I started to write, “I haven’t forgotten about Weird Wednesday,” but I realized it would have been a lie. I did forget about Weird Wednesday! It was fun that one time, though, and I will do that again soon. It’s kind of like going back over my own work and putting a silly caption over the original—probably making it funnier in the process. Today, however, is another two-fer as we continue rearranging the furniture. It’s Friday, and I must finish churning out new Arlo & Janis fare. I’ll try to post something over the weekend. Maybe “Silly Saturday.”

Rearranged Marriage, cont.
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

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140 responses to “Rearranged Marriage, cont.”
Steve: That is awesome!
Steve, you go too, my friend! That is awesome. We are often defeated because we DON’T do things, not because we cannot perhaps still do them with modifications. I believe that a “Challenge” is what we set ourselves to do, how we compete against ourselves from within. It is fantastic when we can face external challenges ourselves with our own goals. Sometimes getting to the end is winning but sometimes just getting to the starting line is winning as well.
I was once interviewed by a Houston tv reporter who said he had observed I was so happy when my competitors won, more hugging than at the Miss America pageant. He said they seemed more like friends than competitors. I replied they were friends, my only competition was within myself, not they.
You are already a winner in my book.
Love, Jackie
Jackie: Why, yes. Yes, it does. 😉
For you bibliophiles (and especially for any of the Baker Street Irregulars persuasion) out there…
And to think I had never heard it before you posted it! Hadn’t but my mind wanders.
Friend who knows I love cats sent me this. Notice the guy, not the cat, has on a teeshirt with a sailboat? Cats and boats go together. I do not know the cat walker, however!
http://youtu.be/5sy1MDHZ27M Can You Really Walk A Cat?
Watch to end.
Ghost: RE: Sherlock Holmes – what fun!
Jackie, you notice the tail is twitching while they are laughing at him? Better shake out your shoes in the morning, you might have a gift. The rollover and flop trick is what ours did when we put a kitty shirt on her trying to keep her warm.
I never succeeded in getting cat to wear a harness or a sweater either.
We’ve only had one cat that we were able to walk on a leash. Others would do the flop as soon as the harness touched them. Anna had been an indoor cat all her life and quickly demonstrated her lack of street smarts on the rare occasions that she managed to sneak outside. She learned to tolerate the harness and seemed to really enjoy her tours of the backyard. Those ended the day she spotted a glass snake – in the blink of an eye she levitated a couple of feet off the ground, performed a twisting escape worthy of Houdini (from the harness that l thought was quite snug), and took off for the back door!
I have recently been working my way through a complete collection of Sherlock Holmes stories that I downloaded on to my Kindle. Wonderful stuff, and some interesting views of American society of that time by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. His analysis of the KKK in “The Four Orange Pips” is both accurate and fanciful at the same time. Basiclly I am working through them chronologically.
re: 6:35PM ” like changing utilities, everything takes hours longer than one would think it should. I keep adding to list faster than it shortens.” that’s the truth little dinky things that should take 5 minutes can take hours or days! banking insurance, etc. … . Yesterday I got a little wiped out feeling, my wife did cross stitch, she had done a Winter, Autumn and Spring, and going through all the closets I found her unfinished Summer.
… but then I watch something like John Paragon’s Paragon of Comedy special, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmDivKy4czk and feel better. .. I’m on my final Agatha Christie in my kindle ap and don’t know if should try Ian Fleming or see what John Updike was all about
Don’t think Updike will be very cheerful reading or funny one bit. Look for humor! I have friends who email me funny youtube videos and jokes, humor, which cheers me up too.
Have you read all of Dave Barry or Rick Braggs? Their collected columns are hilarious and the novels are too. I like to laugh aloud.
John, your story of your wife’s unfinished Summer really touched a chord with me. I, too, am a crafter. We take comfort in the fact that the things we’ve stitched, knit, sewed, and crocheted will live on after us.
Ursen, you should get a copy of The Annotated Sherlock Holmes. It’s full of original magazine illustrations, footnotes explaining things that are obscure today and stories of the early fans and their meetings. Mine is a large two-volume set in a slipcover.
OF due now-1250 CST, but lens is covered w/ frozen? raindrops.
