I started to write, “I haven’t forgotten about Weird Wednesday,” but I realized it would have been a lie. I did forget about Weird Wednesday! It was fun that one time, though, and I will do that again soon. It’s kind of like going back over my own work and putting a silly caption over the original—probably making it funnier in the process. Today, however, is another two-fer as we continue rearranging the furniture. It’s Friday, and I must finish churning out new Arlo & Janis fare. I’ll try to post something over the weekend. Maybe “Silly Saturday.”

Rearranged Marriage, cont.
By Jimmy Johnson
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140 responses to “Rearranged Marriage, cont.”
It was 44 years ago today that my Mom woke me up on a Saturday morning to this:
My Dad worked at WOWO and we knew the announcer very well. We knew that he was shaken, but most agreed that he held it together.
Steve, never heard about this, although I am not surprised as I was in Vietnam that day.
Steve in Royal Oak – Too young for that memory; however WOWO, WMEE, and WAJI were staples of my childhood. My mother was a huge music lover. In a twist she would be annoyed to learn she missed, Mark Evans, Magic’s”Man on the Street” was one of her pallbearers. Besides his multimedia career, he also works in the funeral industry. For whatever the reason, that old radio bit stirred up some old memories. Bittersweet, but cherished nonetheless.
OF due 1853-1913 CST. emb
Got some things done today, like changing utilities, everything takes hours longer than one would think it should. I keep adding to list faster than it shortens.
Like my large deputy, he is a nice guy and I think we will get along fine. His mother would like to meet me, which is OK with me. I bet she is suspicious of an old lady offering free room and board to her seven foot tall “baby”. Probably thinks I am a really old cougar. He was impressed with my Glock, he has one too and told me where to go get my Hornady hollow tip bullets. I will do that tomorrow. I now have several people who will help me learn to use it properly and put me in touch with good instructors, help me get a concealed weapon permit.
Went and bought myself an 8 x 12 foot garden house, premade Amish, has a small porch, real door, windows. Unfinished inside. They will deliver it Monday and I have to get a fence built around it for Mama’s pit bull Brownie. Brownie is looking awful but she deserves a nice place to live. I can either turn it into a real garden house when she passes away or a small guest house.
Minion has weather channel on and they are excited about something but I have become anti-television lately. Like the peace and quiet or music.
Love, Jackie
Ursen and Galliglo: here you are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVtic8OQaHQ
Dear Jackie, good that your many projects are getting under way. “Damn the torpedoes — full speed ahead!”
Amen to your opinion of television. It is mine also.
Love, Charlotte
Miss Charlotte, my hairdresser today said I looked remarkably better, the best she has seen me look in years, much improved. She made the observation that she thought I had spent so much time taking care of others that I had lost sight of myself and I deserved better. Hairdressers are often most observant people, like bartenders. Remember “Steel Magnolias”? And don’t laugh that it is a sappy girls’ movie, it is set a little further south in Louisiana than I am from but he did pretty good at capturing the genre. I did like it better in the play form, saw it performed in a theater in the round mode if I remember correctly? It debuted in Houston back when.
Love, Jackie
Reposted from the bottom of yesterday’s post:
Hi y’all! I’m back!
We got a small ice storm over here, and the power went off Monday night. Thanks to our power company and all the crews from Alabama, South Georgia, and other places we got back online yesterday (Thursday) about mid-afternoon. We fared pretty well, though, as Husband is a firm believer in being prepared. He had just bought a spiffy new generator-the old one is a bit cranky-and it was gassed up and ready to go, so we could keep the fridge and freezer cold and run the pump and have water, and with kerosene heaters, a fireplace, and gas stove, we did okay. No hot water heater, though, so no showers, but since we couldn’t get down the mountain we didn’t worry much about that. Once we had hot water that shower felt really good, though. 🙂
David, glad to hear you’re doing well enough to go home, and hoping the kidney wakes up and does what it’s suppose to!
TruckerRon, check this story: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20150220/us–frozen_great_lakes-595d7aba2d.html
Interesting story on Foxtrot Alpha about B-52 replacement brought out of desert storage. The planes nose art/name is “Gohst Rider”. The “Ghost Rider” B-52 rises from the grave to ride again.
Them BUFs gonna fly forever.
That acronym doesn’t stand for what I think, does it Ghost?
Minion has met my new friend who moved into my mama’s apartment, thus having a change of heart about going to Florida with me for the Everglades Challenge. She has volunteered to stay here and clean house and yard, work on garden and flowers (which it does need of course) and thinks she will stay here and take care of my pets as well. Which is fine too, she says we won’t need to hire a pet sitter. Which is fine too. I just think it is funny and sweet, she has already volunteered to cook meals. She can cook and that is fine too, she keeps my two helpers on remodeling fed, one of whom is also single. Not saying there are ulterior reasons?
So, I am heading off to Florida again but house won’t be empty at all and I imagine my neighborhood drug/criminals are annoyed. Because this is a lake and a retirement community with lots of older and part-time residents, they like the easy pickins’.
