A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

“Now if I had the wings of an angel…”

By Jimmy Johnson

I thought this old A&J strip from 2007 might be appropriate, because daylight saving time ends Sunday morning. We’re going to be staring at a lot of walls in the coming months. It is true, roofs are generally prized, but walls have a more ambiguous reputation. They’re confining. They’re an impediment to understanding and to good will. They’re defensive. However, when the winter wind howls, walls are every bit as valuable as the roof. Perhaps if humans were a flying species as well as a pedestrian species, we’d be ambivalent about our roofs as well.

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58 responses to ““Now if I had the wings of an angel…””


    My goodness! This is ambitious Jimmy. Good morning.

    Good morning, Jackie. Incidentally, my software says the plural of “roof” is “roofs.” Wasn’t “rooves” correct at one time? Or am I misremembering? — JJ

  2. TruckerRon Avatar

    JJ, you’re correct, of course!

    Roofs vs. rooves.
    Roofs is the plural of roof in all varieties of English. Rooves is an old secondary form, and it still appears occasionally by analogy with other irregular plurals such as hooves, but it is not common enough to be considered standard.

  3. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…

    Don’t ever remember seeing the plural of roofs as rooves…and Jimmy love the old strips and their frequency….blessings on you and yours.

    Someone help me here…love Jack Hanna and his animals….especially when he would appear the Johnny Carson show. But I’m trying to remember the animal show that came on weekly Sunday evening. It was on one of the three networks back then. And occasionaly, I believe, Jack Hanna would be on the one hour show….was it Wild Kingdom? I did a wiki search on Jack Hanna and never mentioned the show.

    Been busy, rescued a 4 or 5 week old kitten that was stranded on top of the neighbor’s front tire. No telling where the kitten came from. It was traumatized and he was meowing so loud the neighbors down the block even heard him. Ian went over to where the kitten meowing was coming from and discovered him on the tire.

    Long story short, after a bath in Dawn, got rid of the fleas, blowed dried him, fed him, then put him a cat carrier and then to the garage. Didn’t want to risk the chance of the kitten carrying a disease until I got in touch with the Human Society and our vet. Well Human Society was over loaded, they couldn’t take him, vet was busy so I brought him back home. Let his loose in the back yard and he went wild with the other feral cats. Finally caught him two days later and his tail was a mess….cat fight. Took him to another vet and poor little guy had to have his tail removed. I think we have a lap cat now. We’ve named him “Bobcat”. Dad calls him “no tail”, and Dad really enjoys it when the kitten is sleeping on Dad’s lap. Right now Bobtail is on my lap.

    later gators……

  4. David L Avatar
    David L

    Reminds me of the classic punchline, “I may not have the best roof in the world, but it’s up there.”

  5. The formerly dry person known as sandcastler Avatar
    The formerly dry person known as sandcastler

    We with bare studs long for the day when we again have walls. Two months post Harvey everything is dry, cleaned, and ready for mold inspection / certification. Still working with the designer on interior plans. New windows should be installed in two weeks, then sheetrocking should happen. Move back date, uncertain.

  6. Debbe Avatar

    Found it: http://www.wildkingdom.com/ with Marlin Perkins…..dang I love the interweb 🙂 and I read it’s on Animal Planet now.

  7. Dennis Avatar

    Walls keep people in, not out.


    What color is Bobcat?

    I rescued a kitten from a Mercedes engine so dirty we didn’t know he was black and white. We named him Smokey but he went through life as Bandit.

    Another kitten came out of our station wagon wheel well. He was pretty traumatized but lived with us many years. He was Fuzzles I think. We acquired him at a motel parking lot dumpster of feral cats in Baton Rouge.

  9. Dennis Ewing Avatar
    Dennis Ewing

    Wow taht kitten really wsn’t even weaned yet. We got a couple of abandoned kitties that we had been watching as the mother cat moved them to different places in the front yard. Finally we had a rainy day and the mother cat took one of the kitties and disappeared. After about 4-5 hours we took the other 2 shivering kitties in and started bottle feeding. They were about 3 weeks then. Since I am the retired one I did most of the feeding so now I am the one the curl up on when they get tired. Mike is getting used to the fact he can’t bully the kitties but he is still top dog. Maggie is afraid of them and wants out every time they are let free, but so far 2 dogs are learning they can coexist with 2 kitties. really didn’t want more critters, but there we go.

  10. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    This is what I read about Rooves:

    “Rooves as a plural for of roof is dated, but not incorrect. The Oxford English Dictionary lists “rooves” as an alternate to roofs, one of several outdated spellings used in the UK, and in New England as late as the 19th century.”

    So if you are a very old Englishman/woman, it is roofs.

    Now for the plural of hoof:

    “Though hoofs and hooves are both accepted plurals, hooves has become more popular”

    My official answer is ” I don’t know!”

  11. Laura Johnson Avatar
    Laura Johnson

    One thing about this comic strip.. I always get educated! Love the reading the comments rooves? Or roofs? God bless all of you!????????

