Here’s more from the “wild art” file. Another project that never got off the ground. Or never left the dock might be a more appropriate metaphor. Look at Janis’ foot—I didn’t know I could draw feet that well! This was drawn about the time of the two pieces in the previous post. For the hardcore sailors among you, the cockpit is a fairly realistic depiction of that on a vintage Tartan 27 sloop I once owned. It was a tough little boat. I sold it to a friend, and it was lost in Hurricane Katrina. Just to illustrate how bad things were, the boat at the time of the storm was in a Bay St. Louis boatyard, “on the hard” as they say. This means it was on dry land, supported by jacks. Still, it was swept away and never seen again.

Lost at Sea
By Jimmy Johnson
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217 responses to “Lost at Sea”
Now THIS would be an excellent t-shirt!
Looks like a spambot snuck into the village…
Ah, that’s right; I forgot about Jackie’s trip. Hope she is having an excellent time.
Going to see the onc guy later this morning, to get my Mom’s final report on her treatments.
How does that cat know the stripe is red? Cats, like most non-primate mammals, cannot tell red from green. Most birds tested, as well as turtles, have 4 different color sensitive cones, so can distinguish colors we cannot. Fascinating article on this 25 or so years ago in Quarterly Review of Biology.
Then again, all cats are grey at night.
I had a friend with a Tartan 24. It was a fine boat, and very forgiving of goof-ups, of which I made plenty.
Good morning, Villagers. I have a friend with a 600 foot long light cruiser, or a 1/500 scale model thereof 😀 USS St. Louis, to be precise.
Great run this morning, Nine miles, as we had no surgery. Weather was wonderful. I love October.
I agree with many others that the above art would be great on a t-shirt!
c-ex-p, get one of those cheap cell phones and stick it in your sock drawer. That way you won’t have to answer it every five minutes, but in the event that your land line dies you will be able to call out for service.
Ghost, I’ve wondered for years why people get so excited over abstract art. One of the best descriptions of it I’ve ever heard was off the show “Kate and Allie”- “Did you see the picture over the fireplace? It looked like they dipped the baby in grape jelly and let it crawl across the canvas.”
You watch The Blacklist? Great show!
I hope your Mom gets a good final report!
Debbe, I also hope your finger is healing well!
cxp’s problem set me to thinking. I found these figures:
40% of homes have no landline service.
38% are wireless only.
06.9% have only a landline.
02.2% have no service.
14% decrease in number of landlines in the last ten years.
Are these factors causing an overall decline in service to landline customers?
We have both. Land line gets used by older friends, the hospital, and my parents. They have to, because neither The Boss Of My Life nor The Man In My LIfe will pick up their cell unless we are out of the house
I have to have a landline, and will, until the ICD manufacturers create an affordable way to transmit reports from my device over a cell phone.
The only other reason to keep it is I don’t know how or whether I can send/receive a fax with my printer/fax/scanner over a cell phone or the WiFi…
I too think this drawing would make an excellent t-shirt, or even the last two in Scenes from The Morgue. I think between Jimmy Johnson and Justin Thompson of Mythtickle they have the art of cartooning pretty well mastered into first place.
Two different styles, but both number 1 of their kind.
I dunno, Justin just doesn’t do it for me. Maybe this was an off-day, I’ll follow him for a while. Just in case, I put him in my “Annoying” folder along with Crankshaft and Safe Havens . 😛
Myself, I prefer Brooke McEldowney. I was reading in my “Pibgorn Midsummer Night’s Dream” book last night. Ghost would like to know that it has two scenes, two, with Pibby (as Puck) nekkid in bed with Oberon.
I would definitely buy that shirt!
Gotta agree Brooke is excellent in his style, I follow both Pibgorn and 9 Chickwood Lane on a daily basis. Just don’t get Ghost started on Pibgorn.
Lucky Oberon.
I’ve been doing weekly reads of 9CL, but it may have jumped completely off the track for me when she shot down an attacking Luftwaffe fighter with a Luger. (At least I hope it was a German and not an Allied fighter. Martine doesn’t seem to care much who she shoots.) Unlike Japanese fighter planes, German ones were well armored. Not a non-zero (no pun intended) chance of that happening, but close to it.
Of course, there was this case.
But that would have been more like shooting an enemy pilot across a room.
Bah, what is wrong with my fingers today? 9 Chickweed Lane.
Yep. Pibgorn on 10-14-14. In bed. Nekkid.
Panel #4 reminds me of a title I wouldn’t mind having: “Cleavage Curator”.
In her defense, the plane’s pilot shot first…..
Here’s a real-life gal who’s comfortable and good with weapons:
1. ‘Arlo at the Tiller’ = best choice yet for a tee [size M]. Like others, I’m good for > 1 tee.
2. One thing in common w/ Bagget, I was stationed at Mitchel AFB, but during the Korean thing. Learned some stuff / USAF bureaucracy there, but also married my Cornell U. sweetheart, best possible person.
3. Justin Thompson of Mythtickle reminds me of other cartoonists, some of whom used to appear in Mad Magazine.
4. Brooke is different enough to be hard to compare w/ the others, esp. in his large elaborate scenes.
5. Justin is a much > insightful strip > I first thought. At least half the strips are about foibles other than Justin’s parasitism. E.g., Justin’s wit, often at Dad’s expense, wife’s goofy radio audience, Dad’s weight, humanity’s overall hopelessness.
Peace, emb
Yes, sandcastler, I heard a program on the radio within the past year or so that confirmed that phone companies are not putting money in the old infrastructure of landline wires. Instead of repairing the old technology, they are financing new communications such as fiber optic, etc. I plan on keeping my landline, but use my cell for all long distance and when I am away from the house.
Okay, searched out this “Pigborn.” Is so like Uncle Ghost, lacking in taste.
Back home again in Indiana. I was on the phone with a friend as traffic crawled its way through Louisville rush hour. As I was driving straight through, I kept the car in the I-65N lane and chatted away. When I hung up, I took a look around to see what progress I had made. I suddenly realized all ofor the exit numbers were small again, and I wondered aloud if I had crossed over into Indiana already. Just then, I ran over a whole slew of potholes. Yep, back in Indiana.
Trip was fantastic – until the last evening. My friend hadn’t been able to reach her mom all day. They lived together, as she wasn’t in great health, and frequent texts and phone calls kept the very close mom and daughter up to speed. We called in a welfare check, and the worst had been realized – my friend’s mom had passed away while she was gone. My friend is doing okay considering, but I really wish Indiana and Alabama were a bit closer neighbors.
Au contraire, ma chère Vierge. I am actually quite tasty.