Here’s one from early spring, 2010, although it’s a time around here when yard work mercifully replaces artificial exercise. I admit, I had to look up the spelling of “Jehoshaphat,” and, as is often the way of the Internet, I learned more than I bargained for, some of which might even be true. Jehoshaphat was a Biblical King of Judah. The interjection “Jumping Jehoshaphat” came into being in 19th Century America. In the 20th Century, it frequently was used by Yosemite Sam. Beyond that, not much really is known, but you can read an article about it!

Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat!
By Jimmy Johnson
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120 responses to “Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat!”
Good am JJ: Always glad to get a little knowledge in the morning. Also remember Yosemite Sam.
Yes, it won’t be long before someone tries to cancel him!
They have already attacked Yosemite Sam and others because of guns a few years back.
Jimmy did a tribute cartoon I loved and bought where Janis runs in house for gun to shoot rabbit. Great one Jimmy!
Of course 50 # of Acme dynamics and anvils are still fine.
No one blows up anything.
Worse, the dynamo explodes under your hands.
Share the link if you know where it is. I’d love to see it.
Ghost gets lots of exercise jumping at Garfields trying to stop them running into house He seldom wins.
There are two identical, #1 Garfield and #2 Garfield (also known as Big and Little) There once were seven identical orange cats here all from neighbors cat I neutered finally.
Reminds me of Ferd Berfel neighbor to the Farkel Family on Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In. Those randy red-heads hold a certain appeal I suppose.
Ghost has been out clearing street and yard with helpers. I am envious and hope to get out today to join them in my gardening wheelchair
It is a smaller trsnsport chair and can be washed. Not as big or fancy as inside chair.
Fresh air and outside would be amazing after three and a half months inside.
So a year in my basement hasn’t really been too bad. I had eliminated the long commute a year before, but I do miss seeing my co-workers. Some things are getting missed because we aren’t chewing the fat. Sometimes meeting with a visual is just easier in person.
Re 3-11-21 retro cartoon: Kinda like the look of Disheveled Janis.
Apparently the anti-gun crowd has gotten Elmer Fudd’s shotgun cancelled. Likely, the “vegan” crowd is even now working to get Elmer himself cancelled, for being a cartoon hunter of cartoon “wabbits”.
I would not at all be surprised to learn that Jimmy has been, if not attacked, sternly lectured by some group (although many times the “group” is made up of a single individual) for being insufficiently “woke” over something it perceived as being “problematic” in A&J. I would also perfectly understand if he does not wish to get into that discussion here in the Village. In fact, that ends my discussion of it.
For clarification, my use of quotation marks around “vegan” was to describe what I call the “only-on-paper” vegans, the individuals who claim to be, for “social credit” or as a means of “virtue signaling” , but actually are not. To me, true veganism is admirable, even though I do not practice it myself.
Elmer has a worse problem than his hunting wabbits:
One of my favorite Far Side comic strips.
Perhaps Elmer will find support among those advocating for the speachily impaired.
I saw the other day that someone had “reported” a comment on the A & J Facebook page. I didn’t look to see what it was, but it was the day Janis had a very self-satisfied look on her face. There HAD been a lot of comments about that look! Hey – they are married… they are allowed to love each other!
What a lot of people don’t know is that Yosemite Sam was introduced because it was decided that Elmer Fudd was too stupid to be a good opponent for Bugs. Not that Sam was much better, of course. And, in Rabbit Fire, he tells both Bugs and Daffy that he’s a vegetarian, hunting only for sport, as if that makes it better.
BTW, it’s a Good Thing that I checked below as my name and data has vanished Yet Again.
I’m neither a hunter nor a gun owner, but I understand the sport of hunting and the importance of keeping herd size within sustainable limits. Look to Australia when the environment is subjected to a species with no natural predator.
Fun fact: there are more deer in Pennsylvania today than in the pre-colonial era. European settlers arrived and altered the original, forested environment into farm land, which created deer Nirvana with plenty of open meadows near stands of trees with lots of food to munch and no more natural predators. Deer are cute and cuddly, but without careful management of the herd (i.e., regular hunting) the critters overproduce, run through available food, starve and become nuisance animals to both the farmer and the homeowner.
