorrow. But that might be for the best as they want to bring him back slowly and keep him calm.
My sister is a teacher on spring break and I have no idea how long that they will be over there. Obviously there will be a time after he is released from the hospital and when he is well enough to travel. We have their minivan parked out in the street, so I will park it in the garage and park my car in the driveway. She had added insurance on the trip and a medical rider. I’m not exactly sure how that works, but praying that there will not be too much out of pocket expense. Of course she will also need to take time off work… Bur as I told her kids, trust God and try not to worry too much about the future. When the events dictate a decision, then you can start thinking about it.
Steve, I’m so glad to hear your brother-in-law is alert and responding. He has been much in my thoughts. Thank goodness your sister planned for unseen possibilities.
Well he is not alert. He is responding. At this point we will take whatever we can get. It is said that the comatose can hear things. They don’t necessarily remember it but they can respond.
Here’s another song for a seriously crud infected Ghost. These women may wake him up if anything can. If he can open his swollen eyes.
I have been listening to Raul Malo all morning. Over loaded? Nah!
GR 😉 …this old mom was born to rock, I’m still try’n to beat the clock 🙂
What goes around comes around bud, and boy is it going to come around. That wasn’t a question.
…and then there’s this…don’t we all have them….
OMC…was warming up supper when sirens went off…next thing I saw out the kitchen windows was trees blowing and debris flying. I told Dad to stay put in middle room, got Ian in there, shut doors….went out to kitchen and saw the sun shining and a brilliant rainbow in the east. Scared, yes I was, but didn’t have time to think about that. It was over in a matter of minutes.
Haven’t heard if we were under a tornado cloud system, but for a few minutes it seemed as though we were….I prayed a prayer of thanks……Amen
good night, be safe, and God Bless us all
Tried to call you. Glad you are ok.
I have become consumed by the need to eliminate my OCD.
fasten your seats belts, we;re in for a bumby ride…..
Glad that you are ok Debbe. One of my neighbors had a big tree go down.
Eating dinner of kale salad.
“How did you lose all that weight?”
“It was kale wasn’t it? It was kale! I hate kale.”
Music for tonight’s weather: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C2K889u_90
And just because it’s good music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvCvJ9N8qQ0
And here’s a music related comic strip: http://www.grimmy.com/images/MGG_Archive/MGG_2017/MGG-2017-04-05.gif
Smigz: Thanks. I’ve had much feedback confirming your point. Retired in ’94, but still get some from former students, both while volunteering at the hospital and occasional emails and such. Good thing my immediate boss saw potential in me during my few probationary years. I’m living evidence that profs seldom lie back and coast after they get tenure, though I knew some at two major ‘research universities’ that had rusted out. And they had teaching loads only a fraction of mine. That could lead to a rant, but not a political one.
Kale is one of the 4-5 veggies I’ve no use for, though I can get it down w/out gagging. I also love asparagus and am one of the fraction of Americans who does not metabolize asparagine effectively. Have heard, from a fellow boil prof that they can tell in Cincinnati after there have been big sales on asparagus in Pittsburgh. Maybe apocryphal.
Actually I love kale. That is a line from a funny meme I borrowed. I love kale dip too on pita chips.
Well Jackie, anything is good on chips (I would like it too if somebody made it for me!)
Debbe, so worried for you. Your description made me feel I was there with you.
Thanks, guys, for the “social promotion” explanation. I had never heard of this! And was ready to say, it could happen in elementary school, but not in college. Then domaucan chimed in with his story. My land, never heard of that either!
Now, please tell me what is HGNV. I am puzzled.