A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Mea Cuppa

By Jimmy Johnson

Do you remember the above “old” Arlo & Janis comic? You should; it first appeared in newspapers and on GoComics.com earlier this month. What you probably don’t remember is the strip below that first ran November 30, 2004. I obviously didn’t!

I ran across the 2004 version this morning, while rummaging for something to post. I’ve been drawing Arlo & Janis for a long time. I’ve always suspected things such as this happen, but I’ve never stumbled upon such damning evidence. I looked up comments here and at GoComics from the day the recent version came out, Nov. 3. It was with mixed emotions I discovered no one else caught it either. I have to admit, it isn’t a joke one would remember 13 years later. I did notice both cartoons were from November. I suspect they were the result of me stowing away on the overbooked Pumpkin Spice Latte Train.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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89 responses to “Mea Cuppa


    Jimmy your War Eagles won! War Eagle!

  2. emb Avatar

    Expect Carrie works out, or just runs. See legs like that a lot at hospital gym. They look better w/o boots. Peace,

  3. Woodguydave (from Dearborn) Avatar
    Woodguydave (from Dearborn)

    The other recycled punchline that I recall is from when Arlo is watching news on tv and the last panel says something like “I think I could be a reporter” or “I think I could be a weatherman”. I find myself saying that a lot when coming across inept people doing their job.

    I’m surprised Jimmy hasn’t recycled it with Arlo musing “I think I could be a Congressman” or “I think I could be president.”

  4. Debbe Avatar

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Good evening Villagers….

    Steve, customer service is a bear, and I love the way you ‘killed’ it with kindness. Job well done, young man!

    Finally sat down an hour ago for first time today. Been slacking off in domestic duties here lately, with Dad being on antibiotics for MRSA, the extra sterilizing, bleaching (remember Clorox is your best friend, I do not buy off brands) We’re clean here 🙂

    I went to my doctor tues….(bumps started appearing on my forearms and hands, they looked like little pimples on arms..I was scared) My doctor is the kindest and gentlest soul, she reassured me I did not have MRSA, my body was releasing stress bumps. She even squeezed on one without gloves….she “renewed my ‘calming’ med 🙂 and a antibiotic ointment. She asked if they ran a culture on Dad, told her no..I shouldn’t have had to ask for one….oh yeah, that’s right…..I was dealing with a NP, which I do like.

    My doctor eased my concern about Dad, said from the way I described it, it was not typical of the bacteria and she doubted if had contacted it. More of an abscess cyst But I did take dad back into the doctor after a week w/o oral antibiotics and I wanted him on another week. You know what she said after the first time we went in….make an appt in a month….(I thought a flipping month!!) After giving her the benefit of the doubt…something was not working….we went in on Monday and I made another one for two weeks. On the positive side…it looks better….shaved his chest so it didn’t pull the hair….that hurts too 🙁

    Ian and I have been streaming movies….’American Made” *** w/ Tom Cruise job of doing his own stunts, recommend it, based on true story. (love to watch his stunts)

  5. Debbe Avatar

    I am in moderation…guess the first post was too long, so I tried to shorten it by copy and paste….we’ll see

  6. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Debbe: Sometimes this site just doesn’t like multiple paragraphs. My post the other day didn’t go anywhere, not even moderation. Luckily I was able to go back and copy it. When I broke it into two posts, it worked fine.

  7. emb Avatar

    Just finished initial draft of column ‘Threescore and Ten’ for the Th 14 Dec Bemidji Pioneer. Subject changed from ‘recipes for one’ after I started it, because worsening twinges in R rib cage said ‘take us to the ER,’ so ended up writing about that visit. Sanford ER does a good job, as do most of Sanford Health’s depts. Apparently not caused by heart problems but by low potassium [K] levels, so wrote about ER visit. Feel guilty suffering only moderate aches and pains compared to what some of you are dealing w/. Will let the column marinate for 2-3 days before sending it in. As mentioned before, a problem is that I’ve lost my copy editor. You can probably read it if you go to the Bemidji Pioneer website on 14 Dec or so. May get back to Bachelor Cuisine in Jan.

    New Sanford Joe Lueken** Cancer Center now under construction, due date next fall. Two of its Ca exam rooms w/b in memory of 2 deceased BSU grads, Elaine and a former bio major who became a noted ethnobotanist but died much too young from a miserable disease, scleroderma. She and a roommate lived w/ us for 2 yr. **Joe = recently deceased philanthropist, owner of Lueken’s Village Foods, which he sold to the employees; it is now employee owned, and seems to be doing well. Peace,

  8. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    My cancer complaints are so minor that I feel guilty too emb. My oncologist and Ghost say I should not feel guilt, part is due to starting out in healthier physical shape and therefore stronger to fight cancer. I hope that is true.

    Ghost and I made the decision that my cancer treatment was our job and we are taking it seriously. But we continue to have fun as much as we can.