Of course, an ethical hunter should not waste his trophy. Fortunately there are plenty of food banks that will take deer meat.
More support for donating fresh kill to hungry people. Businesses that dress carcasses already offer this service and have a list of local food banks friendly to the idea. Any excess you can’t see consuming in a season would be welcomed on a struggling family’s table. Thank you, Blinky, for mentioning this option.
When I looked just now, the boxes below had all Trucker Ron’s information in them. Jimmy does a very good artistic impression of a startled cat. That has to be from personal experience. Today’s retro is very good.
And on the weather front, here in Tulsa it’s about 20 degrees cooler than yesterday, has been very overcast so far, and the day started with light rain. Over the last two days it was warm enough for me to have my window open, and the birds in the bushes outside have been very busy and noisy.
When I was a kid we had neighbors that were Big Henry & Little Henry.
Little Henry was 2X size of Big Henry (his dad).
And I got anonymoused again
My cousin who lived on farm with us was Little Mac, his sibling was Baby Sister or Sister.
My great uncle was Big Uncle, his sibling Big Auntie.
All their lives.
I grew up in a home where EVERYONE hunted. We belonged to a histotic uncut timbered club. I did not hunt but had to help process and freeze meat.
We lived on venison but not so .much squirrel and did not hunt ducks, coons or rabbit nor birds. We did not kill unless we ate it.
My data keeps disappearing daily now.
Hoho. My data has been coming and going, but it has been either me or blank— until today when Jackie’s name and email have migrated onto my iPad! I’ll change it back to me before I post this.
I’m curious. What type of device (iPad, phone, pc, etc.) are those of you who have gotten some else’s info using? My Surface tablet only shows me my own.
HP desktop computer.
Right now I’m using a Toshiba laptop running Fedora Linux. My info’s there today, but not always.
Neb. cranes flocking, maybe some flying N.
Spaces below were blank, but when I clicked, correct options came up. Laptop, Open Office.
I am using Android phone and Fire tablets.
PC with Windows 10. (But I haven’t seen anyone else’s info on it in over a week.) Can’t remember if someone else’s info has showed up on my iPhone 7, as I rarely do more on it involving A&J than occasionally looking at the current day’s cartoon.
I have PC with Windows 10, and have never had a problem with appearing & disappearing names & addresses.
PC with Windows 10 today that had Jackie–and tonight has blanks. That’s mostly what I use. Occasionally the iPad. I can’t remember what it’s been doing. Got to fill in my info again here now to post.
Oh, and I’m running the Chrome browser with Windows 10 as the OS.
Just read The Graduate today. Have not seen.the movie since 1967 when it came out.
As I read I heard Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft speaking the lines and dialog.
Remember how shocking the movie was 54 years ago?
“TIME Marches On.” How many remember that newsreel? Anyway, remember that Dustin’s URL is undated. This is the 12 Mar. episode.
Interesting, there doesn’t seem to be a pattern to the info-sharing glitch. Good morning everyone!
Re 3-12-21 real-time cartoon: I first grew a mustache while on an overseas tour with the Air Force. When I took leave and went to see my lady friend, she looked at it silently for a moment, and then shook her head slowly and minutely about three times. My ‘stache was gone as quickly as I could find a razor. No fool am I.
My way: I merely bang together a pair of fine-grained metamorphic rocks near my laptop [intel core i5] until sparks fly and the electronics pick up the field emanating therefrom. It a gneiss system – and cheap!
It’s a nice gneiss system, too. Had this been on the S coast of France, it may have been a nice Nice gneiss system!
Oh, well – nothing better to do at the moment except state taxes.
I don’t have Arlo’s reasons for not growing a beard. But I do have two good ones: I have to wear a CPAP to sleep and the mask needs to seal well. And my whiskers grow very slowly and spottily.