Here’s more from the “wild art” file. Another project that never got off the ground. Or never left the dock might be a more appropriate metaphor. Look at Janis’ foot—I didn’t know I could draw feet that well! This was drawn about the time of the two pieces in the previous post. For the hardcore sailors among you, the cockpit is a fairly realistic depiction of that on a vintage Tartan 27 sloop I once owned. It was a tough little boat. I sold it to a friend, and it was lost in Hurricane Katrina. Just to illustrate how bad things were, the boat at the time of the storm was in a Bay St. Louis boatyard, “on the hard” as they say. This means it was on dry land, supported by jacks. Still, it was swept away and never seen again.

Lost at Sea
By Jimmy Johnson
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217 responses to “Lost at Sea”
Great piece of artwork. Excellent companion to the car logo; hint tshirt material.
So really what this can represent is Arlo daydreaming sitting on the couch with Janis snuggling with him.
Janis has real legs. Nice. emb
OF webcam is still offline.
Good morning, Villagers. Indy Mindy, nice! JJ, agree, nice work on Janis’ feet!
Debbe, you can put the strips on as often as necessary, the doc was right, it will have to close “by secondary intention,” now. Which as we tell the patients means “it has to heal from the bottom, not the top”. And, yeah, wait for it, “it’ll be healed in about six weeks”. 😀
Great run this morning, rounds went well, we are back in the office on time, everybody is happy except The Billing Clerk In My Life who is having Man Trouble. Again.
Katrina took a lot from a lot of folks down here in the South. Love the picture. T-shirt?
All is not bad on The Dark Side. I followed a clue (link didn’t work) and found the arc beginning August 10, 2008 and learned a lot more about Gene, Mary Lou, and their daughter. 🙂 What? I was just out of the hospital, I wasn’t reading newspapers.
EMB, I called Yellowstone visitor services yesterday. Apparently, the guy that manages the cameras was out of the office yesterday. The operator had me leave a voice-mail. It seems that he may not be in again today, or there is some other immediate priority. Who can know?
I miss that small window on the wilds, though.
For Lily,
Very nice! I like this one better than the car art.
Yep. Who cares if the word “art” is not often applied to cartoons? That’s art up there. Though I do wish you were able to devote that much time and effort in detailing Janis’s gams in the daily strips. 😉
And I for one have no trouble believing your story of the sloop’s fate. I had a friend whose dry docked 40-foot boat has not been found to this day.
Beautiful, Jimmy.
Interesting site which I believe most Villagers would agree with, anti-abstraction and pro-realism in art. Mind you, I don’t agree with everyting he says, but most of it, yeah.
Call me a philistine if you will, but if I have to spend more than a couple of seconds looking at a work to determine what the hell it’s supposed to represent, then I’m sorry, but it has passed me by as work of visual “art”. Not that I think every painting or drawing has to look like a photograph, but if it looks like a finger painting done by a chimpanzee, it’s wasted on me. No single-black-dot-in-the-middle-of-an-otherwise-blank-canvas-and-call-it-art for me, thank you.
I would definitely like to know how one goes about putting the reflection of the stars in the sea. JJ has invented a new art form-the arttoon. Am I the only one who liked the abstract pictures that you had to stare at until you could see the dolphin or whatever when it turned into a 3D picture?
YES, this beauty would also make a fine t-shirt. Large, please!
Jerry, by my lights, once you can see the dolphin, it’s no longer abstract. 🙂
I like most trompe l’oeil works, but I certainly don’t consider them abstract. And perhaps they are more works of engineering than works of art, but I still like them.
Somewhere a solitary boat is bobbing up and down on the open seas. At least a part of me wishes that was the case. So many lost so much in Katrina, but small miracles happened all over. When we had high water in Royal Oak, there was a lot of ruined cars, basement furniture and junk, so there was not a lot of angst. However a friend of mine had an irreplaceable collection of running memorabilia that was destroyed. He admitted that had never felt that he would have 6 feet of water in his basement.
I would advise Mr. Ghost to not visit the Mendel Collection in Houston. I am enjoying thus private showing; hope there are more to come.
carl g. evers, sample:
look up book the marine paintings of carl g. evers. beautiful work.
This is an excellent candidate for a t-shirt, IMHO.
I can’t lose this chance to plug for Geoff Hunt, master marine painter, whose paintings graced the covers of my beloved Aubrey/Maturin Novels by Patrick O’Brian:
The featured painting is “HMS Agamemnon Leads the Squadron,” a lovely pic of Nelson’s first flagship
I loved those ‘find the [porpoise] paintings’ [and photos, no?], perhaps mostly / I saw it faster than others did. I’ve not seen a new one in years. Weren’t most of them doctored photos?
Evers’s brown pelicans are pretty good, too. emb
Munchkin, I have no idea why I thought of you when I saw this photo, but I did. 🙂
Someone suggested it might currently be in front of the CDC cafeteria in Atlanta.
Hey, works for me 😀