  12. Laura Johnson Avatar
    Laura Johnson

    God bless all of you! Exclamation points!!…not question marks….

  13. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Laura, a question mark is not inappropriate. But yes I do think that God Blesses us all.


    There may be one or two of questionable blessedness but that shouldn’t be our call. We can always question however.

    Stick around the Village all you new orphans, there were too many empty beds in the orphanage. Too many orphans had run away to join the circus perhaps?

  15. emb Avatar

    Adult bald eagle and foliage. Lovely.




    Have been entertaining myself by reading as many other blogs that link Arlo and Janis or use the cartoons to explain something they are posting or attempt to explain one of the strips they or someone else doesn’t get.

    Anyone here in Village that is a blogger or explainer of A and J?

    This wasn’t posted in CIDU (COMICS I Don’t Understand) nut on a newspaper blog but it totally got explanation wrong and I am sure totally further confused the reader.

    Ghost and I get them all. They don’t seem so hard to understand.

    But I repeat, Ghost is Arlo with concealed carry, I am Janis with the underwear, hair and somewhat insecure body image. And yes, we both love sex and each other.


  17. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Hal posted nut and the MM? I am on new tablet now, home in bed and listening to baroque music, my absolute favorite. Sucking on sugar free cough drops for the dry mouth from chemo.

    Baroque musicians really have to saw away on those violins don’t they? Faster and faster. Fortissimo.

    Happy despite cancer.

  18. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Just read Galiligo over on Solitairie comments page about Marietta, Ohio. We have a Marietta in Oklahoma and I knew others did too. I found thirteen states including a ghost town in Nevada.

    I also learned that Marietta is oldest town in Ohio.

    Learned about important work Galiligo is doing. Go back and read it, you’ll learn too.

  19. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Galliglo in Ohio on 03 Nov 2017 at 7:02 pm #

    I am fine, Llee. Thanks for asking. Just don’t have as much time anymore – or rather, energy! We all have the same amount of time…
    Have been working a lot in the past few months investigating, and now preparing, for a merger of our mental health agency with a much larger medical & mental health provider. The merger will happen on Jan. 1, and there is so much to do. In addition to trying to get a handle on our roles in the new entity, there is just so much of the mundane, but time consuming, items. We have notified all our business partners, a public announcement has been made, and now we must have current contracts changed. It is not simple!
    But we will have so many more resources available to do the services we want, and need, to do. Our little tri-county agency, with 100 employees, will become a part of an organization that will cover the entire southeastern part of Ohio. From Chillicothe, east to Marietta, south to the river… AND the organization, with our entry, will have 700 employees.
    As you can tell, I am excited, but it is a lot of work – and it will take some time to work out the kinks. And… I am looking forward to having the time available to actually take more than one week of the three weeks of vacation I am due annually!
    Like Symply… I am lurking… Keep up the good work, Village!

  20. Symply Fargone Avatar
    Symply Fargone


    Hope the results equal the effort you put in and the Fargone desire you have for the project!


    Have you heard of 2Cellos? They do Baroque as well a some more modern stuff….if you can deal with AC/DC, their cover in costume of Thunderstruck is amazing…Gayle n I(or Gut ‘n Fish)went and saw them at UCONN. They play covers of R&B as well as classical. Interesting stuff.


  21. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Simply I had heard some of their music on Pandora but not the rock versions. Amazing and huge young audiences for two cellos. Loved the video.

    Ghost and I are going to see Amadeus in about a week. I’ve not seen play or movie so no expectations of what I will see. Thought of that with this video.

    Oh, when I was seventeen I wore one of those dresses with the tiny waists and low cut push up bodices in Importance of Being Earnest as the ditsy Gwendolyn. Good experience for how miserable bunny suits were. Those dresses had real corsets with cords and metal rings.

  22. emb Avatar

    There must be a God. Above 2 cellos site had my fave rendition of Offenbach’s Barcarolle on the right side, so heard those 2 sisters again, and that was followed by Verdi’s Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves, from “Nabucco”, with [Italian] audience participation. Some had the printed words, but many did not need them. Reminds me [have mentioned this before] that, as Verdi’s cortege passed along the streets of Milan, bystanders began the chorus and it followed his coffin down the streets. They knew the words, and some of them probably were illiterate.

    Have to get dressed and out to a funeral, WWII Brit. war-bride whose accent and personality have livened up Bemidji for decades. [Another, of the next generation, former top student, still does.]


  23. Debbe Avatar

    Happy Caturday Morning…….. =^..^=

    Gloomy, rainy looking and NE winds spell 48 degrees ‘reel factor’ 🙂

    Jackie, the kitten (Bobcat Jack) gray and white, 2.2#, kitten, and I’m like Dennis…..not fully weaned…but wet food helped as he did have “toofers” coming, namely the canine teeth.

    Things to get done…..a little grocery shopping…chili almost gone, and damn it was good.


  24. Debbe Avatar

    OMC….the energy that went into playing those cellos…..