A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Mower shirt discussion

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
The teasing is over. The new A&J line of clothing (AKA, tee shirts) is in production and almost ready for unveiling. I hope it can go on sale early next week, the first of December. Until then, you can help us. I know I have asked you to speculate about this sort of thing in the past, but it isn’t speculation now. It’s happening. If you think you might be interested in owning a shirt, let us know. I’ll tell you how in a moment, but first you’ll want to know something about the shirts.
The shirts are being printed in a ridiculously humble shop in north Mississippi. Artisans screen print each one by hand. I designed the artwork and have been involved personally in preproduction. There are two designs: one based upon the iconic arloandjanis.com car logo and another based on Ludwig, the cat. (I was there when they began to roll off; I think they look good.) Each will be available in two styles: short or long sleeve. The car-shirt colors are: natural, sport grey, military green, charcoal grey and Carolina blue. The cat-shirt colors are: sand, black, pink, red and gold. For today, use your imagination. I know there is more to consider, but I’m trying to keep this short. I’ll deliver specifics as Thanksgiving week evolves. Right now, it will benefit all of us, including customers, if you can help gauge demand. You would not be ordering! You would not be committing to anything, and (ahem) neither would we. There’s no money involved! We just hope you will help us establish a rough idea of what’s ahead, especially with Christmas so near.
I know you haven’t actually seen the shirt. I haven’t discussed price. If you want to wait a day or so for the full details to write, that’s fine. But we’re friends here, and if you’re pretty sure you might want shirts, go to the top of this page and hit the “email” link and drop us a line, or just comment below—but not both, please. Tell us what sounds good to you. Include sizes if possible. Really, folks! This is a seriously local operation. Thank you! — JJ

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104 responses to “Mower shirt discussion”

  1.  Avatar

    One of each XL long sleeve and one of each XL short sleeve.

    No telling where I will be weatherwise. Jackie Monies

  2. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Thanks, Mark/TT.

    Hope Steve & family live many safe years in the new abode! {But do recheck your Latin.} The packing/unpacking is the major reason we haven’t moved and won’t unless medically necessary.

  3. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Steve has a house. We have tee shirts. And Christmas is still 30 days away.

  4.  Avatar

    I just turned house into giant closet and giving away van loads. I just told my new minion to take her choices of my scarves and accessories before calling my daughters should I pass away. I could not face moving.

  5. emb Avatar

    Incognito days postponed ’til tomorrow.

    JJ: When I wrote your email address, didn’t mention sleeves. Short: mostly wear them days I go to the gym, + in summer.

    Peace, emb

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 Not Rock. Not classic. But in all fairness, it does help white people dance.


    RIP, Little Jimmy Dickens.

  7. TruckerRon Avatar

    JJ, depending on the price I’ll want definitely want one each of car & Luddie in short sleeves in XXL, maybe a matching set in XL for a total of 4 tees.

  8. TruckerRon Avatar

    Regarding the classic, I wonder how many of us would have been happier with our mowers and such if we’d only been taught to drain the fuel each year before stowing them away?

  9. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Most likely xxl short sleeve charcoal long tail logo
    probably a Ludwig short sleeve – color to be determined.

    TIP is Paraprosdokians today.

  10. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    The way some customers treat their mowers they might as well dump them off
    a cliff. Every year

  11. Kerry Avatar

    Very interested…

  12. Suzy Avatar

    probably a long sleeve medium

  13. Kerry Avatar

    Long sleeve Car gray

  14. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Jimmy

    You said the T shirts are 100 percent cotton…..are they pre-shrunk?

    Count me in for a Ludwig, in black, long sleeve, medium size please

    When I clicked on the company’s page, and then clicked on the size chart, it did not come in clear, it almost looked like Chinese or something.

    Thank you.

  15. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…..

    Hope Indy Mindy pops in to see the new post is up, as I’m sure she’ll want a Luddie too.

    We get a Christmas bonus each year, and that should cover the T shirt and my hair cut….

    OH, and Jimmy, is Ludwig still going to be purple?

    Ya’ll have a blessed day………..

  16. Debbe Avatar

    GR 😉 let’s go back….way back


    I had to laugh at one of the comments below the video, someone mentioned that the song was Hillary’s campaign song…lolololol

  17. Debbhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m57gzA2JCcMe Avatar

    and to all….it’s not Thanksgiving ’till you listen to Arlo…..I do every year


    Everyone, lurkers and all, may your Thanksgiving be full feeling, and blessed with family and friends

    love ya’ll…..Debbe

  18. Debbe Avatar

    What the hey, I got a new name?????

  19. Wisconsin Dan Avatar
    Wisconsin Dan

    Count me in for a couple of medium shirts Jimmy!

  20. Matt Avatar

    Are the “sand” Luddie shirts litter box colored?

    I’d love a car shirt… in plain ol’ white. What ever happened to white t-shirts?

  21. hd in south jersey Avatar
    hd in south jersey

    great Jimmy 3 in xl long or xxl long Thank you sir

  22. Bob Avatar

    1 lg of Arlo & Janis.

  23. Tuna Avatar

    Count me in! L, Short Sleeve, Original