    Fresh fruit smoothies are my main nutrition source right now. They are so delicious. Breakfast was peach raspberry orange banana and tonight’s was mango strawberry banana orange. They all have Greek plain yogurt and overripe frozen banana and fresh juice. Tomorrow I begin the unflavored protein additive as I hate the flavored pritein.

  9. Ghost Avatar

    I’ll use the Ruth Ann Technique in my next comment and see if that allows me to post something has simply disappeared on several previous tries.

  10. Ghost Avatar

    Nope. It did not. Two paragraphs long and containing no words or phrases that could even remotely be considered offensive. Unless the phrase “a strikingly beautiful young lady of Korean ancestry who is a petroleum engineer and former deepwater offshore drilling rig diver currently certified as a diving instructor” could be considered offensive. I give up.

  11. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, an amusing variation on the twisted art theme:https://www.eatliver.com/doppelgangers/

  12. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown


    Pets and Christmas trees. How to keep one from the other.

  13. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Today’s SHOE cartoon strip is a hoot! (Nov. 26th)

  14. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Still in limbo I see..won’t go into repeating the post, but I did give Steve two thumbs up in dealing with customer service…it’s hard job, as sometimes you just want to reach over the counter and go for the jugler.

    Watched some movies from the comfort of my couch on Friday…here are my critic’s review:

    American Made” *** w/ Tom Cruise job of doing his own stunts, recommend it, based on true story. (love to watch his stunts)

    Then “American Assassin” ** typical terrorist movie starring Michael Keaton

    “The Mummy” with Tom Cruise **

    “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2? **** loved the music in it…..seventies sstyle

    Then last night I watched the “The Homesman”. Tommy Lee Jones and Hillary Swank ***
    but not before I busted butt in catching up on housekeeping here.

  15. Debbe Avatar

    Alrighty then….Ruth Ann, I will do that the next time. I’ve seen long posts here that did not wind up in moderation…who knows.

    Jackie you’re eating healthy, staying active, and have courage to not let it beat you down….plus you got GR 😉

  16. Debbe Avatar

    GR…thought of you when I came across “Tony”

  17. Dale Avatar

    I did notice that the same price is given in both comics, despite being 13 years apart. Which probably is because my late youth and early adulthood were the period of maximum inflation, when prices rose noticeably every year. Also, IIRC, “grande” at Starbucks *isn’t* the large size, that’s “venti”. So Arlo is actually getting more for his money in 2017!

  18. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Good morning. Ghost cannot get past moderation and is frustrated by the arbitrary “rules” of the cyber monitor. I will say that when we humans can blogs and discussion groups you could ask why and argue with us.

    Jimmy of course has better things to do than sooth us. Like art.

    Saturday December 2 from 1-3 p.m. Jimmy Johnson will be at Faraway Places in Iuka, Mississippi for a gallery showing of the art of Arlo and Janis.

    About two dozen of his original strips will be for sale. Plus the chance to meet Jimmy and the original Janis. Something I have always wanted to do because I feel a compelling similarity between Janis and myself.

    When I retired (the first time) back in 1982 I opened a shop very like Faraway Places but minus the quaint historic town and building which I yearned for. I want to see how it would have turned out, done right.

  19. Debbe Avatar

    Rats…forgot to post the link to ‘Tony’…one of the best pick up lines I’ve heard 🙂


  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Next Tuesday, the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is Giving Tuesday. It falls on Tuesday November 29 this year.

    Besides the big national and international charities, try to give locally.

    I try to give to the food bank. Local animal rescue groups, lots of small local groups help out people and animals in your town.

    Ghost and I like the Salvation Army because we know their money reaches those in need. This year as always I will buy Toys For Tots. Give money to buy food for local animal rescues.. Every little bit helps.

    Do what you can to help.

  21. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    The Salvation Army is about the only organization that I still trust, and I give them a fair amount each year. I actually trust them more than the church I currently attend – I won’t go into the reasons for the lack of trust. I will say that I attend because it’s my wife’s family’s church, their membership stretching back to about the 1850s.

    Another organization that my wife and I support is Guiding Eyes for the Blind. I checked them out extremely carefully before I donated; they’re legitimate.

    Also, we had the pleasure of meeting two of their trainers and the dogs that they were training last summer when we rode the Cuyahoga Valley scenic train in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. The meeting was entirely accidental, and I have to admit that it’s reassuring to know for a fact that the organization does indeed exist.


    I just gave to Oklahoma Regional Food Bank. They have a 4% administrative cost because mostly volunteers run them unpaid. For every dollar donated for Giving Tuesday their corporate sponsors match the amount. Yout donatio doubles.

    Most Texans and Gulf Coast hurricane survivors distrust Red Cross.

  23. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    Ah yes , the American Red Cross . an organization in the business of charity.

  24. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Ghost and I are helping with a local nursing home to provide gifts for their residents. Most are poor and without family so will receive no gifts or family visits. I am certain similar situations exist all over our country unfortunately.

    If you’d like to help someone have a better Christmas why not look into such a gifting situation? Do not look at the “good homes” but ask if help is needed at the poorer homes providing for our nation’s elderly.

    Then there is always Toys For Tots that needs help.