Going to stay off most of the interstates and meander more if I can, hit some museums and local small towns, see if good joints still exist for seafood, I am supposed to find things to write about so I need to meander. I do, however, really want to try and make it to La Provence in Lacombe for the Sunday brunch if at all possible. Only “name” restaurant I’d like to revisit.
Love, Jackie
This Close to Home is a hoot! http://www.gocomics.com/closetohome/2015/02/11
Jackie, try this site for unusual destinations: http://www.roadsideamerica.com/
Good morning Villagers…
I think Jimmy should shoot for a “Cray Caturday” strip with Luddie 🙂
Jackie, maybe they were watching TWC, they seem to get worked up about the weather, I try not to watch it, if I do, I hit select and zero in on the local weather. Otherwise, I rely on three different websites for my info.
So, right now, we are have a mix…..arrgghhhh. I’ll be sliding into work.
Speaking of work, I was madder than a wet hen when I went in. Seems someone put the thermostat be low freezing. I usually leave it on 40ish degrees. The drip from the faucet was one big icicle, the water in the toilet bowl and tank was frozen, my water bottle was frozen….at minus 14 degrees, things tend to freeze up. The few eggs I had brought in were even frozen. It took 2 hours just for it to reach 50 degrees….worked those hours in my Carharts and gloves.
Remember the loose bird in the hen house? Well on Thursday, it had already ‘mapped’ out the place and was flying everywhere, diving at Dakota and Ian. So Dakota set up a ‘trap’…are ya ready”……he used a box, propped it up, put feed under it, attached some string to the prop and laid feed on the string. Went in yesterday, and the box was down on it’s side. All I could think of was an old “Woody Woodpecker” episode. No sign of the bird yesterday, so maybe it dived into the pit….hopefully.
We’re babysitting little Kyler this weekend. My husband is all excited. Even made chili last night as Ky loves to eat chili. I sure have miss “little Red Chief” these past two weeks.
gotta go…looks like I’ll need to warm up the car for a while to melt the ice.
Happy Caturday…..
Oh, and thank you Gal, Denise and Granny for the encouragement…
And Jackie, please tell me you are not driving solo on your upcoming trip….please take someone with you…if all else fails, I’ll go with you 🙂
GR 😉
How you doing up there Indy Mindy???
Thanks for prayers for my grandbaby! He is doing well so far, and will be healing for the next couple weeks; hopefully no further surgery will be necessary. And Jackie, I am also concerned about you traveling alone – wish someone could go with you!
Morning Village!
The BUFF’s are kind of in my system. Grandfather built them. Father maintained them
I spent almost twenty years seeing them fly everyday. I still feel warm and fuzzy whenever I see one on static display. Special thrill is the flyovers prior to USAF football games.
Good Morning Village!
It is currently 27 degrees (wow – a heat wave!) and snowing… and snowing… and freezing rain tonight. Won’t this month EVER end?
Got some bad news last night. The husband of one of my best friends passed away yesterday – exactly three weeks after Jerry’s passing. My heart aches for her.
Mark: “. . . only half right.” Lovely.
Have you [or anybody else] any idea what Chicago buildings we are looking at in the last photo in:
http://apnews.myway.com/article/20150220/us–frozen_great_lakes-595d7aba2d.html ?
Peace, emb
GiO, 68 and threatening rain in Bayou City. ;+)
Debbe. if you really want to go adventuring in Florida and Gulf Coast, write me and I will come get you. Of course you may come home to Indiana (or not?) and find all the chickens frozen or the chicken house burned down!
I have been trying to interest anyone I am friends with to come along, either male or female. The rooms are already paid for and booked and I will burn the gas anyway, so it isn’t cost I think. Perhaps I insult some of my male friends by this but it never bothered Mike, so I guess I might be rude in thinking it wouldn’t insult others?
I will run into lots of friends down in Florida and I am stopping enroute to see a few, so I figure if I manage my blood sugars right and pace myself I should be OK. Granted I am a little older but I used to do this for a living, run the roads as a sales rep, not try to get men to go with me!
Wrote a friend, female, in Key West and invited her to meet me up in Tampa if she’d like and go the Florida leg with me.
Love, Jackie
Mindy from Indy:
Glad that it stirred up memories even if they were bittersweet. Mark Evans is not related to me but I found it to be quite a connection.
As many of you remember, I had my hip replaced in December 2012. I was walking 3.5 miles a day before, took about 2 months off and have been walking most every weekday. My little brother is running his 100th marathon in West Lafayette on March 28th. It is held in a park and you make 26 loops (and a part of another to get to 26.2.)
I observed that my walking times were only slightly slower than his running pace, so I told him that I would enter, figuring that I could probably do about 10 miles. Around Christmas I started taking long walks and within 6 weeks I was up to an 18 mile walk. It has not been too cold until recently, but today I will try to do 20 miles. My feet get a little sore,but hip is fine. Walking is so much more easier on the joints. I forgot how much that I loved those long runs. I’ll update you when I walk next month.
OF due 1030-1050 CST. emb