Another cat cartoon, from September, 2011. I didn’t choose this old comic to show you, because it is particularly noteworthy. I chose it, because it is the first strip in a week of good strips. By that I mean, if you click through all six strips, Monday through Saturday (and I hope you will), they are all good efforts. I consider a “good effort” a B- or better. There are no stand-outs in this week for sure, comic strips destined to make the Arlo & Janis Top 100, but they’re all solid. That isn’t easy to do! If I could do that every week, or even most weeks, I’d be a very happy cartoonist.

September Song
By Jimmy Johnson
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55 responses to “September Song”
You sell yourself short, Jimmy; about the only times you don’t hit that mark is when the cat shows up.
The cat is stand up man. Get yourself a cat and see.
Eloquence is tough to do, and few there be that find it–
My cats will sleep anywhere, anytime in any position….
Au contraire! September 16th’s strip is a really good one and the “stop and make you think about” is a great example of what sets A&J several notches above other comic strips. (The sexual innuendo is just an added bonus!)
Just thinking –
JJ, every so often, Ludwig’s eyes are shown in red. To me, that is very off-putting; somewhat like you dove into sci-fi for the moment instead of the comfortable normal family life so beloved.
It’s somewhat like your experiment with A&J as animals – UGH!
Ditto, when you make it like an entertainment scene with director and stage, etc. Ugh, squared!
You are a true artist and philosopher in the usual strips, which is why I plan to follow A&J for the rest of my days…and tell others, too. Thanks be to you for your work.
A good week. There are many good weeks. Be happy.
Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for September 12, 2012 – GoComics
This is an example of fantastic work by JJ. I can read this and almost hear Janis’ plaintive question every time. Right on the head….
Every one knows cats eyes reflect green.
It is humans that are red.
“Every one knows cats eyes reflect green.”
My cat didn’t know this. Hers were yellow.
“It is humans that are red.”
Also T-800 terminators and IG assassin droids.
Sept 17 – Rats AND snakes have been known-
Don’t think alligators can do it.
If birds and bees ‘do it’ I suppose alligators do also. Maybe not Albert – LOL
As for one comment on 8/26/21 – The earth cannot be flat or cats would have
everything pushed over the edge.
I have read a LOT of random A and J lately to pass time until GoComics finally posts. I commented to Ghost recently that they were not all extraordinarily exceptional but that many are which is so unusual in a weekly strip.
The Ludwig cat strips are among the most consistently funny and well done because Jimmy understands cats so well. His boat and sailing strips ARE extraordinary for the same reason. Really extraordinary.
I’d include the cooking, both home and restaurant, as exceptional. Jimmy draws so much from his own hobbies, including the gardening and landscapes.
Jimmy knows the Arlo and Janis talking on the couch is what you do when you’re up on a deadline and need a fast one. Or you just can’t come up with a better one.
The fact so MANY truly funny and exceptional examples come up randomly shows just how good Jimmy is.
Try hitting “RANDOM ” button for yourself.
August 17, 1998 begins one of Arlo’s sailing dreams, one of best Jimmy has ever done. It just came up in my Random button hits.
It is so good, funny, sarcastic, accurate — with deep message. Please link it for me so others can reread. Long arc, good marine art. I am always impressed by how well Jimmy knows boats, especially schooners.
The lady asked nicely, so:
Hurling through the night! Ha, good one Jimmy.
I agree, the whole week is very strong, but I have to agree with ‘Blinky’s’ comment, the Friday, Sept. 16 strip is quintessential A&J, easily in top ten.
September 18, 2011 will always be a solid A.
That dog days cartoon came up on my Random search reading too! I agree, really good one.
c x-p sent me the link to this series of six, saying “poignant?” I totally agreed with him and asked if he had or was going to post it here? He said I could do so–and here it is. A really nice remembrance of a special day with “the kids.”
Hmm. That’s the right address below, but it’s not coming up as a link. I’m going to try submitting the post to see if it will work. If not, maybe Mark or Trucker Ron can come to my rescue? Thanks–and thanks c x-p!
It was 2012/09/12, NK/AZ. After our emails, I did post it here at 10:03 pm yesterday. I’d love to take credit, but, like Jacki, I just go randomly through the cartoons for a starting point and then proceed onwards from that date.
Ha! It worked. Yay me.
I don’t recall seeing this one, but I love it, Jimmy. I spend the cold months looking forward to the things you mention in this poem.
Have been reading a LOT from Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins and my own plastic surgeon about repair of the ugly mess created by my botched mastectomy. I need to lose about 50-60 pounds more to get to maximum weight loss for surgery. I can do it but I am going to look like a skeleton with skin. Not sure they can cut remaining breast down small enough?
Going through such doubt and depression right now. Has anyone here dealt with this personally or with spouse/partner?
My plastic surgeon is best in area and among top in entire country. I just don’t know if I am making mistake in considering this at all. Who cares what old women look like any way?
Jackie, it’s about what you need, not what other people think that women of ANY age should look like. As Ruth Anne says, take care of yourself physically and mentally.
Jackie, what will help you escape these feelings of depression? You should care about how you look, as long as you don’t take it to an extreme that hurts you. You have survived so much, and will continue to do so as long as you don’t let those feelings drag you down. Unlike my situation, you don’t have another person who is pushing you off the cliff. You need to listen to your therapist who is telling you how to deal with your depression. And tell her everything that is troubling you, so she can accurately diagnose and treat the issues. Same as dealing with any other medical professional. Best wishes to you and Ghost.
Jackie you are the captain of your ship. My experience or preferences have no
relevance on how you chart your course. So in the short form “Whatever floats
your boat”. That is what is important.
Old Bear (incase I can’t get this straight.)
This has not happened for awhile – I am Neil+of+Norman+and+Rockford
Jackie dear: It doesn’t matter what other people think, only how you feel about yourself – but you know that. I know you’re getting good advice about your physical health. I hope you and these experts are giving equal care to your mental health.
In regard this gravity thing this week–
In my opinion gravity is increasing ever since they stopped atomic testing.
You should see what it has done to my chest, it is so much harder to get up from a chair
or off the floor, it is harder to lift thing I did easily before. That is MY theory and I am sticking
to it. {^¿^}
I me NAME again.
Thanks to all. COVID-19, Afganistan, political division of our country coupled with my physical ill health has plunged me into depression. I am questioning doing anything more beyond losing weight to my body.
I am seeing counsel for mental health and planning to increase that as well.
I lurk here and read daily, read all the old Arlo and Janis randomly and sometimes for months on end. Keep posting, it helps!
Jackie, getting counseling to help you deal with your depression is a very good idea and I’m sure you’ll be feeling better soon. Just remember that you can’t do anything about most of the issues you list and concentrate on those you can affect.
Jackie… I don’t have the physical issues that you are dealing with. But the others? Yes… plus a personal problem. So – I have been dealing with depression also. There is only a few months difference in our ages – suppose that has something to do with it? Anyway – I just keep pressing on. Somedays are good – some not so good. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone. We CAN lick this!
Love and wishes for hope to both of you plus all the others who need it especially right now. Try to remember that none of us are truly alone, and we all must cling to hope.