John and Denise: As I was reading your comments, I looked across the room to my reading chair, across the back of which is draped an afghan crocheted for me by my sister. I’ve already resigned myself to the fact that I’ll be seeing or thinking of things, several times a day, that remind me of her, for the rest of my life or at least for as long as I have sight and comprehension. On the bright side, those things engender many more happy memories and thoughts than sad ones. I’ll take that.
Alexandra is back on TWC today, so perhaps they are going to keep her around. She was just standing in front of the weather map, wearing a slinky red dress, and doing the “weather dance” that Arlo once wanted Janis to perform while wearing a little black nightie. Alex is just as lissome and willowy as I remember, but her hair is long and blonder, and her boobs seem to be larger. Wonder how that happened. Did I mention that back in the day on TWC, she was the Pokies Queen? I believe I did.
There are three causes of boobie enlargement at age 15.
From an old War Eagle,
Many thanks for the great references, especially to Twilight Zone. In my opinion, that show and Gilligan’s Island are about the only good TV shows. I’m pre-television since we got our first set when I was 15. I still like radio and recorded music, “old style”.
I would really appreciate it if anyone in the Village could tell me how to get sound back on videos like U Tube. I have sound on my lap top and with I Tunes but not with videos. I’m almost computer illiterate.
God bless us every one.
You may have set the mute button on the videos. It is down in left corner on mine and I am about illiterate too, my three year old grandson is swifter than me on a tablet!
I am going to follow the guides om these things and learn them. If I could learn every part and what it did, all the functions of the sound systems and various things that a Lincoln or Mercury could do, each and every model, explain and demonstrate it to people, then I can master some of the Smart phone and tablet.
I thought it odd that the Christian.Mingle ad had a woman with low cut spaghetti strap top and large breasts. Of course, I thought of Ghost. I have no idea why I keep getting these darned women advertising they are looking for men?
Funny books and stories? Patrick F McManus, or some of the books by Farley Mowat. Mr. Mowat’s book “The Boat That Wouldn’t Float” is one of the funniest boating books you’ll ever read. The character Rancid Crabtree in McManus’s stories needs to be quoted at least once in a life time.
OF due 1646-1706 CST. Nap time. emb
I have a copy on the shelf behind me and I think it is funny enough for non boaters to enjoy.
I would also recommend any books by Randy Wayne White, a fantastically funny travel writer.
“The Sharks of Lake Nicaragua” is great and his story of diving for golf balls on a golf course in Florida infested by alligators is truly hilarious and so true.
I wish I could be Randy White.
Many years ago when we were first starting to get computers in our school one of our math teachers made the transition to head tech guru. She had the rare gift of being able to understand all the computer geek language, how everything worked, etc., yet she could turn around and explain it all in plain English to technophobes. To older women who were intimidated by all of it, her first questions were “Do you sew? Can you use a sewing machine?” If they answered yes, she assured them that they could learn to use a computer.
We talked about that a number of times and decided that it probably had to do with following directions and with understanding the necessity of doing things in the proper sequence. My husband has used a similar analogy by asking people if they could follow an unfamiliar recipe if they were given all the ingredients and tools. As with sewing and cooking, once you’ve mastered one computer program, figuring out the next one and then the new, improved version gets easier.
Believing you can do it is half the battle – and it’s obvious our Jackie does not lack confidence!
Ursen, I’m with you on the McManus books. One of the first books I read from our library was Farley Mowat’s story about raising a great horned owl. The picture he creates of the owl bringing a dead skunk to Sunday dinner with the pastor visiting is priceless. And the collections by Jean Shepherd, who wrote the story the movie A Christmas Story is based on is well worth your time.
As for sound on videos. if other things on your computer have sound, you need to check the settings on the site with the video. They are located in different places, but look for the little icon that looks like a speaker. Click on it and see what you get. If the little slider that pops up is all the way down or all the way to the left, move it up or to the right. If there is an x in the speaker, click that to unmute.
Y’all are a bad influence, and a hazard to my bank account. After the comment on funny books I started research on an author I had almost forgotten, looking for a book I had read a long time ago. Richard Pike Bissell and his book “Monongahela”. Found it for my Kindle and absolutely had to get it, a bargain at 6.99. A new copy, hard back, goes for over $500.00. There are other books of his I want to read, but will have to wait until later.