Do you remember the above “old” Arlo & Janis comic? You should; it first appeared in newspapers and on earlier this month. What you probably don’t remember is the strip below that first ran November 30, 2004. I obviously didn’t!
I ran across the 2004 version this morning, while rummaging for something to post. I’ve been drawing Arlo & Janis for a long time. I’ve always suspected things such as this happen, but I’ve never stumbled upon such damning evidence. I looked up comments here and at GoComics from the day the recent version came out, Nov. 3. It was with mixed emotions I discovered no one else caught it either. I have to admit, it isn’t a joke one would remember 13 years later. I did notice both cartoons were from November. I suspect they were the result of me stowing away on the overbooked Pumpkin Spice Latte Train.

Mea Cuppa
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
89 responses to “Mea Cuppa”
Haha. We ALL repeat stories. Sometimes I wish that I could recycle days like A&J does strips, but I’ve learned that each day is precious and never should I take them for granted.
I bought a new over the hood microwave, which fortunately my daughter helped me install. Near disaster. We were about to install when we saw that the side was crushed The 2nd one seemed loose and my daughter noticed that the threads were pushed in and the screw was not attached. So she disassembled the case and located the threads and we got it in successfully. My wife fave me a Janis type ” Why are you doing this with mother here?”, but this was the only time my daughter would be home. We worked well together.
Buying the microwave was an adventure. The clerk let everyone know that she didn’t work in the department and that with 19 years experience she should be home with her family. I really turned on the charm and realized that she really wasn’t a bad person. As we left I told her that this was the first day that I could get out due to my illness. Then I told her that our family was getting together today for Thanksgiving. Since we were all going to be havingTurkey on Thursday, my brother-in-law said that we would have tacos. When I told lady this, she said “y’all going to have tacos for Thanksgiving!* She then started to laugh and laugh and laugh. She thanked me for being her last and best customer of the day for her and I told her that’s what I try to do: make people smile. I also said that my brother and sister both lost spouses this year so it made me realize that Thanksgiving is more about family than the food around the table
G’morning. Today’s A&J is hilarious, and the comments above it are no surprise to this octogenarian.
Cannot get this to open on my laptop; symbol just circles around.
Nice story, Steve!
Nice pun, JJ.
Interestingly, Jimmy, you just ran a series of strips here where the theme was the retelling of old stories (“Storied Past” I-IV). Life imitates art?
emb, you’re link worked for me. That should teach some folks not to stand to close to the edge of the platform!
Actually, there have been a couple of occasions over the years when I noticed you had “recycled” a gag. However, they are so infrequent I have no recollection of the details.
That was me above, using the tablet I loaned Jackie before she got her own. She didn’t want anyone to think she was criticizing our host.
Nor do I!
Now I feel Jimmy has let on that he is a mortal, after I had held him up as a deity of ink and wit. Still, even a god could be excused for being smitten with PSL.
I have already experienced my Christmas profanity while buying tickets for the Nutcracker, A Christmas Carole, Cinderella and Gerswin. Should have taken a tranquilizer first!
Hate being timed out when buying performance tickets. Ruins my holiday happiness at getting Black Friday half price ballet tickets.
Ghost says they don’t realize their audience types slowly.
Lemme think ’bout this.
One mistake in over 30 years of drawing the strip?
I think I can let it slide.
So, new art, new situation, same punch line… What’s wrong with that? I’m sure there’s a site somewhere that catalogs jokes, skits, and comic strips by punch lines. If there’s not, someone will create one eventually. That’s what the ‘net is for, right?
Don’t tell me real life situations don’t repeat themselves. No worries Jimmy. Both strips are funny.
Continuing with what’s going on here at the convention, the hotel’s pushing things a tad: no Christmas decorations, but the muzak is all themed for Chri$ma$. *Sigh!*
Jackie reminded me of my first gf some 60 years ago: her name was Carole, and, near this time of year, she was my “Christmas Carole”.
TruckerRon: Maybe is sort-of what you are looking for?
Adolf Reich painted the TIP scene of the model behind the screen in the studio that Melcher featured a few days back. Looking at lots of his stuff, I’m reminded most of Norman Rockwell, who didn’t publish nudes as such [little boys scurrying past a ‘No swimming’ sign don’t count].
Remember we love A&J not only for the writing but also the art. Each of these has unique art! They are not the same!
$5 in 2004 for a “grande” and $5 in 2017 for a “large” – I don’t know French, but I thought those were the same size. If so, I’m impressed that there’s been no price increase for “mochas” for 13 years.
We just heard from Social Security that our benefits for 2018 will rise by all of 2%. However, to pay for various of their programs, our net take will DEcrease by $134.+ each month…that’s more than 11%. Yeccch.
I am thankful we don’t depend on SS for the necessities.
You could run that joke every week as long as you keep coming up with new coffees.
Bob, I am guessing it is largely or grandeely the fact that water hasn’t increased that much over the decade. 😉
Ghost went out for Shop Locally Saturday with me today, a day in which you go buy as much as you can from local companies to help keep small businesses in business. Probably first time he has done the Shop Saturday event too.
We had fun, then went for a delicious lunch, his choice at a new deli with trendy but huge sandwiches. Ghost got up and said “I want to go to Checotah for lunch.” Carrie Underwood is from Checotah as are many famous rodeo performers.
Best advice I have had is to do things and eat things I enjoy when I feel best. Working so far.
Carrie Underwood did not seem to be at the trendy deli in Checotah. I’m pretty sure I would have noticed her if she had been.–killer-legs-carrie-underwood-quotes.jpg
But we enjoyed talking to a nice young local couple there with their two-year-old and 6-month-old. And the kids were ridiculously cute.
glad you guys had a good day
keep in touch
Hey Leon! Ghost just shaved my head. I look like Mr. Clean or Jim Cantore. The follicles that were left kept growing from first round. Go figure?
Glad to see you. Will write tomorrow.