From this date in 2013. Whom would you want to accidentally butt dial you? I think I must’ve chosen Jeff Bridges, simply because I’d want to hear his voice over the phone! I don’t have a lot of time today, or lately. I won’t go into my situation, but here’s a hint: “Move” is a four-letter word.

It Could Happen!
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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51 responses to “It Could Happen!”
I thought someone had to be in your contact list for it to be a butt dial. Isn’t this just a wrong number?
I think we just need to go with the flow on this one. Who can keep up with how technology (which seems to change with every passing day) actually works? I don’t know who I’d want to receive a butt dial from. Maybe a guy who’s on my fantasy list. *wink*
With my luck, I’m more likely to get butt-dialed by the IRS .
“Move?” Brrrrrrr. We’ve lived in the same house since 1980 and intend to die in place, without cleaning out the attic, basement, and garage.
Is Camp Hill losing another celebrity resident?
I’ve been saying for years that my next move will be arranged by my estate.
I sent 124 text messages to my son when I went out for a walk. They all came with a bunch of strange emojis. He had to block me until I got back. I also accidentally called my wife and she heard me talking to myself. How embarrassing. Reminded me of a classic A & J strip where a guy has a Bluetooth hooked up but no phone…
I’ve had a couple of times where I thought some stranger was talking to me in a public place, but when I answered they gave me the strangest looks. And then I noticed the little earbud. Like a comment I read put it, “These days you don’t know if the guy talking to himself is off his meds or on the phone.”.
Comment on today’s strip (7-24-20) “O Lord, please please please!!! please please
A few years back She asked me who I thought should play her in the movie of our lives; I said Meg Ryan (there is (was?) a certain resemblance. I asked her the same, and she said Jeff Bridges; I was quite proud to hear that, because not only is he a superb actor, I am an ordained Priest in The Church Of The Latter-Day Dude.
So am I. A granddaughter had a COVID-19 wedding a few weeks back: bride, groom, & tall, attractive clergywoman at the end of a pier in a S IL pond, all stepping carefully around the Canada Goose sign. Weather looked iffy, & GD’s shoulders looked cold. Figured it was IL because CG read, “by the powers invested in me by the state of IL.”
GD had made a stole for CW. They were actually doing the ordination party that evening, but ordination requires no ceremony, just application + assent to not-very-difficult credo. Not sure if MN recognizes Dudeism ordination or not; IL does. Anyway, I applied, & now have a certificate they can display at my funeral. Doubt that I’ll leave MN in this life, so may never use it. D’ism bills itself as “world’s slowest-growing religion. Not sure they have a procedure for simply becoming an official adherent, layperson, or whatever. Feel free to search “Dudeism” [ ] . You need not buy anything, but you can.
Peace [& may the Latter Day Dude be with you]. emb
I think – I’m not 00% sure, but I think -that if you show them your Certificate Of Ordination and Letter Of Good Standing, they have to recognize it; First Amendment and all, ya know.
I also think – and I’m much surer about this – to become an adherent, you simply have to agree with the tenets of Dudism (though it can’t hurt to watch The Big Lebowski repeatedly until you can summon an appropriate quote for any occasion (my 2 younger sons & I have been known to hold entire conversations, about many topics not Dude-related, consisting completely of Lebowski quotes.
And BTW, is the a way to italicize on this board?
That should, of corse, read “100%”, not “00%”.
You can use italics by inserting the HTML italic tag, which is less-than sign, the letter “i”, followed by greater-than sign. To stop italics, use the same less and greater brackets with “/i” between them. For bold, use b and “/b”
This should be italics.
This should be bold.
This may be bold italics.
Other types of basic HTML markup may also work…
If you are like me, and like to have space between paragraphs, you can add the “special character” that is a blank, non-printing, space by holding the “alt” key and typing “255” on the numeric keypad.
It leaves spaces like that. ^ A less elegant, but still effective approach is to put a single period on the line you want to be left otherwise blank as a gap between paragraphs.
Like this.
(This concludes the Internet blog reply keyboarding lesson for today) 🙂
Thank you very much!
And BTW – thank you for having the decency to use real Pooh for your avatar, and not Disney “Pooh”.
Along with the usual junk, I’ve seen a couple of good posts on Facebook. Here’s one – Just wait until the conspiracy theorists discover that they’re part of a conspiracy to use conspiracy theorists to spread disinformation via conspiracy theories.
Also this –
Grant me the serenity
to not read the comments;
the courage
to not read the comments;
and the wisdom
to not read the comments.
Of course, the advice about not reading the comments does not apply here!
Those were great! Thanks, Ruth Anne. 🙂
And all you Dudes out there…. 🙂
Pax vobiscum. [rev] emb
When I was in grade school, having no Latin skills available, several of us (most of whom were RC) made “Pax vobiscum” into “Pass the Nabiscos”. We all knew it was incorrect, but we thought it hilarious.
Too bad Raphael Semmes of the confederacy didn’t bother to study theology and become ordained. Imagine the string of honorifics he’d have had:
Reverend Honorable Professor General Admiral Semmes! That’s in reverse order of attainment. Although his generalship wasn’t totally formal, he was, indeed, admiral, professor, and judge….
From Life in the Slow Lane: I have discovered another shortage in the local stores, although I don’t know if it’s also regional and/or widespread…distilled water. More people at home taking up doing their own laundry and needing if for their steam irons? Doubtful. People sleeping more and needing it for their CPAP machines? Possibly. I actually don’t know.
I googled it, and apparently CPAP users have been complaining about distilled water shortages for at least the past 10 years. There is a current shortage that is being blamed on (imagine this) panic-buying by hoarders fearing water system breakdowns.
Are those hoarders planning to drink the stuff? I always keep 2 extra gallons on hand because we both use CPAP and we never know when the stores will run short again.
I suppose. Although one store carries plastic jugs of drinking water right next to the distilled water. Plenty of drinking water on the shelves, no distilled.
I haven’t had trouble buying it around here, Ghost. Wally World, Aldi’s and Reasor’s have all had it when I needed it.
I’ll be picking up some prescription meds at a major chain later today. I’ll try there.
I have usually been able to get distilled water. One week I used Spring water and occasionally I have to wait a week or two, but I have been able get it.
I question The Church of The Latter-Day Dude claim to slowest-growing religion in the world. As I am the founding and only member of the WWCPA, Worldwide Church of Procrastinating Agnostics© for over forty years.
It can wait? It’ll work itself out? It’s all predestined; nothing I can do to change it? Almost everything is better in the morning. [q: Lewis Thomas, MD.]? There are 2 kinds of people: those who know they are agnostics & those who don’t?
NB: No religious assertions there; just suggestions for a possible WWCPA creed.
We have squash blossom end rot and downright blight.
Yet we have harvested beautiful pattypan squash.
Lots of tomatoes on plants and even some corn. I have not gotten out of bed recently just alept through gardening hours.
No idea what we did to anger the squash gods.
First ever live African porcupine. Midnight in S Afr. Peace,
Webcam moved. Not sure of my Afr. owl spp. Peace,
Happy Birthday!
Thank you for making my life a little better each day.
Happy Birthday Arlo and Janis!
Jimmie : Thanks for the Memories , Thanks for sharing , Thanks for Everything .